Recommending a homemade diet? Hold your horses!

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Oct 23, 2000
We all want to do what’s best for our cats. Diet and nutrition are hot topics here on TheCatSite. Opinions and methods of feeding vary greatly, and of particular attention recently are raw and cooked diets. Please take a moment to read through these guidelines regarding these types of diets:

General comments for everyone about raw and cooked diets:
  • Feeding a homemade raw or cooked diet can be extremely dangerous to your cat when done incorrectly.
  • Because TCS cares about your safety, we want you to be aware that feeding a raw diet is discouraged by the American Veterinary Association.
  • We do not allow the “bashing” of raw or cooked diets in the Raw & Home-Cooked Cat Food forum. We will not allow the “bashing” of commercial feeding options in the general Cat Nutrition forum.
  • The goal of TCS, as always, is for education via members sharing information and experience, which is why a specific and dedicated forum was created to discuss these kinds of diets. We encourage the dialogue, but it must be done appropriately and with consideration.
For those recommending a raw or cooked diet:
  • We understand the passion for wanting to tell others about your positive experience. Even if you feel that your cats thrive on a raw or cooked diet and even if it has resolved health problems, kindly remember that these types of diets are not always the best choice for every cat and every owner.
  • A raw or cooked diet may be suggested in a thread if it is entirely on-topic. Include a link to the Raw & Home-Cooked Cat Food forum and/or the TCS articles so that one may learn more at their discretion. But let’s not have it derail the discussion. Our moderators will be on alert to redirect discussions to the proper forum if necessary. In-depth discussions of raw and cooked diets may, of course, be held in the Raw & Home-Cooked Cat Food forum.
  • Present your recommendation in a calm and informative way, and expressed as an opinion only. Refrain from any implications of superiority in your chosen feeding method.
For those considering a raw or cooked diet:
  • To learn more, visit our Raw & Home-Cooked Cat Food forum. At the top of the forum are links to resources that we highly suggest you read.
  • We encourage you to start a new thread in the Raw & Home-Cooked Cat Food forum if you have questions or need help with a raw or cooked diet for your cat(s).
  • As mentioned above, please keep in mind that a raw or cooked diet is not always the best choice for every cat and every owner. Take the time to educate yourself, consider the pros and cons, ask questions, and work with your vet to understand your cat’s health condition.
For those who have decided that a homemade diet is not for you or your cat:
  • This is okay! The last thing we want is for anyone to feel pressured or offended about their method of feeding.
  • If a raw or cooked diet is suggested to you, you may wish to acknowledge the recommendation and politely decline to avoid further raw/homecooked recommendations / to help tailor the discussion to your needs.
  • Please flag a public post or private message that you feel is inappropriate and our moderators will review.
We do wish to allow everyone to express their opinion about feline nutrition in the forums, and our hope is that these guidelines will make TCS a better community to do so.

Thank you for your cooperation!
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Site Owner
Thread starter
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Another bump for some editing we've done. The rules and guidelines have stayed the same, but thanks to @GoHolistic  they're better worded 
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