Cat with Injuries to Mouth and Nose. Vet Appt scheduled, but I could use some input.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 15, 2014
Hello Everyone, 

We have an outdoor cat (which is actually the former indoor cat of a neighbor). He is 8 - 10 years old. We've been caring for him for 2 years now. About 4 days ago, he went missing. I felt something was wrong because he is ALWAYS at our storm door standing on his hind legs, scratching to get our attention at dinner time. Yesterday, I scoured our backyard and found him sitting in a plastic box inside a dog kennel we use as a "cat enclosure" to let our indoor cats outside from time to time. He (Mau Mau) had obvious facial injuries to the nose and mouth. A few of his teeth are knocked out, he has scabbing on his chin and a small puncture wound above his top lip. His nose is producing a lot of slightly bloody phlegm. He is very swollen around his nose and his mouth is hanging slightly open, probably to breathe easier. He smells like infection, like when an animal has a burst abscess. He was dehydrated, and tried to lap up water, but could not on account of what I see as pain to his chin and nose. We were able to give him some water and beef broth through a syringe, which he gladly accepted. He seems very tired, but stands up, stretches and even groomed his back and his behind last night. I am taking him to the vet this afternoon, but I am worried. I believe he was either hit by a car or kicked in his face because the injuries are to his face only. He yawns really big and his jaw doesn't appear to be broken. I think he will be ok with antibiotics, pain meds and perhaps some IV fluids, but I am absolutely terrified the vet will say he needs to be put down. The injuries are old, at least 3 or 4 days, and he has made it this long, but I am still scared. What could have happened? Does this sound like a euthanasia type situation or maybe just an expensive vet bill (which is fine by me)? Anything else I could do to help him out? We currently have him inside, sleeping on my bed. 

Any and all suggestions are appreciated!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It's really amazing what vets are able to do now so I think this is probably something he can get over.  If the injuries to his mouth are bad enough the vet may suggest a feeding tube to make sure he gets enough food and water.  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Torrance, California
Wow I am so sorry about this. By now you have already been to the vet and have an answer on Mau Mau's condition. Please update us.
Love and healing thoughts sent your way. 
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TCS Member
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Sep 15, 2014
Update: I took Mau Mau to the vet Monday afternoon and turns out he has a broken lower jaw. It is completely separated right down his chin. The vet wasn't certain of what could have caused the injury, but did say it is more likely he got hit by a belt under the car rather than being ran over. Mau Mau was very dehydrated, so they gave him subcutaneous fluids on Monday and did the jaw surgery yesterday morning at 8am. I am waiting on a call saying I can pick him up later today. Also, the vet was concerned Mau Mau might have feline leukemia, so he ran a blood test. He was negative for leukemia, but was determined to be FIV Positive. I'm not super familiar with either illness, but the vet explained that it would have been worse if he had leukemia (they wouldn't have done the jaw surgery). Since Mau Mau has shown no symptoms of illness, eats and drinks regularly and is not aggressive in the least (not a threat to our other cats), the vet went ahead with the surgery and advised there is only a very slim chance Mau Mau will spread the virus. I can't wait to get the little guy home!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 6, 2014
Great White North
First of all, very glad that your Mau Mau was not hit by the whole car. A broken jaw is definitely fixable. This happened to a cat I had in the mid 70s. He went on to live a long life with no jaw difficulties. You may have to syringe feed or put Mau Mau on a very soft diet for a short time after the surgery.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I am so glad that he is going to be okay.  There are a few kitties here that have FIV and are healthy.  It is spread by deep bites so it is highly unlikely that a sweet tempered kitty will spread the disease.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 15, 2014
Mau Mau is home and full of energy! He was given an antibiotic injection and a "five day pain shot". His bottom jaw is wired and the wire will be surgically removed in six weeks. Right now, he is being super loving and really friendly. He is eating wet canned food with no problem (he seems super hungry). He is an outside cat and hasn't used the litter box since being home, so we took him outside thinking he wants to go out there, but he immediately ran right back inside the house. He looks (and smells) a lot better. There is still a lot of swelling and drooling, and his jaw is hanging slightly open, but he is looking pretty good compared to how we found him. As far as the FIV, we are just going to be extra careful when he is with the other kitties. Although we were informed it typically spreads through bites, we are being extra careful right now and washing our hands after each time we handle him (this is mainly because of a little bit of blood being in his saliva and in his mucous when he sneezes). Other than that, he is doing surprising well, especially since two days ago I thought he may need to be put down. Thanks for checking up on him!