Help its urgent!

remi martin

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 3, 2015
I adopted two abandoned kittens. The mom left them and for 1.5 day they were crying non stop. She even tried to kill them before and she disappeared. Anyways I adopted the four baby kittens. 1 of them died and the other my neighbors adopted. I was left with shoko ( a gorgeous black cat) and cookie ( an amazing dotted cat) back then they were 2-2.5 weeks old. I fed them with a pippette 5-6 times a day and helped them poop/pee (now they do it alone in a litter box) till they were ready to be weaned. Right now they eat dry rehydrated food and drink water alone (they're around 4 weeks) and play in a rough way with one another- mini gladiators or so.

Anyways the point is I bought them some toys, one is a mouse on a ball that comes back to its place and the other is a rat that mimics the sound of it dying to attract the cats ( I know it's weird but they love it) but they just get bored. They are not in my house because I have a very aggressive bird that doesn't like cats so they're in the basement which I made warm and comfy for them. I ran out of choices and that's all of what I have and the bird won't shut up he just senses if they're in the house and comes to their secluded door and starts shouting " kill, kill, murder, destroy" ( I blame my brother- once elfonso used to say goodmorning now it's this..) and he doesn't stop.

I work as a real estate agent and in the same time I am studying law and the thing is i just feel bad for them if they get bored but I still don't want to let them stay outside alone because I'm afraid that they' won't survive. even if I'll leave them food and water. What age do you think that I should let them go? Will I still be able to see them if I leave them food and water outside? Am I doing alright? ( right now they're really healthy and the vet was impressed). Another thing that's a bit bothering me is the fact that I have to wake up much earlier before work at around 5:30 am and go to sleep at midnight makes my days really tiring.

Please any added info on what should I do and when should I let them be outside would make my day really better. sorry if I wrote the message in a messy way it's an hour and 15 mins past midnight.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 24, 2015
The kittens should not just be let outside, ever.  Are you properly socializing them?  Have you looked for no kill shelters in your area?  You've done a wonderful thing by rescuing these babies but it will take just a bit more time to get the job done.

It sounds like your plate is pretty full so if I were you I would try placing them in a no kill shelter ASAP.  Where are you located?
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remi martin

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 3, 2015
Since its kitten season- from what I understood from the no kill shelter people- the shelters are over packed and that's why they refused to take them. I saw the amount of animals and I do understand them.
I have been playing with them and every time I am with them they purr constantly and I am happy about that.

Another thing that I forgot to mention is that I live in a group of buildings which is enclosed by a walls and inside there's a pretty big garden for them to play and roam and I would leave them food and water.

I just have to say another thing. They play fight in a rough way and it seems like they really love attacking my flip flop. Is this ok?


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Kittens have a lot of energy, just like kids. They are burning that up byplay fighting. Not sure how old they are but it sounds like it is be time to spay or neuter them. That helps calm things down. I agree with Dandila - please don't put them outside.

Cats can live quite happily inside. It is a myth that they just have outside time. Even if you have a nice backyard, most cats will want to explore and this often leads to trouble.

I have a neighbor who lets her cats outside. She insists that they don't go near the road but I've seen them both cross it and go into the woods. I fear one of these days one will be hit by a car as it is a busy road.

I think the two of them should be fine in the basement. Cat you get them a cat tree? That will give them some vertical space, which all cats love.

Thank you for doing all you have for them. Sounds like you have an incredibly busy life!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
If they're 4 weeks old, as you say,  then they're too young to be spayed or neutered--their energy is simply kitten energy. Please don't put them outside, ever. They are being socialized to be indoor cats and would not know how to care for themselves outdoors. They would be strays in need of a caregiver, and in about 5-6 months would be having kittens of their own who would be strays. Can you keep the two kittens? They have a MUCH better life in your basement than in a cage in a shelter, which has much less room for them to move around and live normal kitten lives, and they certainly a very much better life than if you put them outside.

Is your bird in a cage? If so, then as long as the bird cage is somewhere that the kittens couldn't get to, there shouldn't be a problem. They will get used to each other. The bird is likely mimicking what he was taught to say--I doubt the bird is actually contemplating killing the cats. Animals do adjust to each other--cats can learn to get along with other cats, and with dogs, and even with birds. It will take a little time, but will be worthwhile for you and the kittens in the long run if you keep these kitties and work with them as best you can.

If you can't keep them long-term, then please keep them until they're 8-12 weeks old and try to find homes for them. You can post their pictures on social media and put up flyers in local churches, vet clinics, and supermarkets. Do word of mouth among your family, friends, and co-workers. Please consider this option before you put the kittens out or take them to a shelter. At 4 weeks of age, they're too young to be moved anywhere, so I hope you'll be patient. Thanks for taking them in!