Problems with play


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 11, 2014
Greendale, Wi
If you remember I posted that my new girl wanted to play all the time.  Lately, she only plays for a few minutes & then walks off.  She is very bored but no longer interested in her toys.  I swear I have every toy made; floor, electric, as well as fishing pole toys.  It used it be the DaBird & it's attachments really got her going.  Now she only plays with each for a few minutes.  Yes, I have rotated the pole toys.  I don't have to rotate the floor toys because you know how they manage to disappear quickly.  In the end I think I will have to get her a young companion cat & pray that I don't get asked to leave my condo.  I really think this is going to be the only thing that keeps her happy.  My evidence that she is bored is starting to stand at the end of peeing.  Yes, she has been to the vet.    I let her play in the garage with the door closed.  There are leash laws where I live.  This is a very social, intelligent girl!  Up until now if I would say "so you don't want to play" & she would immediately attack the toy in fear I would put the toys away.    Now this no longer works.  She is a Siamese mix.

I would play several times a day but I don't want to be doing all the work & getting frustrated at the lack luster response.  Any other ideas???


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
My 7 month old isnt as interested in toys anymore either. Planning on getting him a buddy. Does your condo only allow 1? And would there be anyway they would find out? My apt allows them but i havent even told them yet.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 29, 2015
I'm right there with you. My living room looks like the punchline of Steve Martin's "cat handcuffs" routine. My 5-6 month old goes from "OHWOWOHWOWOHWOWTHISISTHEBESTTHINGEVERPLAYPLAYPLAY!" to "What's this thing? This is isn't a toy. I want to play. Bring me a toy, human" in the space of a day. He mopes because I'm not playing with him, but he doesn't want to play with anything. Well, except for the chew toys on the end of my hands. He never, ever, EVER gets tired of chomping on those.

Unfortunately, this insta-boredom sometimes includes his food.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Cats do get tired of the same toys. Just as you do with children, you have to rotate them. 

And as they get older, they lose some interest also.

But in your situation, I would think it is boredom. Try putting the old toys away, and pick up a couple, I mean only a couple of new ones. 

Put the new ones out. Switch out the old and the new periodically; mix them up..

My guy is older, 11 yrs old. He has lost interest in his toys. Yes, my apartment looks like a cat condo; toys everywhere. I switch them out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. He has not interest in Da Bird! He is more of a mouser. 

Artie used to love a small sponge ball. He would go crazy with me bouncing it, throwing it--it was so much fun. Then he got it sits on the floor. He does bat it around at night, but not to the extent as he used to. I have to have spares on hand because they hide from view. 

Same thing is happening now with something else. Last month he decided he loved his mouse again! You should have seen him play with it. Now one is lost in 'never-never' land and the other is in hiding also. He kicks them around a bit at night. 

That is when he is not sleeping with me...

Cats change, just as we do..

macha 143

TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 4, 2015
As for Macha, she get bored at times too, she just look at those colorful hair ties lol like saying "oh no...same...same...same" so I played hide and seek lol she loves it. The next day she will play again with her hair ties...her favorite toys so far. She has many toys but hair ties she loves the most (after playing I kept it coz I don't want her to eat it.)
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 11, 2014
Greendale, Wi
Thanks guys!  We still get the best interest for DaBird but kill the feathers about once a week.  Those replacements are expensive!  She chews up the plastic holder.  Can not rotate floor toys because most are under the washer/dryer/stove/refrig.  You guys know how that is.  I try to rotate the attachments for the want but once they are chewed up they all look the same. 

Tried clicker training a bit today.  Just teaching come and touch.  That went pretty well.  I wish she would sleep more during the day like a normal cat.  I appreciate your comments & feel better that we are not the only ones.  Maybe this is just a change in the weather.  Can no longer leave her window open all day.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Have you tried getting lots of different attachments for Da Bird? Asha's fickle with her toys, so I have a whole box full of weird and wonderful attachments for Da Bird - everything from feathers to birds, mice, streamers and even an octopus and a crab (who sadly lost some of his legs to the labrador before he was ever used :bat: ). I also have a few cheap fishing pole toys - she currently loves a freebie that has a squeaky mouse on the end of elastic - and various feather sticks.

Another tip is to put your cat in front of this video before a play session. By the time they've watched it they're really fired up for interactive play!