hublebuble4 - pregnant cat

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I must take the decisionl next week. I know that I must do it.
Anyway, now I let them meet bf and eg, but I look at them all the time. But eg is funny. She like to look at me, and then she runs as fastest she can (and she is very fast) to Another area of the apartment. Bf runs after her, and I poor peter try to follow them. But when eg stop - Always at the same spot, she defend herself. If bf try something, she attack with one or two jabs in bf's face. James Brown sang: "It's a man's World..." But in my home it seams that: "It's a ladie's cat World, but it would be nothing without a man or a boy." Bf, the father is not yet one year old.
Must add that eg is so perfect as a mother. It is Always Clean in her bed with the kittens, and she behave in the best way (eating the poh-poh). And let the kittens eat/drink. I must say that it is a very nice experience to see what's happens and to see the kittens grow.
She's demanding a 'little respect'!
She sounds like a wonderful mummy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Tomorrow at 8 am Benjamin Franklin will be neutered. I don't like it, but this is neccessary; I Believe. The kittens are taking a Little walk around the card-board box. Elsa Gloria is behaving, I must say perfect, as a mother of four. Perhaps I keep the grey one. I don't know. The fur is not so short. Both mother and father are short fur cats.
I wanted eg to have kittens once. But it make no sence if I let the kittens be neutered and spayed. I want eg's and bf's genes to continue in the "cat World". Am I stupid? Both cats are moggies. But both cats are eg = rather Beautiful, but small in size. To be small is nice for city living cat owners, I suppose. And bf is a rather big athletic and I must say - good looking cat. But very important is, that both cats are so nice. They are both so nice to adults and children and to themselves.And bf - only when I look at the cats - is also licking the kittens, and cleaning them to avoid poh-poh. When I bought bf, the former cat owner told me that cats didn't have feelings for other cats, but I am positive the eg and bf love each other. they lick and have nice feelings for each other.
As I am a new owner and have no experience, I must also listen to advices here on the catsite, Reading on the web, and Reading cat books. But I want that eg and bf will give cat-genes to the cat World. I hope that the grey kitten will grow up and be similar the the GreyBlue English Shorthair. He or she is so cute. I will publish some new photos in the next few Days. Now day after day the kittens expose some personal properties, and I love it, and I love cats (of course).
Today the6thJanuary the kittens opened their Eyes. Sometimes I pick them up in my hand and I look in their Eyes, the small puppies.
Now that they can see, they look at me surprised. I put them down to their Mummy, and she lick them at once. Perhaps she wants to put the Mother's scent back on them again. Mother Elsa Gloria have trust in me, and that's Ok. They are much bigger now (11 Days old).
You want to put another female kitty through the pain of getting pregnant, carrying them, giving birth which no man ever has to go through and then bring up her babies, have them taken away and start the wholesale cycle again and again when you keep being told the world is already overrun with cats. If you do do this and can't find homes I all your offspring then what will you do? Shelters don't have room anymore! What will happen to them. This idea is worse than you not wanting to get both of them fixed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
This recipe does not look balanced or like what a kitten would need to me though I am in no way a nutritional expert for cats. I think you are best of searching the site here for articals on the best types of cat food for kittens and maybe asking advice on your recipe in the nutrition forum. Good luck.
There's plenty of good wet kitten food with all the necessities they need. You should ask the vet what's best or on here. I don't know if they would digest what you're thinking of making them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Thank you for info about grapes. It is important to know. Although I meant - it was written sugar that is made from, I suppose, grapes. I don't know the English Word for it. In Swedish the name is grapesugar.

Anyway I have ordered a start-kit from a famous brand (RC Startpack).
What's a start kit? You're going to have such trouble letting the kittens go pPeter daddy.
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  • #85


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 28, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
Now Benjamin Franklin is neutered. Poor cat. But he, one of those very kind cats, is now recovering. Anyway, "the show must go on" - that's Life. I am glad that the genes are still there. I persume that many cat owners Think like I Think. My cats are unique. Why do I write and Think so. Mother Elsa Gloria is a very kind cat, is a rather small cat, and has a peronality of its own. She is a real 'Aristocat'. No cat can put her down, or how to say. She has a perfect personality and is a a kind and funny cat. And as a mother she is also patient and perfect. Neutered bf is a very kind cat, and he is rather big. So what is the unique about the 4 (four) kittens? One is light grey/blue, and as both mother and father have yellow/bronze Eyes, I hope that the kittens will have that colour too when they grow up. And one is black. And now - mother is 75% Burmese, and the colour is now changing on two of the kittens to dark-Brown. They look like to mini bown-bears. So I will Contact a Burmese club and an English Blue Shorthair club to ask them if "they" are interested in to have genes from these kittens. I am positive that it can be a great benefit to both breeds, pedigree. I know that I am a new cat owner with no experience of breeding, but at least I can try. Soon I will publish photos of the kittens here on the CatSite. My apprehension about this matter is, that new genes are Always interesting to "keep" a breed healty. Berhaps I'm wrong, but at least I tried.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Peter - I'm very happy to hear you got BF taken care of.  Good job on that!

However, as adorable and good you think these kittens are, there is no professional breeder who be interested in them.  I believe others have already told you this.  I don't know why you continue to think your MIXED BREED cats genes are more special than others.  To be blunt, they are not.

Please be responsible and have all of the kittens neutered and spayed.  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 11, 2013
Newcastle United Kingdom
no pedegree association of either breed will whant these kittens because in point of fact they are not 100% burmese or blue short hair just because they have a similar colouration does not infact make them part of the breed they are moggies and this is the top and bottom of it. Yes I am sure they are beautiful and unique cats who will make which ever forever home they end up in happy but they are not of a pedigree they have no papers you have no proof other than the word of the people you bought EG and BF from that they have these breeds in them. Please be responsible and have EG and the kittens speyed and neutered. And BF is not a poor cat for having had the snip I would say you have done him a great service he can now do so much for himself other than a constant quest to mount and mate any available female that 'calls' to him. And yes many cat owners do think like you do but in my honest beliefe a lot of them just see decimal places and are trying to make their kitties 'pay their way'. I implore you have your beautiful babies neutered do not contribute any more to the kitty over population as lets face it there are tens of thousands of cats like EG and BF out their straying and mating.
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  • #88


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 28, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi, As I have informed Before, I'm a new cat owner. Before 2013 when I bought my 1st cat eg, I have never owned a cat Before in my Life. Perhaps I was afraid of cats. One of my class friends in school had a White cat, and when i visited his home he looked at me and "attack" - he jumped on my body and tried to destroy me, kill me perhaps. So many years from then I am now a proud cat owner, and I know that I just love cats.

Talking of the offspring that eg delivered to this World on Cristmas Day the 25th 2013, I must say that the four kittens are cute. And as I love eg, I wanted eg to have once kittens. So of that reason I bought bf. And I was lucky, because bf is also a healthy athletic and kind cat. And accoding to many good advices finally I let bf to be neutered. And this is done. But now I have a mission. I understand that the real pedigree breed is important for the so called "The cat World" with human beeings. But it is also true that 90% in for example England living with people, are moggies. The Word moggie is a name of a cat that is not a pedigree, so I hope that breeders don't look down on moggies. But suddenly it happens - I must add, a line from film 'lethal weapon: "I'm too old for this ****." - to work with it. But I want to introduce a new breed to  develop - 'The Goldeneye Brownbear Cat". I have googled on British shorthair breed, and I love those cats! They are in my Point of view so Beautiful. But I can only find a lightbrown shorthair cat.  But you say, the Burmese is dark Brown. Yes, but the nose does not look like a bear. Think about to have a Little bear on your armchair when you Watch the TV, that's cool, or? I will publish some photos of the newborn, so that you will see how cute they are. And, of course not many Viewers see this on the Catsite. But if anyone is interested, why not try to develop this perhaps new pedigree? I hope-welcome: The Goldeneye Brownbear Cat!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 11, 2013
Newcastle United Kingdom
You can't just create a new pedigree these types of things don't happen you can call them what you want but your little golden eyed brown bears will be in point of fact moggies that is the fact and I resent that you say people look down on moggies A LOT of the people on this site actually own moggies I my self in point of fact have a beautiful semi long haired moggie who is now looking at me as if to tell me to calm down becuase you are refusing to take in what you are told! You're moggies will not be seen as a new breed as they will have no particular genetic quirk or any particular genetic quirk that could be passed down to each and every kitten would indeed take many many years to establish more than your life time I am sure. Just get the poor things Nuetured you aren't doing them any favours by trying to turn them into a new kind of breed. You will just be adding to more cats that will more than likely end up in a shelter somewhere and PTS which is a sad fact and it is true! I am sorry to be so harsh on you peter but I have to say you are being very ignorant about this you gave eg what you assumed she wanted and now that is done please nueture her and her babies.
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  • #90


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 28, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
I have learned a lot about cats on the catsite, and I'm grateful for that. But I will fight for this - and finally I perhaps will follow your dicision to let them be neutered and/or spayed. But right now I say: Line from film: "One flow over the cuckoo's nest: "At least I tried!". Please look at my new photos that I will publish here on the catsite this week-end, and at least you must admit that these kittens are something special.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 11, 2013
Newcastle United Kingdom
I do not deny that all kittens bring something very special and unique into the world but ashamedly through lots of irresponsible owners not neutering their pets or letting them breed without thought for pedigree and bloodline we have a world that is over run with cats and dogs that do unfortunetly end up in the shelters and humane societies and when these places get over run they do put them to sleep. its a harsh and sad fact one I wish we could change but it has to start with adopting pets from these places that are very much over run. I got Lilly from a family whom if they didn't sell her soon would put her out on the street (the mother cat was pregnant again and unfortunetly had became so whilst still looking after Lilly and her sibblings. if I had room I would have took her brother to but at the time we could not afford another little mouth to feed in fact we had to save quite a bit to be able to give lilly all we have. Rehoming lovely animals in need is a great way to start :)
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  • #92


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 28, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
We can write about this matter all the day. I must say that I like it. To write and comunicate about this matter. Anyway, let me publish the photos - and perhaps a video this week-end and you can write a comment about those four Little cute sibblings.

Me myself bought eg because in that family one Child was allergic against cats. Bf lived in a rather small appartment together with 12 other cats. So I can say that I also saved these cats from unwanted or problematic homes. And now I'm so happy to have those moggies. But I am certain that eg who is 75% Burmese and bf who is hansome and strong both have good genes to offer to their four kittens. And if the cat judges develop the cat pedigree to be Sphynx breed and persian with noses that almost today dissapear in the face, I must say that a Goldeneye Bown Bear cat is a nice gift to the cat wotld. We will see.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I have learned a lot about cats on the catsite, and I'm grateful for that. But I will fight for this - and finally I perhaps will follow your dicision to let them be neutered and/or spayed. But right now I say: Line from film: "One flow over the cuckoo's nest: "At least I tried!". Please look at my new photos that I will publish here on the catsite this week-end, and at least you must admit that these kittens are something special.
Thank you for finally getting your boy neutered, but I'm sorry I need to be blunt here with you for a minute.

I need to state this again. This site is extremely pro spay and neuter. It is part of the forum rules, which you agreed to upon signing up for this site:

3. This is a pro-spay-and-neuter website. Please make sure to spay and neuter your cats. Unless you are a professional breeder and your cat is part of a professional breeding program, please educate yourself to the importance of spaying and neutering by the time your cat is 4-6 months old.
You will not get ANY support here for continuing to breed these cats. You said you have learned a lot here and that it good, that's what we are here for. :) Unfortunately you still have a bit more learning to do. Please read the articles about the importance of spaying and neutering and please listen to the tons of good advice you have been given and get Elsa Gloria and those kittens spayed and neutered as soon as it is possible. They will be healthier and happier in the long run. Please consider the welfare of the cats instead of your own needs.
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  • #95


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 28, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
I Think about it. If you will throw me out from the catsite, I must say that I will be sad. I like the catsite as much as i like Youtube. and I love Youtube. First of all I will publish photos this week-end. Then we will see what happens. I must add, that Before I bought my first cat eg, I didn't know anything about the "cat World". Now I know, and although I really understand the advices I have received, I don't like it. For me it is a strange World. But I will Point out that I do understand the problem with 'too many cats' in the western World.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Peter, I think you really need to read up and learn about breeding and pedigrees. Your cats will never be a new type of breed. If you are interested in breeding, you would need to do it the right way. Learn about an established breed, find a mentor, etc. If you are willing to do this, I am sure members here would be willing to explain the process to you.

hublebuble4 said:
We can write about this matter all the day.
Honestly, we really can't. We can only give you the same information so many times before we just stop replying out of frustration.

You have done right by BF and did the right thing. Please do the right thing for the rest of your cats.
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TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Please do some serious reading on your own regarding breeds/breeding cats, and the possibility of "creating" a new breed.

Honestly, it's simply not going to happen.

Be happy that you have beautiful and possibly unique cats/kittens, but please get them spayed and neutered while they are young, before 6 months old.

Then leave it at that.

We won't throw you out of the cat site, but we are all highly experienced and know what we are talking about and trying to get you to understand.

I seriously doubt you will find anyone on here who will agree with breeding them as that is not going to turn out to be anything positive.

Sorry but true.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Creating a new breed takes a thorough knowledge of genetics, a plan about what you want in the new breed and a plan for getting there.  It takes years, many generations of kittens, and multiple breeders.  The breed has to be well established to begin the process of being accepted by one of the cat fancier associations.  I know the sphynx breed started with a genetic anomaly in a litter of kittens in Canada.  It took generations of outcrossing hairless kittens to certain other breeds of cats to get a varied enough genetic pool.  It then took several more generations for the sphynx to breed true, meaning the kittens looked like the parents every time.  It takes a lot of time, money, and playing the politics in the cat fancier association to get it done.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 11, 2013
Newcastle United Kingdom
See peter a lot of people clearly more knowledgeable on the ways of the cat fancier associations and of breeding in general are telling you the very same as I am albeit with much more  information so that you all for the extra information even I who thankfully is not a breeder nor has the desire to be I love moggies and pedigree cats alike but I don't think I could deal with the financial or the emotional stress of something so huge and bringing lovely little kittens into the world. Having one baby girl (nonfurry) and another non furry on the way is enough stress for even me :)
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  • #100


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 28, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
@k, I got the message. It's time enough to Think about it. And I understand that your, different cat owners with great experience on catsite that have sent a message recently, are right with your equal message to me. Anyway I want to publish (must take the photos first) some photos of the Little ones. They are now marching all over the floor in the bedroom, and eg, mother, look confused, thinking: "What can I do?".

Bf new neutered cat, who Before this happened, thought that he was the 'Casanova' of the appartment, is now more calm. But eg ignore him like he is something inferior. But that is how it is, I suppose? Some thoughts from the 'cat world' somewhere in Stockholm.
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