Chronic diarrhea, please help!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2015
My grandma has a 16.5 year old male cat with diarrhea and vomiting, he has been having it all the time for a couple months now. We took him to the vet a couple months ago which said after his blood test that he has liver problems, and he gave us liquid vitamins, probiotic, medicine to stop him throwing up, and special wet food. He hasn't gotten better. At the time when we gave him the things that the vet gave us, he got better for 3 days and then got worse. He did not eat the food and returned to his previous state. We have given him turkey which he got better again for a couple days, and then again returned to his old state. He is constantly eating and drinking and then poops it right out. He usually has dirrhea 3-4 times a day and its gotten so bad he just goes where he is at the moment (on the floor, in the kitchen, etc.) He goes around the house meowing as though he is in pain. We also consulted a vet whos a friend of ours that lives in another country, and he said that due to his age its likely that his organs are shutting down and he's not properly digesting his food, that we can give him different types of food to make him better for a couple days, but hes untreatable. We are thinking of putting him to sleep due to his constant pain and since nothing is working for him. We dont know what to do and really dont want to put him to sleep. Does anybody know what may be wrong? Please help!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 22, 2015
our 8 y/o male recently went through a terrible 2 month + episode of diarrhea. we tried special food from the vet, prescription meds (antibiotics), probiotics, pumpkin, kaolin/pectin otc meds and the only thing that finally helped was immodium. i don't see it recommended much on here but it's the only thing that worked and our cat was going all over the house too. we were constantly cleaning carpet and his bottom got really raw and sore. we used the preparation wipes for that. we just held them there for a few seconds. he didn't like it but they did help. good luck with your kitty!


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Please do not try to self-medicate your cat. You're likely to cause more harm than good even with OTC drugs. You can read more here -

 [article="0"]Otc Medications Safe For Cats​[/article]  

I think you need to take the cat to the vet for a re-evaluation, including blood works. The saying that "his organs are shutting down" is way too general. He may have liver and even kidney issues but many of these conditions can be treated. Right now he's obviously suffering and that has to stop. Once a qualified veterinarian runs the tests and gives you a prognosis and a suggested course of action you'll have to make the hard decision of whether you can and want to treat or whether he should be put to sleep humanely. That's not something you can decide based on a phone call with an overseas vet. If you don't trust the judgement of the vet who's treated him two months ago, it's ok to get a second opinion. Please do not delay this appointment and don't try to treat him on your own. It sounds like he's in pain and suffering and needs professional help asap.

Let us know what the vet says and how he's doing, and good luck!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 24, 2013
I think some vets are not active and eager enough, when presented with a sick old cat. Unfortunately some will just give vague answers, and some "general all round treatment", like pro-biotics. Dont get me wrong pro-biotics is my "go to" product for tummy upsets, both for me and my pets, but from what you say, pro-biotics will not treat your cats problem. Its a nice support for your cats digestive system, while receiving proper treatment, but thats all. Medication to keep him from throwing up, does just that - keeps him from throwing up. It doesnt fix the real problem. At best, it covers it up.

I'd take this cat either back to vet vet, or to a new vet (depending on how good your communication is with you current vet, and if you can make him work a little harder to pin point the problem and treat your cat). Demand proper answers to exactly what is wrong. Liver problems can be a lot. Everything from an infection, to the liver not doing its job.If this is indeed a liver issue, get answers as to what sort of liver problem youre facing. Liverproblems can cause the sympthoms your cat has, but so can so many other things.

I assume the wet food was a liver diet? In addition to that, all depending on the cats real problem, there are multliple things you can give that will support the liver function. Some are sold by the vets and online, unfortunately I dont know the names of any specific product in other countries (here we got Hepacyl and Nutramax Marin Liver Support for example). Milk thistle is also used, and there are special products for felines. Im surprised that the vet didnt advice any of this, again IF this is a liver issue. Bring this up with your vet.

Take kitty back, pin point the issue, request proper treatment - not just probiotics and medication to cover up the sympthoms.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2015
Thank you everyone! We will take our kitty to a different vet to try to pin point the real issue instead of just treating his symptoms. I will keep everyone updated, thank you so much! I also read into milk thistle and appears to be really beneficial, we will try it!