Introducing new kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 26, 2015

I'm new here and I need some advice about the introduction of a new kitten in the house.

So, I found a kitten about 6 weeks old with a very bad eye infection in the street alone. He was in very bad shape. Me and my boyfriend brought him home and took care of him with the help of the vet. The infection is now treated although he will always be almost blind. Hopefully there will be no need to remove his eyes.

The problem (not a problem but something we have been working) is we have another cat in the house about 1 year old, also a cat that we picked from a vet clinic because he was abandoned. We have kept them separated and we did all the process of smell, introducing them through a glass and then let them be together in the same room. This process is going on for like a month now!

Our older cat has some behavior issues, like he doesn't know where to stop biting and stretching us when playing (probably because he had no litter mates and mother since he was really young). So I think that the older cat may be bullying the younger one (he is now almost 12 weeks old). He never hissed, growled or something like that, even when they first saw each other. And he grooms him sometimes, but most of the times he is chasing him and biting is neck and belly really hard. The fights become really rough and I don't know if it's normal or if the older is rejecting the younger.

Also, we have to be careful because of the eyes, so we don't let them carry the fights to long. The thing is sometimes when the fight is really bad and we separate them again, the older cat is going to the door of the room scratching and meowing like he wants to play. And when he sees the younger he does that sounds, I think it's called trilling.

Some advice? I'm really confused and I don't if this is going good or bad!

Thank you!


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hi @Medusa24 and welcome to TCS.

How is your 12 week old boy reacting to the 'play' of the older cat?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It sounds as though the 12-week-old is very much over-powered by your other cat. Since they are presently mismatched by size and age, I would only allow them to be together under supervision, and I would not allow the older cat to tackle or bite the kitten at all.

It sounds like your older cat is attempting to dominate the kitten, as well as establish territory. It's not good for the kitten to be terrorized, however.

I think there is plenty of time for the cat and kitten to become better friends when the kitten gets bigger and older, so mixed company when supervised for now.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 26, 2015
Hi @Medusa24 and welcome to TCS.

How is your 12 week old boy reacting to the 'play' of the older cat?
The kitten (Nero) is fighting back and when the older (Boris) doesn't chase him, he bits his tail and legs until Boris gets really annoyed. So, Nero is not running away or hiding.
It sounds as though the 12-week-old is very much over-powered by your other cat. Since they are presently mismatched by size and age, I would only allow them to be together under supervision, and I would not allow the older cat to tackle or bite the kitten at all.

It sounds like your older cat is attempting to dominate the kitten, as well as establish territory. It's not good for the kitten to be terrorized, however.

I think there is plenty of time for the cat and kitten to become better friends when the kitten gets bigger and older, so mixed company when supervised for now.
We are keeping the visits supervised and we are not going to let them be alone until we are sure that Boris is not going to hurt Nero. The problem is that Boris always wants to play with Nero. He stays next the door of the room sometimes meowing and scratching the door and then Nero does it too.

Also, since Nero came to the house, Boris started to wake up at 4 am and meowing to play!

Maybe I should purchase Feliway?

Thank you for the advice!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Feliway is always a good investment! It sounds like your cat is happy to have some company to play with. They appear to be making friends, but will continue to need supervision until their sizes are better matched, which will be when the kitten is around 6 months old.