Feral Kitty has a problem or two or three


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Hi all -

I hope your Christmas and holiday plans are going well.  I have an orange feral cat who is worrying me - has been for over a year.  I got him into a trap once to get him to the clinic Cat Welfare sends me to for TNR.  But he's smart and only fell for that once.  I purchased the good parasite stuff for him but could never get him to fall for the trap again and the trap was borrowed.  I had to return it when the person who owned it moved away.

Now his skin is bothering him and he scratches it and the fur comes out and leaves bald patches.  They used to clear up quickly but that was in warm weather.  I think the dry cold weather leaves his skin more dry and itchy and that isn't helping him.  So he looks a mess.  He's well fed.  No problem there.  He eats well and that shows.  He's an older cat.  I think he was born into this colony and taken from it as a kitten as there was once an orange kitten here about 6 years ago.  It disappeared fast.  He reappeared about 1 1/2 years ago and wouldn't leave and the colony didn't run him off which makes me think he belongs here.  Other cats can't get in.  They might stay long enough to steal food but have to leave.  He stayed so I neutered his and got him his shots and treatment.  He was on a neighboring street for years.  Some people who knew him still come by and visit even though they have since moved.  He has folks watching him but apparently they couldn't catch him either.  He wins friends as he stands out.  But he doesn't trust easily.

But he's bothering me.  I feel like I can't leave him in the torment he must be in.  One trip to the vet would probably fix him up.  He's not loosing any weight so whatever is bothering him might be parasites and maybe a minor infection.  When he's in good shape he's a beautiful orange cat and proud.  And so so stubborn.

Anyone have any suggestion on how I can get this kitty to trust me enough so I can catch him and get him the proper treatment he needs.  My vet is aware of him and knows I'm concerned.  Thanks very much.



TCS Member
Apr 14, 2012
First, thank you for looking out for this little guy and his welfare. He is lucky to have you around!

Trying to get any cat into a carrier is tricky business. But, in a situation like yours it can feel downright impossible! I do agree though that it sounds like a vet visit is necessary, not only for his own health and well-being but for that of the rest of the colony. 

I wish I had some great advice on how to build that trust but my knowledge with ferals is relatively limited. Even though you are clearly (and rightfully) concerned about his health the real issue seems to be about building trust and trapping him. Because of that I am going to ask a mod to move your thread to the 'caring for strays and ferals' section. I think some of the users that frequent that section may be able to really help you! 

In the meantime, you can try searching older threads for some tips. I did a basic search for "getting a feral to trust me" and it looks like some of these threads may be of use: http://www.thecatsite.com/newsearch?search=getting+a+feral+to+trust+me

Hopefully some of that helps get you started until someone more knowledgeable comes along. Thanks again for all you are doing and 
vibes you are able to get him to the vet soon!  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Thank you for the advice.  Buster is a stinker, mind of his own.  I think what is eating him stays with him as the other cats don't quite accept him but he does eat with them.  They can't run him off and gave up trying which makes me believe he was born there.  Every other cat they keep at a distance.  Orange cats are my downfall.  They have always been a problem for me.  Forget black cats.  Orange cats come loaded with problems.  I looked it up once and found they have a something in their DNA make up that makes them more adventure seeking and daredevil like.  I guess that is why he has survived a bit longer than the average street cat.  He has a certain amount of trust for me because when the weather turned cold and I opened my door in the morning he'd be cuddled up to it trying to keep warm.  I found an igloo dog house and cleaned it well, filled it with straw and put that out for him.  I think he uses it.  I fixed up another house for the rest of the cats on the property where they stay and he may also use that one and they stay in the basement of the abandoned house where their former caretaker lived.  The family had it for sale for a while and I've been in the basement.  It is clean.  If he was really ill I think he might let me catch him but I don't know.  Maybe someone hurt him along the way or abandoned him.  I feel so bad for the poor fellow.



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I can imagine that getting him into a trap will be nearly impossible.  It's not something they forget easily!  You could try a large carrier.  Start by feeding him in it.  When I needed to get the stray I was caring for to the vet, I set up this large carrier and began feeding him in it.  I started with the flap all the way open and the food just inside.  Each day I would move the food back a little farther while also lowering the zippered flap.  I would keep it open with clothes pins.  After about 7 days I had him eating all the way in the back.  On the day of the vet appointment, I took a sturdy chair pad to block the exit.  I set the food inside and waited for the cat to go inside.  I then put the chair pad in front of the exit and zipped it up.  Next I covered it with a light weight sheet to calm him.  Here is an example of the carrier I used. 
Do you know of any vets who make house calls?  Also maybe you could call a vet and explain the symptoms and see if they could give you something.

Good luck and please keep us updated.  Thank you for caring so much for this boy.  I have an Orange kitty too.  For the first 5 months he was here I called him Orange kitty.  He is now Marvin and is adjusting to life inside the house!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Thanks.  I tried this morning to put food inside his house for him to eat because it is raining outside, though not alot, and he wouldn't have anything to do with that even after I left, so I'm not sure I can get him into a carrier.  I finally got the food, it was baby food, and added wet cat food with it, and put it in his special place where I fed him when he first came and hadn't been to the vet yet.  I kept him a little isolated from the others at feeding times then.  He was comfortable eating it there and it kept the others from bothering him too.  Maybe if I keep doing that again, I can work up his trust.  And make sure he's getting enough to eat.  I think he's missing teeth and maybe he's not getting enough wet food and can't chew enough dry food, though he's not loosing weight, to get good benefit for all his needs.  I don't like seeing him so uncomfortable when I know he could be feeling better.  Maybe he doesn't know any difference. 

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
I spoke with my vet this morning.  He said he'll check on Buster if he sees him out when he drives by on his way home.  He lives near.  He can't get close to the cat but hopefully he'll get close enough to get a look at him.  He said it is probably fleas and I need to attempt to get any good kind of flea med on him even if I just let it drip over him while he eats - keeping it out of the food of course.  He said the cat needs a good brushing - that it's the undercoat that is causing him to pull it out. It will take a lot more trust than Buster has now for me to brush him.  I think Buster thinks this is good for him.  No one hurts him intentionally.  I'd do more for him if he would let me but I don't think he understands he needs help.  I'm not sure he understands he can feel better than he does.  He knows he has a certain level of protection here and food and in his mind maybe that's all he thinks he needs.  But no animal needs to be in discomfort and I just wish he'd let me help him.  I bribed him today with A-D food.  Maybe he'll get it figured out



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I hope the vet is able to get a look and help you with a diagnosis.  If you are unable to get some flea application and drip it on his fur I know people who have used food grade diatomaceous earth.  You can add it to their wet food.  I personally have not used it, but you can do some research or a search here you will find lots of info.  I do know you have to be careful that it is food grade.  I also believe that it may take several weeks.  Your vet also may be able to help you. 

Hopefully you can get some meds on him soon and he will start to feel better.  Would the vet be willing to give you something that is prescription only? 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Thanks for the info.  The vet won't give for free.  But he'll help so that is enough.  I think I can mix most whatever Buster needs into his food and he will eat it.  That is how I got him to take his antibiotic after his neutering.  I can feed him by himself so the others don't eat his food.  We'll get him feeling better yet and when he does maybe he'll figure out how he got there and learn to trust a bit more.



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I just wondered if the vet would give you a prescription flea medication without an office visit.  They can prescribe something like Revolution that works very quickly.  My vet won't give me anything for my ferals without me bringing them in for a visit.  Most of the time that is truly impossible.  Hopefully you can get something quick to help him feel better.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Oh sorry, yes he will.  He did once before but I gave up trying to give it to Buster and used it on a cat I could catch who needed extra help.  That was when I still had a trap and was trying to trap Buster the second time.  I have Advantage here and the vet said that will work for now, just anything to get him started.  Then once I figure out how to get it on him I can get the more expensive and better stuff for him.  As I remember the kind of got for him was in the Advantage line but took care of a lot of parasites and was costly. I'd asked about Revolution but he uses something else.