*Urgent* Kitten skin problem (ringworm + secondary infection)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 10, 2015
Hello everyone,

I have a major concern about my kitten's health and was wondering if anyone knows what is going could help me out.

I adopted a currently 5 month old kitten this past August from PetSmart. Less than 2 weeks later I noticed a small lesion on his tail and went to the vet. I just moved to a different state so until now I didn't know how incompetent they were. Well getting to the point he has ringworms, it seemed like it was the vet's first time dealing with ringworms, and it got really severe. I switched to a cat exclusive vet a couple weeks ago and feel much better with him.  

My kitten is on antifungal baths, lime sulfur dips, and sporonox (itraconazole). 

His lesions have fully cleared up and his hair on his tail is all grown back. However, his ears look a bit suspicious so I won't be surprised if the culture he took on Saturday comes back positive. 

But what's really concerning me is his chin. He appeared to have multiple black specks on his chin and I'm not sure what my vet called it, but I'm assuming they're black heads? He said that any cat can get it but that it is also caused by ringworms. So that we can assume that it's probably the ringworms causing it. We gave him an antibiotic shot on Saturday, as well, for it.

However, yesterday I noticed that the blackness has bread all over and his whole chin is black. And just this afternoon he has appeared to have major hair loss under his chin. Fighting ringworms for the past 2 months I have seen the symptoms (baldness, lesions, scaling skin, and so on), but this does not look like anything I have seen so far. I am very worried right now. 

I have contacted my vet through email since he's not in today, but I was wondering if I could get second opinions from you guys. 

I've attached 2 pictures from different angles to this post. It's like his skin and fur as a whole is coming off as the bald spots are very clean and pink. 

In case his food bowls were causing the "dirtiness" of his chin, I did change them from stainless steel to ceramic and glass. I've also changed his food since he doesn't seem to be wanting to eat Blue Wilderness anymore. I'm testing out Wellness CORE & Nature's Variety. 

Do you think it is the ringworm? But I'm a bit confused because I'm giving his medicine properly so I don't understand why it would suddenly pop up and get severely worse on his chin? Or the secondary infection? Or one of those and an allergic reaction to the new food? Has anyone dealt with this before?? 

I'm sorry for the lengthy post. I'm really just at my wits' end and don't know why rather than getting better he's developing new symptoms. I'm just a student and this whole situation has been a big blow to me financially and emotionally. I know in adopting him I took on the responsibility for caring for him, but if it's going to be like this for the rest of his life (I'm assuming he has a very weak immune system), I financially won't be able to care for him. My family wants me to give him away but who would be willing to take in a sick cat? And if I take him to a shelter, they'd just kill him of due to his illness...

Please, if anyone could help or advise me, I'd be grateful.

Thank you for your time. 



TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
Hi, just to be clear since you refer to ringworm as "ringworms", in case there is any confusion ringworm is not a worm, its a fungal skin infection like althlete's foot.  What you show on the chin doesn''t look like classic RW, but i suppose its possible but it does look like a very bad case of feline acne.  This is treatable but needs a vets help.  Neither of these issues should last terribly long and will not be a life long condition.

If you adopted from petsmart, you might contact them and see if they are contractually obligated to help with medical costs.


TCS Member
Nov 16, 2015
That looks like feline acne to me. One of my cats had that a few years ago. We switched all food and water dishes to glass instead of plastic and it cleared up. I was told plastic can aggravate it.