Bitten by a stray Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2015
Hey guys, this will be my first post. I never really owned a cat before because my mother don't like them. But last saturday, my sister an I saw this not-moving cat and seems to be lethargic. So we brought home the cat and try to make her better. My mother considered that we'll keep the cat for some time till it recover. Sunday morning, the cat recovered from it's lethargic state and started to walk around and even play with me. So seeing that she had a lot of dirt in her body, I decided to give her a bath. It went well at first, I was able to apply soap on her fur and cleaned the outer part of her ears. She tried going out of the basin but I held her on the air so she wont be able to get out. It worked well until I tried to rinse her. She was moving around at the second dipper and she tried to escape from my hand by biting, I was observing her well so I was able to take my hand away before she can bite. I only got some scratch on my left hand. The problem is that, her body is still soapy so I tried once again, when we were done, I started to move towards her basket and that's when she tried to bite me again I felt her teeth on my skin so as a reflex I pulled my hands away. I put her down, checked my hands and saw that there is a little scratch from her teeth. So I washed my hands with soap a few times then soaked the scratched part with vinegar for at least 20 seconds and then applied some isopropyl alcohol and rubbed garlic against it. I kept this incident to myself because I'm too scared to tell my family about it. Here are some photos from today and yesterday afternoon. And the cat too.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
She's awfully skinny, definitely saved by your kind heart taking her in. She needs as much food as you can provide (cats usually don't overeat like dogs), and remember, milk can cause diarrhea. The wound looks fine, not infected, which cat scratches and bites can do awfully easily. That it's a scratch and not a deep puncture wound is good, and you cleaning it right away is REALLY good, you did well! Keep her around for a few weeks at least, cat bites mean a ten day quarantine usually, to make sure she doesn't have anything serious. I'm sure you understand that giving a bath to a strange cat is NOT an easy thing to do, nor a safe thing, you might want to go to a pet section in discount store and get a waterless cleaner for cats for now, until she trusts you. I know my 14 year old would most likely bite me if I gave him a bath, which I never have. Cats are not like smelly dogs, they are self cleaning! I have been deeply bit several times when handling feral cats and kittens,and after being neutered many were never seen again, and yes, I was worried! Now, if your cat gets really sick then you'll have to seek out the care of a DR., but really the scratch looks fine. I've had my arm swell up like a balloon! Of course if your thumb swells up, gets hot and turns red, seek help, there are many germs in a mouth.  

Thank you for opening your heart to this sweet little one, I pray you can give her a forever home, we can sure help you here if you have any questions! All the luck!
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
That bite looks fine to me. You did a really good job of cleaning it. Infected bites feel hotter than the rest of your hand does and usually have yellow pus, but your's looks like it's drying up nicely.

Thank you for saving this cat, she looks very skinny and young. Have you had a vet check her over yet? Most stray cats I've rescued need to be treated for worms. Once this is done they start to put on weight and look healthy again quickly. How are her eyes? Does she seem like she has a cold? Stray cats often have runny nose and eyes. It's usually nothing serious, but get your vet to check and give you something to treat it with. Also, once she's recovered you'll need to get her spayed. Female cats can start having kittens as young as 6 months of age, so it's really important that you do this as soon as you can.

Keep us updated on how it goes, we're here to help if we can.



TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
She is a sad little girl. Are you sure she is a girl btw?

The bite doesn't look like it was deep enough to bleed, looks like the tooth scraped your thumb so it will be just fine.

Brave to bathe a cat who doesn't really know you!

Why does her ear look so dark? Scab on her nose?

She really just needs to be cared for and fed every day, canned if possible. Even cheap friskies canned pate is fine.

She does need deworming too, and a vaccine.

She definitely needs to be fixed asap too.

Are you able to do these things for her?

You will make her life so much better!

Thank you for caring. She is very cute and small, looks young and sweet. She might end up to be a very nice companion and family member :)


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Sorry for answering so late, I saw your post already yesterday...  OK, re the biting.  Its apparently no dormant rabies, as is often the scare with unkown cats biting.  It was pure self-defence here, and these bites were really more of warning bites than bites for real!  If a cat wants to bite for real, it goes alike a flash, and goes deeply in.

So she is apparently of the best brand, even if cornered, is warning off at first.   Apparently she is anxious to please her in, she surely knows you are her only real chance in life, to remain alive...

And as the scratchings didnt go in for real, just rather outsidish,  the cleaning you did was surely more than adequate.

Tx for helping this little sis of ours,  a big tx to your mom whom allowed you to help this cat, and take her home, although she herself doesnt like cats.

Its no that big deal to help out, if you love cats or whatever.   But its a BIG deal to help out, when you really dont like cats, whatever...   Cred to your mom. you and your sis.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
How is the bite mark looking at this point?  I agree, it doesn't look infected. I was only bitten once deeply enough for the wound to eat infected, and that was by my domestic cat of several years when I was trying to give him a pill. You can tell a infection because the wound swells up and oozes. A course of antibiotics clears it right up.  By now your wound is probably cleared up, it looked very superficial.

I hope that you're able to find a home for this kitty if you can't keep him yourself. If he's returned outside, he'll likely become starved and sickly again. Ask your parents if they'd be willing to take him to a low cost clinic to get neutered, de-wormed, to get treated for fleas if he has them, and vaccinated for rabies. Then you can more easily find a home for him. If not, then consider taking him to a shelter such as the Humane Society or Animal Friends--most communities have these. He's young and cute and friendly enough that he'll stand a good chance of getting adopted. I think all of these are better options than putting him back outside.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2015
The cat has an owner [emoji]128529[/emoji] I thought she was a stray cat. Though the real owner doesn't really take good care of them. I still check on her everyday to be sure. They live outside.I just hope she still survuve. She's really friendly and goes near me whenever I check on her.

This is the wound now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
It looks like the bite has completely healed. So glad to see that. May I ask how old you are? From what I can see from the picture you posted of this cat, he looks very malnourished. He is not being taken care of properly. If you are concerned that he may not survive outside, is there a way for your parents to talk to this cat's owner and suggest that they take better care of the cat? Is there a way the owner would give consent for you to take the cat in and nurse him back to health, and find him a good home? In cases such as this, where there is a cat owner who allows the cats to run around outside, doesn't have them neutered or spayed, and doesn't provide proper nutrition and veterinary care, then I see no problem with other people stepping in and caring for these cats and adopting them or finding them good homes. But this is something you should discuss with your parents. You are a very sweet person for loving this cat so much and wanting to help. I was involved in a situation with a cat that is similar to your situation with this cat, and if one of your parents will send me a private message on this forum, I would be happy to share with them how I handled the situation, and how my local police helped me. Good luck.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
The cat has an owner [emoji]128529[/emoji] I thought she was a stray cat. Though the real owner doesn't really take good care of them. I still check on her everyday to be sure. They live outside.I just hope she still survuve. She's really friendly and goes near me whenever I check on her.

This is the wound now.
I agree with MsAimees post here above.  Quite exactly my reaction and what I would try to write.

So your quest isnt over as yet, even if it has changed the course somewhat.

Tx a lot, and good luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2015
It looks like the bite has completely healed. So glad to see that. May I ask how old you are? From what I can see from the picture you posted of this cat, he looks very malnourished. He is not being taken care of properly. If you are concerned that he may not survive outside, is there a way for your parents to talk to this cat's owner and suggest that they take better care of the cat? Is there a way the owner would give consent for you to take the cat in and nurse him back to health, and find him a good home? In cases such as this, where there is a cat owner who allows the cats to run around outside, doesn't have them neutered or spayed, and doesn't provide proper nutrition and veterinary care, then I see no problem with other people stepping in and caring for these cats and adopting them or finding them good homes. But this is something you should discuss with your parents. You are a very sweet person for loving this cat so much and wanting to help. I was involved in a situation with a cat that is similar to your situation with this cat, and if one of your parents will send me a private message on this forum, I would be happy to share with them how I handled the situation, and how my local police helped me. Good luck.
I'm 16 years old ma'am. I talked to my parents about it last night but they still wouldn't give me the permission to take the cat back in. I tried talking to the owner and what she told me is that, it's normal here in our country (Philippines) to have the cats live outside. I was so annoyed about what she said, why raise cats and not know all bout them? I don't know what to do now.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
. I talked to my parents about it last night but they still wouldn't give me the permission to take the cat back in. I tried talking to the owner and what she told me is that, it's normal here in our country (Philippines) to have the cats live outside. I was so annoyed about what she said, why raise cats and not know all bout them? I don't know what to do now.
I agree with you.  Having the cats more or less outside may be one thing - after all, even in USA they often have outside kitties, although its usually ex-semiferales.

But if so, you must of course take care of them, give them food and water at the very least  And shelter if there is no natural shelter nearby.

That cat was practically dying when you took it in.  So it was gross neglect.

You can surely try to proceed with some practical education, say hinting about cheap but yet nourishing food for cats, they can give if they dont afford first rate cat food.

As the neibour told you in no uncertain means what was custom in the Phillippines, I gather you arent from there?   You have moved in from some other country / place?


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
How is the bite mark looking at this point?  I agree, it doesn't look infected. I was only bitten once deeply enough for the wound to eat infected, and that was by my domestic cat of several years when I was trying to give him a pill. You can tell a infection because the wound swells up and oozes. A course of antibiotics clears it right up.  By now your wound is probably cleared up, it looked very superficial.
Yep, that happened to me, sans infection. My little ol' man bit me when trying to give him his pill. Tooth firmly in thumb. Learned if that ever happens, let it bleed as much as it can - which it did! Apparently that flushes out the bacteria. Of course it hurt so badly that I didn't even feel the alcohol when it was poured on. Still have a little scar tissue inside that I can kinda feel from that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
Are you able to continue to feed the cat? Will your parents give you the money to buy the cat food, or is there a way you can raise the money yourself? You can save this cat's life by feeding him, and if possible, providing him with some kind of warm shelter. Even a warm blanket in a tupperware bin would help. If you can keep this cat fed and warm and alive for the next few years, perhaps when you are old enough and move out and are on your own, you can just take the cat with you. In the case where a cat is being severely neglected, it is not stealing to take a cat and care for him. Hopefully this is a male and not female cat, because if it is a female, there will be the added stress of her having litters of kittens. I assume the cat's owner doesn't see the need to spay and neuter her cats? This is a difficult situation. Anything you can do to help this cat is wonderful and you are a kind soul to care so much.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It is a very difficult situation. There are shelters and vets in your country that can help you. Maybe @juleska  could let you know of some contact numbers? As you're still a minor you'll need your neighbour's co-operation and your parent's help to get this cat the medical care he/she needs.

Even if no one is willing to help you and all you can offer this cat is a bit of extra food and some love, it's better than nothing. I know it must be very frustrating for you not to be able to do more, but being a friend to this cat that no one else seems to care about will, I'm sure, count for a lot.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
It is a very difficult situation. There are shelters and vets in your country that can help you. Maybe @juleska  could let you know of some contact numbers? As you're still a minor you'll need your neighbour's co-operation and your parent's help to get this cat the medical care he/she needs.

Even if no one is willing to help you and all you can offer this cat is a bit of extra food and some love, it's better than nothing. I know it must be very frustrating for you not to be able to do more, but being a friend to this cat that no one else seems to care about will, I'm sure, count for a lot.
Yes, some love can often work miracles.  I got to think on the swedish figure of speech "dandelion children".  Its children, whom although a very difficult upbringing - perhaps orphans, perhaps having parents using drugs, etc - do grow up as strong, able, healthy adults.   And the most important point in their survival was, they did had at least ONE loving, caring person. Perhaps a caring neigbour, perhaps a teacher whom saw them, perhaps someone other, often without any formal position.   But whose unselfish love gave them the strenght and courage to proceed, to fight on...

So may it be with children in dire circumstances.  So may it surely be with animals - cats too.

ps.  Dandelion, as many knows, are not only quite beautiful flowers, but they are very sturdy.  They can grow out form asphalt.  And if crushed, they soon enough raise up and grow up anew.  - That is why that saying of Dandelion children did come up.

Also, you can make good wine from these flowers, and the blades are a favorite not only for rabbits, but also, young dandelion blades humans can eat too, as sallad or in soup.   I believe this possible to use the root to, very much starch in there as I remember.  
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
Did this neighbor offer proof they own this poor neglected, starving cat?