Painless way to Whiten Teeth


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
My friend has the whitest teeth and she has never had them professionally done. She told me she gargles with half mouthwash and half 3% hydrogen peroxide every night. 

I've been looking for an alternative to professionally whitening teeth since I have tooth sensitivity. So, I tried it out and I've been gargling once a day for about two weeks with 3% cut with half mouthwash, and there is a noticable difference. The cost is minimal but you do need consistency and patience for it to work. I'm really happy about how white my teeth are already, so I thought I'd share. I had a tiny bit of sensitivity the 3rd day so I switched to a toothpaste for it. 

If you do this:

1) use ONLY 3% hydrogen peroxide

2) make sure not to swallow any

3) rinse with water

Hydrogen Peroxide is the key ingredient in all whitening toothpastes and treatments. Like all chemicals, it is safe at a certain threshold, and dangerous in higher concentrations.

It is ok to rinse with the 3% undiluted, if you don't have sensitive teeth, and that would no doubt work even better.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Interesting. Our peroxide is 5%. I'll have to look for 3%.....yeah, I'll try it.

Several years ago, I had my teeth professionally whitened. It worked and worked well, but it's expensive to keep up. And I drink a lot of coffee and tea, which doesn't help. I use a whitening mouthwash, brush twice a day, floss, etc. I have a tiny bit of sensitivity in my lower gum, so I might have some problems.



TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Interesting. Our peroxide is 5%. I'll have to look for 3%.....yeah, I'll try it.

Several years ago, I had my teeth professionally whitened. It worked and worked well, but it's expensive to keep up. And I drink a lot of coffee and tea, which doesn't help. I use a whitening mouthwash, brush twice a day, floss, etc. I have a tiny bit of sensitivity in my lower gum, so I might have some problems.

Be prepared. it may be "painless" but peroxide tastes absolutely horrible. The mouthwash does nothing to make it better either. 


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I do this because it's recommended by my dentist to keep bacteria at bay better than just mouthwash.

My teeth still look dingy :p


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I talked to my dentist about the teeth whitening procedure. I was surprised by his reply!

He told me to save my money and go and buy the Crest White Strips. He said it does the same thing for a huge fraction of the cost. So I did, and they worked.

In the past before there was such a thing as these white strips, I used to dip a Q-Tip in Javex bleach and bleach my teeth one-by-one.   And then used my finger wrapped in a wet facecloth to go over my teeth to remove excess bleach, and then rinsed my mouth several times.  My dentist was ok with that because they use a bleach solution during some of their procedures. I know I certainly tasted bleach while he was doing a root canal on one of my back molars.

I don't do it anymore. I use the whitening strips, and sometimes brush with baking soda.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I talked to my dentist about the teeth whitening procedure. I was surprised by his reply!

He told me to save my money and go and buy the Crest White Strips. He said it does the same thing for a huge fraction of the cost. So I did, and they worked.

In the past before there was such a thing as these white strips, I used to dip a Q-Tip in Javex bleach and bleach my teeth one-by-one.   And then used my finger wrapped in a wet facecloth to go over my teeth to remove excess bleach, and then rinsed my mouth several times.  My dentist was ok with that because they use a bleach solution during some of their procedures. I know I certainly tasted bleach while he was doing a root canal on one of my back molars.

I don't do it anymore. I use the whitening strips, and sometimes brush with baking soda.
natalie_ca natalie_ca I have seen there are several different ones of the Crest White Strips so are you talking about any particular one. I had mine professionally done. I still have the trays and tube of whitener so I can do mine when I want. But my husband might would try the White Strips. He thinks the professional job is too expensive.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
I talked to my dentist about the teeth whitening procedure. I was surprised by his reply!

He told me to save my money and go and buy the Crest White Strips. He said it does the same thing for a huge fraction of the cost. So I did, and they worked.

In the past before there was such a thing as these white strips, I used to dip a Q-Tip in Javex bleach and bleach my teeth one-by-one.   And then used my finger wrapped in a wet facecloth to go over my teeth to remove excess bleach, and then rinsed my mouth several times.  My dentist was ok with that because they use a bleach solution during some of their procedures. I know I certainly tasted bleach while he was doing a root canal on one of my back molars.

I don't do it anymore. I use the whitening strips, and sometimes brush with baking soda.
I guess the Crest White Strips work for a lot of people, but my post is about a way to whiten sensitive teeth very gradually, so you don't develop the sensitivity pain. Those Strips look bad anyway, you can usually see when people use those since their front teeth are a different color than their side teeth - it shows up when they smile or talk.

Also, I would advise strongly against putting chorine bleach on one's teeth or anywhere in the mouth!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I guess the Crest White Strips work for a lot of people, but my post is about a way to whiten sensitive teeth very gradually, so you don't develop the sensitivity pain. Those Strips look bad anyway, you can usually see when people use those since their front teeth are a different color than their side teeth - it shows up when they smile or talk.

Also, I would advise strongly against putting chorine bleach on one's teeth or anywhere in the mouth!
Use the strips every other day or every 3 days. Use Sensodyne toothpaste to combat tooth sensitivity.

So far as using bleach on your teeth? While I did it, I am not advocating others do it. The last thing you want to do is swallow bleach.