adopted senior, obese, constipated, and has upper respiratory infection


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 3, 2013
Hi, my only cat for 10 years, Chalupa died, had cancer. Now I've adopted another cat and kind of regret it because I also wanted to get a younger very healthy cat as well. This cat is short and has a small frame, 8 years old, medical checkup there said she is obese and needs to lose some, that's all supposedly that's wrong with her. Actually didn't realize how overweight she was until I  tried to get a collar on her at home and saw her roll over a few times on the floor. She is 11.2 lbs. When Chalupa was that weight she seemed a lot thinner, but she was much taller and longer than this cat. I took her mostly  because I was sad seeing all the older cats that were given up, wanted to help one.

This cat can play. Lives to play. She will bring me toys. She can't seem to jump when playing though or simply won't. She will jump up on things, as long as they are under 2 feet. She is friendly though in a distant sort of way. This cat doesn't trust me like Chalupa did, but chalupa was only a couple years old when I adopted her. This cat is very well behaved though, good with litterbox, quiet, goes to bed in her bed when I go to bed. Chalupa was nothing like her. Funny, Chlaupa was such a jumper, mostly liked flying toys. This cat prefers mouse like toys.

First couple of days she sneezed a few times. By the time I came hope from work, day 3, she was sneezing repeatedly and her eye was half closed. Discharge from nose and one eye, her left eye. Later in the week both eyes seemed to have discharge. Called shelter, picked up an ointment for her eye there. Vet didn't want to give her antibiotics yet, said it's an upper respiratory infection, common in the shelter. Did notice a lot of the cats have these same symptoms there right now. I have 15 days from when I adopted her to treat her there for free. It has been 7 days. Not sure if I trust this vet, told me dry food is better because it's better for her teeth!

There is another problem with this cat. Day one she had a little diarrhea, followed by vomit ( it was food she had just eaten). No diarrhea or vomit after that. She did not poop again though until 4or 5 days later. It was such a small amount that she produced too, 3 one inch very dark rather hard narrow pieces at one time. That's it, in 7 days. She hasn't been eating much but eats every day canned food mixed with a little water or unsalted broth. Stuff like Weruva chicken and pumpkin, wellness, she will eat any canned. Adding a small amount of daily digest probiotics to her food too.

I told vet on phone I am worried about her coat it is so hard, dry, and dull. Vet said her coat is like this because she is obese and they don't or can't groom themselves. She also has a slightly funny smell to her, wonder if she needs a bath. She hates being brushed by me so couldn't imagine wiping her down or should I just do it? If memory is correct her eyes always seemed very pink all around, didn't realize that might man she is sick, or starting to be.

Since she is new and sick right now, not sure it's a good idea to take her to my vet. Do really want to know what's going on with her though internally. Is she constipated because she is obese? If so what can I do?  Does she have thyroid issues? Is there something wrong with her intestines? Does she have a blockage?

Should I give her Metamucil or might that possibly make her worse? Should I syringe her extra liquid like pedialyte? I have had to do this with my last cat but this cat I don't know as well and it might be too stressful for her. What I would really like to do is take her to vet, have them give her fluids, bloodwork, x-ray, not sure if ultrasound is necessary. What about a dental cleaning? The stress for her of going to vet is why have not done this yet.

How am I going to help her lose weight?

I really want a younger cat too, realized. Need to be cat mom again. They told me this cat will probably be fine with another cat. Now that  she is sick though, not sure what to do. Probably could get another one from same shelter, since they all seem sick anyway. I miss having a healthy cat. What if she never gets better? Her eyes look bad, one is worse than the other. It's weird, her pupils dilate in a way I'm not used to sometimes. Does this mean she might have vision issues? She might be starting to seem more lethargic but appetite has increased. I know I asked for it taking home this old girl. She remains nameless for now. can't decide, her shelter name was Punky.

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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 3, 2013
Just want to add that this cat never purrs. Also I only regret adopting her because she has this contagious condition and I really was hoping to be able to help one more cat. Not that I wish I never adopted her, just wish I didn't have to worry about getting a second cat sick.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Awww, bless you for adopting an older kitty.  URIs are very, very, very common when bringing a cat home due to all the stress of a new home, new sounds, new people, new routine.  Give her time to get well and get things sorted out before adopting a second kitty.  I think that once you're not so overwhelmed with this girl, you'll find a great friend. 

She's probably not eating much because she can't smell the food.  If YOU don't want to feed her dry food, then don't.  Don't listen to that vet and go with your gut.  Start feeding her canned food, which will help her lose weight as well and be much better for her in the long run.  You can water down the food and make it like a slurry and then warm it up in the microwave for a bit to enhance the aroma.  That might help her eat better.  Also, add a bit of plain canned pumpkin to help with her bowels.  It could be the dry food has her constipated, but if she's not eating, nothing's going to come out.  Get her to your vet for a check up and for medication, if needed.  I'd hold off on the dental cleaning until she's healthy again. 

Lastly, get some rest.  This girl's going to be okay and I think a love affair will ensue once she's better.  Give her lots of TLC; it'll be healing for you both and will promote bonding.  Let her name come to you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 25, 2014
I'm sorry about Chalupa, it's so hard to lose them :( 

Your new cat is really pretty! 

I have had cats with upper respiratory infections, feline herpes. I've given them lysine supplements that seem to help.  The one I use is "Enisyl-F Lysine Treats" by Vetoquinol.  Treats is right, they love it!

Many cats have digestive issues due to diet change.  Most of the cats I've adopted had diarrhea at first if I didn't know what they were fed before I got them.  It was always temporary, thankfully. It helps to change their food gradually if that's possible  Hopefully, your cat is just adapting. 

I had a cat that didn't groom well once she got into her late teens. They find it hardest to reach their backs. That was usually the dirtiest part of my cat. I used wipes made for cleaning cats on her rather than a bath. Does your cat mind if you pet her? If she doesn't you may be able to use the wipes. Try warming them up if she objects.  Often it's the temperature that upsets them.

You should be able to adopt a younger cat after this one settles in and heals. That fact that she plays is a good sign.   Good luck and thank you for adopting an older kitty!
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 3, 2013
Hi Thank you [@]stephanietx and [@]LindaMc62 for the advice and I will try not to worry so much. Really don't want to take to vet though already but a few people I know has told me to do it and just don't know who to listen to. It would be very easy to pick up antibiotics if needed without bringing her back so fast only been 8 days I've had her.

From what the vet says I think he thinks what she has might be this:

Symptoms. The primary symptoms of Mycoplasma are runny nose, sneezing, and conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is when the third eyelid becomes very reddened and inflamed. Mycoplasma can sit and simmer for years in a cat, causing very few symptoms other than when their immune system is stressed.
In a recent shelter study, Mycoplasma was found to be the causative agent for conjunctivitis in 90% of the cats with upper respiratory symptoms. This shows this bacterial infection to be fairly common.
The primary treatment for Mycoplasma is doxycycline, but in some cases, other antibiotics such as Baytril or Clavamox will be effective, and in some cases, more effective. Regardless of antibiotic used, a minimum of 3 weeks of treatment are required, and in some cases terramycin or tetracycline eye drops are also needed to eliminated the infection from the eyes.

Have another problem. This cat likes to scratch corners of walls and she's so playful she starts playing with electric cords. May as well have gotten a kitten. Could there be something wrong with an old cat that takes playing way too seriously?

heres a video of her serious play
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