Stray Mr. Grey


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 1, 2014
So I have this huge male grey cat with golden eyes that just appeared one day at my house and I've been feeding him.  He spends his day sleeping on my outdoor chairs, which are on a patio that has a roof and 3 sides.  He's not friendly at all, and won't let anyone near him, and has actually scratched me a few times as I've come outside, but he seems to be trying to tell me his bowl is empty.  He's a little plump.  I have a friend who loves all animals and  lives 10 miles away in the country and we thought "Felix" would be happier there than living in a residential neighborhood.  So Felix was taken home with my friend, where he stayed a couple of days. One day he gave Mike a few angry swishes of is tail, turned his back and marched down the driveway.  He was back at my house the next day, where he remains.

The only thing I can figure out as to why he came back to my house is that Mike has Shih Tzu dogs and he didn't like being around dogs.  I feed him well, but if I can't have a nice friendly cat who likes me, I really can't enjoy his company.

Any advise as to why he returned to my house from 10 miles away?

Thank you!


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
He returned to his home, which is apparently what he considers your house.  Cats are very territorial and he was lucky to have come the ten miles without mishap.

If you want to move a cat, he has to be confined in some way at the new location.  A crate, a kennel, anyplace to hold him until he gets to know the new area as "home."  It can take up to four weeks.

But really, he seems an independent type who may only need food and a warm place to sleep.  Even if he's not that friendly, this can be provided at your home.  He already seems to have adopted the area as his own.

I would make sure to check with the neighbors to see if he might "belong" to someone near you.  If he's plump, he's been fed.  He may also need to be neutered.  That will definitely keep him from wandering.

Thank you for trying to help him.


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
I agree with Ondine. Cats are very territorial and if removed and not sequestered for at least two weeks, they will attempt to return 'home' or die trying.
Cats are also very independent; this one seems only to want food and a safe place to live. He may with (lots?) of time, warm up to you somewhat, especially after he is neutered. If his weight is good, then he is finding food elsewhere (or has a bad case of worms). Or, he is a she and pregnant :)
I would try to trap him again and get him neutered; the female cats (and owners) will thank you.