Denamarin, Nausea and Feeding Schedules


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Mooch started on Denamarin last Monday.  She's also been on an antibiotic for a week and a half (the vet had to order the Denamarin) and taking Pepcid as well.  We don't have a definitive diagnosis on what is going on with Mooch yet.  We will be rechecking her blood work in a few weeks to see if her liver values improve.  I've been having real issues getting her to eat enough.  It's taken EFFORT!!  She has lost weight and is feeling bony around her spine and hips.  For the most part; she is still acting like herself; her coat looks good, she plays and cuddles like normal.  When she hasn't eaten much; I have seen her hunch a bit like she is in pain.  After coaxing food in her; she stops.  

Over the last few months Mooch has become more and more finicky.  I generally serve half a can of wet with hot water added; sometimes I heat it a bit.  I have to re-stir and add more warm water usually twice to get her to eat most of that.  And give her breaks in between.  I was feeding her 3 times a day that way.  Looking back her appetite decrease started around September/October but switching her canned food perked it up for a while.  She has always been one who needs food changes to be gradual.  She has been HUNGRY all along.  She just starts to eat and then walks away.  She will however, eat treats all day long. 

She is really hard to pill and forget syringing fluid into her; so I'm giving the Denamarin in half a pill pocket.  I use the soft Whisker Lickins to get the other things in her (same for Noodles, who won't take pill pockets).  The last few days I've noticed her licking her lips more; so I'm thinking nausea from the Denamarin?  Out of desperation I bought a small bag of the cheaper dry food my mother's cats eat.  Lo and behold she is nuts for it.  The first 2 meals after it she ate great.  Then her appetite dwindled again.  That was when I noticed the lip licking start.  It seems her best meal of the day is in the morning.  I give the Denamarin in the evening an hour or 2 before I feed both dinner.  (Noodles also needs a break between pills and food or she will throw it all up.)

Is anyone familiar with giving this supplement?  I know it can cause some nausea as a side effect.  I'm wondering if it would be better to give it first thing in the morning; then waiting a few hours to give her breakfast?  Or if I should move up her evening meal and give that later?  Her stomach would be more empty in the morning; but does that increase the chance for nausea and then not eating well during the day?  She did throw the Denamarin up once; the 2nd night.  I found it on my laundry room floor the next morning  The blue coating was only partially dissolved on one side.  Since then I've been encouraging her to stay near me until I feed her.  She is technically a good weight; but feeling bony along her spine, hips and the bottom of her ribs.  I need her to eat.; even if it's a lower quality food than I'd like.

Noodles has CHF so she is medicated twice a day as well.  These girls might be litter mates; but they are giving me opposite problems when it comes to meals.  As in Noodles will eat pretty much any pate style cat food you set in front of her and any dry.  She will finish her food and then move on to Mooch's bowl and she has always been the food alpha in the house.  She is now overweight and I have to supervise her meals too. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 8, 2018
Mooch started on Denamarin last Monday. She's also been on an antibiotic for a week and a half (the vet had to order the Denamarin) and taking Pepcid as well. We don't have a definitive diagnosis on what is going on with Mooch yet. We will be rechecking her blood work in a few weeks to see if her liver values improve. I've been having real issues getting her to eat enough. It's taken EFFORT!! She has lost weight and is feeling bony around her spine and hips. For the most part; she is still acting like herself; her coat looks good, she plays and cuddles like normal. When she hasn't eaten much; I have seen her hunch a bit like she is in pain. After coaxing food in her; she stops.

Over the last few months Mooch has become more and more finicky. I generally serve half a can of wet with hot water added; sometimes I heat it a bit. I have to re-stir and add more warm water usually twice to get her to eat most of that. And give her breaks in between. I was feeding her 3 times a day that way. Looking back her appetite decrease started around September/October but switching her canned food perked it up for a while. She has always been one who needs food changes to be gradual. She has been HUNGRY all along. She just starts to eat and then walks away. She will however, eat treats all day long.

She is really hard to pill and forget syringing fluid into her; so I'm giving the Denamarin in half a pill pocket. I use the soft Whisker Lickins to get the other things in her (same for Noodles, who won't take pill pockets). The last few days I've noticed her licking her lips more; so I'm thinking nausea from the Denamarin? Out of desperation I bought a small bag of the cheaper dry food my mother's cats eat. Lo and behold she is nuts for it. The first 2 meals after it she ate great. Then her appetite dwindled again. That was when I noticed the lip licking start. It seems her best meal of the day is in the morning. I give the Denamarin in the evening an hour or 2 before I feed both dinner. (Noodles also needs a break between pills and food or she will throw it all up.)

Is anyone familiar with giving this supplement? I know it can cause some nausea as a side effect. I'm wondering if it would be better to give it first thing in the morning; then waiting a few hours to give her breakfast? Or if I should move up her evening meal and give that later? Her stomach would be more empty in the morning; but does that increase the chance for nausea and then not eating well during the day? She did throw the Denamarin up once; the 2nd night. I found it on my laundry room floor the next morning The blue coating was only partially dissolved on one side. Since then I've been encouraging her to stay near me until I feed her. She is technically a good weight; but feeling bony along her spine, hips and the bottom of her ribs. I need her to eat.; even if it's a lower quality food than I'd like.

Noodles has CHF so she is medicated twice a day as well. These girls might be litter mates; but they are giving me opposite problems when it comes to meals. As in Noodles will eat pretty much any pate style cat food you set in front of her and any dry. She will finish her food and then move on to Mooch's bowl and she has always been the food alpha in the house. She is now overweight and I have to supervise her meals too.
Hiya! Was told you're still active. Are you still giving denamarin? I was giving mine for a week and yesterday he started licking his lips a lot... eating just fine though
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Hiya! Was told you're still active. Are you still giving denamarin? I was giving mine for a week and yesterday he started licking his lips a lot... eating just fine though
I answered in your thread before I saw this. Hopefully that helps but I’ll check back there later too. 🙂

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Just a quick fyi:
Denamarin = silymarin = milk thistle
Denosyl = s-adenosyl = SAM-e

When I was managing my angel Pippen's liver issues, he was on a regimen of milk thistle, SAM-e, Prednisolone and occasional Cerenia for nausea. I worked the dosages of the milk thistle and SAM-e out with my vet as a way to save a little money so I could afford the other medications. The pred dosage would fluctuate, sometimes taking a few weeks off it, since generally speaking, you don't really want to be on that long term. The Cerenia was an occasional "as needed" for nausea.

Much like kidney issues (and with all the meds, the kidneys do factor in), you definitely want to get as much hydration in their meals as possible.
