2 Cats, 1 Small Apartment


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 1, 2014
Too long and don't want to read?: My name? Jake. My cats: Dusty, the cuddly devil; and Bella, the badass angel


Hi there! My name is Jake, and as my username suggests, I have never -not- had a cat. This is -kind of a teency weency lie-, tho. When I first moved into my apartment, for a whole year I didn't have any pets, but I still always went to my mother's and saw my cat of ten years. So, physically, there has been a period of time when I didn't have a cat living with me, but I still always had a cat nearby!

Now, let's meet my kitties! (Well, cats, but you know how it goes)

Dusty (Full name: Dusty Kitty; Nickname: Dusters, Hitler-Cat, Baby)


~1 1/2- 1 3/4 years of age

I was given Dusty to me by a close friend. That friend was moving out of state and the place where he was moving to didn't allow cats. We figured it would be an easier transition for Dusty if I took him because ever since my friend had taken Dusty home I was in Dusty's life. He used to actually sleep on me as a kitten whenever I spent the night.

In all my life of having cats, Dusty is amazing, and one of a kind. He's super cuddly when he wants to be, but he doesn't like to be forced to do anything. He usually lets me pick him up and put him in my lap so I can pet him, but if a friend came over, he became a little devil. Now-a-days, he's pretty comfortable with the friends that come over a lot, and the friends that rarely come over, I think he knows that I wouldn't let anyone in who would hurt him, so he's basically indifferent to those people, but he still might not let them touch him.

Speaking of touching him, He wont let anyone purposefully touch his rear and under areas, including me. He used to not let me touch his neck and chest, but he's grown to trust me, but that back and under areas, he just can't get over. Sometimes, but only sometimes, I can do a long stroke from head to tail, but as I get to the middle of his tail, he'll look at me and meow. He used to bite me, but not really a bite.. You know when they just like put their teeth onto your skin, like they're going to bite you, but they don't put any pressure into it? I think it was just his was of saying "I love you, but remember that these teeth can go through your skin if you touch me there again"

He's very playful, but he's an aggressive playful, so I don't play with him hardcore too often, but I still play with him, but just light play. I have a friend who comes over often, and then play... Like hard core. My friend's hands and arms, and once his chest, is usually full of scratches after about two visits. He's not mean to Dusty, in any way, he's just not afraid to get scratched. I am. 

For a couple of months, this was Dusty's only way to 'blow off steam' or however you want to describe it.

But then, Bella came into our lives!

Bella (Nicknames: Bella-baby, princess, baby)

~4 years of age

Like Dusty, Bella was given to me because one of my friends was moving, and they couldn't take her. The transition with Dusty and Bella took a couple of days, starting with me holding Dusty and Bella's then-current owner holding her. Both cats just growled and hissed and clawed, and everything. I let dusty go, and gave him a chance to smell some of her things, like her litter box and her kennel. After a couple of hours, Bella's owner left(it was like 3 o'clock in the morning) and I fell asleep. Nothing happened. I woke up to Bella on my counter staring Dusty down as he paced the apartment. I made sure both of them had food and water and gave them both some pets before going to work. When I came home, I had noticed Bella didn't eat any of her food, or drank any water that I could tell. But I did find her on top of my cupboards, and I was instantly in love with her, I love climbers. Don't worry, the next day, she took a couple of nibbles of her food, and by the third day she was eating regularly. There was still some tension between the two, but for the first week or so, they were indifferent with each other. sometimes growling at each other, but they only got into it once, and Bella showed him up.I was proud that day :)

Bella is patient, introverted, soft, and warm. Personality wise. She is soft to the touch, but Dusty has her beat. She likes to climb things, and I also found out that she can open things, like cupboards, drawers, doors(if they aren't latched. Once, she hung onto the top of a cupboard door and kicked off with her back feet to swing it open. I literally busted out laughing. She was always going into my lower cupboards and on top of the upper cupboards, so I decided to make a home on top of one, and inside of one. I have since baby-latched the lower cupboards(because I am using them for food and cleaning supplies), but she still has her upper cupboard home and the fridge, and my three dressers, so she still has drawers and stuff to sleep in.

In the beginning, she didn't come around me too much. If I picked her up, the minute it was safe to leave(like when I sat down or if I was by a counter) she would leave. She would let me pet her here and there, but no marathon petting. She never growled or bit me, she wasn't that kind of cat. Like I said, she was patient. She might not like something, but she's not going to throw a tantrum like Dusty would. After about 2 months, I was sitting and typing on my laptop, and all of a sudden, here comes my Bella-baby, steps on my arm, then continues onto my chest and lies across my arm and chest. I told her "Bella, I'm so extremely happy that you decided that you love me, but I'm in the middle of something." Needless to say, we sat like that for about 2 hours before I had to get up.

My friend had told me that she likes to sleep in the bed with him, but as I sleep on my couch, she never really came to sleep with me. I think she was waiting for me to go to my bed, but I never did(she slept on my bed, and so did Dusty). But, it wasn't long after she came to lay(lie?) on me that I woke up to her covering my face with her body. I don't do well with my face(my mouth and nose, mainly) being covered, at any time.. I was impressed, and not impressed, at the same time. Now, she usually sticks to either on my upper back and neck(I sleep on my stomach or side), at my feel, or under the covers in between my legs. She's even used to me moving around all the time on the couch, haha.

Dusty will sleep at my feet, too, sometimes. But he usually is most comfortable right by my lap(sometimes in it) as I'm sitting on the couch. If I'm laying down, and Bella steals the feet, he'll lay at my head, but on the ground, right by the couch. I suspect that when I start sleeping in a bed, they both will be all over the place by me :)

Bella has brought some new habits to Dusty, some of them I like(well, one mainly) and others I don't like. Before Bella, Dusty would only jump onto the cupboards, and that was only if there was a glass of water there(or if he was searching for a glass of water). Now, I will find him on my dressers, on my fridge, and I've seen him once on top of the cupboard. This I like, as I said, I love climbers. She also brought playing with the water and food dishes(UGHHHH) and also scratching the furniture. These I could do without, but they have mainly stopped since I separated the food and water dishes, but the scratching continues.

Together, Dusty and Bella are kind of like Simba and Nola, they will play, and then they'll give each other baths. It's literally the cutest thing that goes on in my apartment. (Right now, they are playing a game of "hide and seek" lol)

These kitties are my babies, and I cherish our relationship. I can't wait for the years to come!


TCS Member
Nov 26, 2014
Such beautiful kitties and I enjoyed your story.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 19, 2014
Beautiful cats!  One of our former cats was named Jake - it's a great name for a cat :)  Max & Phoebe say hello!