how do i check if cats jaw is dislocated


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 2, 2014
HI, i really need some advice..

I brought my cat from ear cleaning 8 days ago, she had to go through gas anesthesia and when i brought her home, she lost hearing, balance walking and did not eat or drink. I had to force feed her with syringe and give her water. We ended up taking her for fluids and after bringing her back she had her first attempt eating, but it just was one time and she  went back to not eating or drinking. I am giving her steroids -Prednisone prescribed by vet and  keep force feeding her, yesterday she got Sub Q fluids and today few times ate by herself, just a bit each time.

But i have noticed that she was biting wet food and there was a weird sound as if she was biting some plastic. Few times she yawned and when closing her mouth teeth made the same sound like it was some kind of friction or something. Is it possible that her jaw got dislocated when having gas anesthesia. The problem is that she is very wild and aggressive to just take her for examination and vets don't give me exact answers why she lost hearing, why she walks drunk and why she doesn't eat or drink and now this! What is with her jaw? Can cats with dislocated jaw eat at all, do they feel pain if lets say hers was dislocated?

What is happening?!!

She has long history of medication problems. Such as serious allergy on anesthesia when neutering

, vaccination, until allergy medication reaction and to add more she has kidney disease.

Gas anesthesia they said would be safest, but what if doctor moved her mouth too much and dislocated her jaw? Please give me some advice on how can i check her jaw, what are the symptoms?

Thank you!


red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Unfortunately this would require another vet visit -- an x-ray might show it, but it could also be something your cat is actually doing or a muscle spasm causing the grinding.  I know exactly what you are talking about and I have had cats do that when they were very ill.  Their jaws were not dislocated but they were clenching their teeth, related to the CNS signs of the illness.  The balance issues and the nausea are all probably related to the inner ear problem (you did not mention why your cat had to have ear cleaning under anesthesia).  There IS a drug to help with the dizziness, which is the same as human Antivert, generic name MECLIZINE.  My vet prescribed it when my cat had an inner ear infection and it seemed to help a lot.  He took it for 10 days along with an antibiotic.  If her jaw doesn't make that noise all the time, it is probably not dislocated, but she certainly isn't well.  WebMD has an extensive article on ear infections in cats, which might give you some more ideas.  I hope she feels better soon, and you might ask your vet about the Meclizine if you are able to pill her.
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TCS Member
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Nov 2, 2014
Thank you very much for your reply.

She got a bit better, at least she started eating bit by bit and yesterday even played and ran around, i keep giving her water with syringe, i am afraid if she gets dehydrated it all may come back again.

She grains her teeth not all the time but pretty often, she never did this before. 

Will this muscle spasm go away or it requires something to be done?

Can she brake her teeth like this?

I am worried that due to this she won't eat and again will feel sick and dizzy.

she doesn't seem dizzy today in the morning but i haven't seen her drinking water yet and she did not defecate for 10th day. She doesn't not have much food in her stomach i believe but still i am really worried.

My cat is very wild and there was never a success to even inject her without a risk to get bitten, so two attempts getting blood were failed as she started biting and doctor said that if we need to clean her ears she needs to be asleep. 

She had ear infection for 7 month and all my attempts to treat the infection at home did not work so he said the cleaning needs to be done at the clinic.

I believe it was strong cleaning and that caused her to be the way she is today.

She has almost no problems walking or running or jumping starting yesterday night but when she shakes her had she falls on the side.

Do you think it will be possible to get her X-ray done if i hold her, because normally everything we do she is always in my arms, thats the only way she can get injections or some examination.

I changed the vet because he did not seem to care much about her and what has happened to her, the other vet said that in order to do the X-ray cat needs to be asleep. There is no way i am putting her through anesthesia again, specially in this condition. 

Is there any other way to get X-ray, we did Ultra sound with her and MRI before just holding her i believe this can be done the same way.

I am going to have an appointment with Vet tomorrow personally but i am always on the phone asking what to do, because every day there was something in her behavior that needed attention.

Since i saw her eating by herself i stopped force feeding her and just insert water but i am afraid its not enough and she will get dehydrated again.  i had to get her SubQ fluids yesterday but the guy who had to do it did not come :(

I am seeing improvement and i am panicking that she will start getting sick again. At the moment she is sun bathing by the window and looks very happy.

From your cats experience did muscles get back to normal? i am worried that she will brake her teeth.

And why would muscles get spammed, did the vet opened her mouth too wide or why did this happen?

Thank you so much for reading my post!

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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 2, 2014
Sorry for grammar mistakes and goodness!!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Torrance, California
Yes she can break her teeth from grinding-I grind and cracked 4 of my own teeth. It sounds like the vet that cleaned your cats ears hurt your cat tremendously. Also, 10 days w/o a bowel movement is too long for a cat. I am guessing the cat won't eat due to nausea due to them messing with her ears same with the dizzyness and falling over.

I am very sorry for your kitty and you. But your writing is a bit unclear and hard to follow.

Yes your cats jaw could be dislocated and a vet can test for that with an Xray or maybe even with just some jaw manipulation.

So your cat has already had an MRI and ultrasound? Wow those are some pricey tests. Xray is different. I do not think they would allow you to hold a cat for and xray. Xrays are dangerous and they would not want to be liable to you for damage to you. You could ask and be sure to cover w lead.

In the hospital we sedate humans and/or strap the wiggling babies down.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Nov 2, 2014
Sorry for my messy writings.
The MRI and X-RAY we did was for kidneys a while ago..
My god and that was VIP vet ... I am speechless!!!
I am taking her for an appointment tomorrow..
I am monitoring her and she cleans her self, she picks up toys and carries them, I was thinking if jaw was dislocated that would not be possible no?
My god my cat went through so much already for the past 3 years and she is only 4,2 y. O!
I remember Befire sedating her they tried to take blood test and she started biting me really hard that my wrist hurt for days that could be also possible that effected her jaw?
My god, it's a nightmare for me!
Thank you very much for help, I hope tomorrow I'll get some answers. It's so hard to find a good vet in China.. I went to 4 clinics already and in 3 out of fire she got damaged!! And the worst part is that they hurt animals and no one can do anything about it!
I'll let you know what the vet says.

Thank you!