Help with two little ones...


TCS Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Ottawa, Canada

I am the happy owner of three senior house cats (ages 13, 13 and 10), and last Friday, I trapped two feral kittens that had been hanging around our neighborhood. I know they are feral as mom had given birth to them in my yard back in late August, which puts the kittens at about 12 weeks now. They are in a room to themselves, and they have now been taken to the vet and are FiV/FLeuk negative (yay!), and in good health. I am trying to get them to come around and introduce them to my other kitties, but I don't want to do anything that will set me back, like introducing them too soon, or scaring them off. I seem to come across this site pretty frequently in my google searches, so I thought it might be time to set up an account.

So, where am I at? Well, as mentioned above, the two kittens are in their own space, and over the last week I have tried to spend at least two hours a day with them. We've named them Margaret Scratcher (aka Maggie) and Cindy Clawford. I've been leaving dry kitten food and water in the room when I am not in there, and when I go in, I bring chicken baby food and feed it to them off a spoon. They will both come out from under the side table and eat it pretty easily, and I can pet Maggie as she's eating, and occasionally Cindy will let me do so as well, but she is much more timid. Still, I think this is pretty good progress for just over a week in the house. I managed to pick up Maggie last night and hold her to my chest for about a minute and a half, I probably could have held her longer but didn't want to freak her out too much.

I guess the question now is, I don't want to stall the progress but similarly, I don't want to rush it and cause them to get freaked out by me. I've read a couple of websites where it is suggested to pick them up, even with a towel, and hold them to me so they become more acclimated to human touch/smell, but I don't want to force the issue if this progress is considered good. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at but at this point I would love a more experienced person to chime in.

In addition, I don't want to introduce my other kitties too early, or too late, for fear of them not getting along. So... anything you all can recommend would be appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read... Here they are, for those of you who are curious:



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I've read a couple of websites where it is suggested to pick them up, even with a towel, and hold them to me so they become more acclimated to human touch/smell,
This trick we too do advocate.  A sort of very soft breaking in...  Wrapped up as a burrito they cease resistance.  You hold them at your chest so they feel your warmth and hear the hearts beats, you talking friendly, making nice noises "crooning", singing softly, carrying around peraps even a whole hour.

Like you say, it shouldnt be done too early, they must have landed first some.  I think you can do it soon.

Letting them meet your residents?  Essentially you can probably do it soon, the quarantine period si soon done.

but.  For non experienced fosterers it is much easier to get help from your residents.

But many experienced residents [ EDIt  rescuers/fosterers ]  prefer to foster them themselves - even one and one (so, in some variations it may be good to separate them, esp if it is a big litter you are fostering)..

Why themselves?  To be sure they got attached to you the human.

If you allow them to meet the residents and be pal with them, there is some risk they do learn to live inside in your home all right, being friends with your cats and dogs, but dont get really socialized to humans - continuing to be essentially semiferales living inside.

Some rescuers do have it so, and accept.  "saved life is saved life is saved dear life" and worth it.  these rescuers do have other cats to pet with and have to warm their knees when lying in the beds.   :)

Im sure others will fill in!

Good luck!

ps.  Righty looks almost like a ragdoll, the mitted variaton (ie with white, including white socks) - although I dont see his fur lenghts.  Lefty is a more common tuxedo  black and white - if I see the colors correctly on my so so monitor.
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TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Absolutely beautiful kittens!  I think you are right on track, actually.  You can use the burrito trick (wrapping them in a towel) if you are comfortable with it.

I would suggest that you feed them wet food, though.  The baby food is a good bribe but if you can, feed them on a schedule with wet food.  If you want to leave a bit of dry overnight, that's good.  But really, wet food is better for them.

Otherwise, have patience.  They will come around if you take your time.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I agree with StefanZ----I would hold off on introducing them to your guys. If they truly are ferals, you may have a slow (but rewarding) process just getting them to be trusting of you and bonded to you/humans. Introducing other cats at this point runs the risk that they either A) become terrified of the big guys & there's a trust setback....or B) they bond with the big guys & so the socialization to you/ humans will slow down. I know you want one big happy family---but I'd make sure they're TOTALLY socialized before staging a VERY slow introduction. (You can find lots of places on this site to offer suggestions on slow introduction methods.

And what adorable kittens!!! The right one does look like a ragdoll--you sure they're feral, not stray or drop offs?

Keep us posted!
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TCS Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Ottawa, Canada
Thanks so much for the advice so far. I've switched to using canned cat food to entice them to me and they seem to like it just as much as the baby food. Still leaving the dry kitten formula in the room.

Re: Introducing them, I totally get that and figured I should probably be somewhere with the kittens where they are comfortable enough with -me- before introducing anyone else, but I am no expert so didn't know if delaying the other cats' introduction would be harmful, and wanted to check. I am willing to dedicate whatever time is needed to make this work as best as possible, so taking the time to do this right is certainly not a problem. I just gather that I am a little past the 'best' socialization window already, so wasn't sure if it was something I should push a bit more.

Since my post, I was able to pick up Maggie again, for a few more minutes. I still haven't tried the burrito trick, and will be doing a lot of reading this morning so I can learn to do it properly before attempting it. I forgot to mention, I also have either 'talk radio', or classical music going at most times in the room, as I have read that both are helpful. I'm going to try and pick up some feliway at the vet's tomorrow when I take one of my other girls in.

Kittychick: We found mom and her kittens a few days after they were born, back in August. She waited a couple days and then carried them off somewhere else. We kept leaving food out for mom so she would have good sustenance for raising them, and in mid-October my husband saw Maggie with her, and shortly thereafter, all three started hanging around our yard. We made a little shelter for them, and managed to trap the kittens before the first snowfall but sadly haven't seen mom since. I'm a little worried she was pregnant again, so she may have gone off to give birth, but we're keeping the trap and have left the shelter/food out so we can try and get her TNR if she comes back, at least. But you're right, they are adorable and I'm fascinated by Cindy's colouring. Going to be very interesting to see how they look as they grow.

(and wow, my posts are long, sorry about that!)



TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
It's nice to see a fellow " long poster"! ;) I always shock myself with how long mine get.Glad to hear you're going to try to TNR the mom-if you need any tips just ask! Been doing it in earnest this dummer after finding a neighbor had started a feral cat colony (but was not "fixing"). Done 14 so far this year -all but 2!

Anyway-do take it slow. Think if it this way-slow wont hurt any of them-//too fast mightig thing is I'd make sure they're totally bonded with you & comfortable with YOU before you introduce them. You need them to think you're the most important thing in the world !!!!!
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TCS Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Ottawa, Canada
Just wanted to post an update, patience is definitely key...
They're coming around nicely after four weeks now... Maggie seems to be quite comfortable while Cindy is a little skittish yet, but both purr within a few seconds of petting. I never was able to burrito them, and can't pick up Cindy yet, but definitely making some very good progress with them both. Thanks for the suggestions, and recommendations. I found, and have continued to find some really useful posts and encouraging comments on other stories, that have helped us thus far!


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Good job!

Cindy may just not be a lap cat - some aren't, so I wouldn't worry too much.  They are absolutely gorgeous kittens!  The snowshoe looks a bit like a raccoon.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi, I just wanted to show you a picture of Sophie, one of the stray kittens that I'm taking care of at the moment. She looks a lot like Cindy, I thought.

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TCS Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Ottawa, Canada
Wow, does she ever, that is quite unreal - even down the the little patches/splotches on her paws and forearms! Thank you very much for sharing, it's kind of interesting to see what Cindy might look like when she gets older...


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Wow - both are gorgeous - but Cindy is truly unique (well, I guess unique unless you consider Sophie - who is almost Cindy's twin!). Beautiful beautiful kittens!  I think it sounds like you're making absolutely amazing progress - SO glad you've hung in there. And I think Ondine may be right - Cindy may just never be a lap cat...or she may come around and change eventually. We have 5 indoor guys- and none were lapcats. almost 4 years old, all of a sudden last month Bowie decided to climb onto my lap! Then - the cat who would never jump on the couch, the be petted (although he loves getting pets and belly rubs when he's on the ground) all of a sudden he discovered the joys of snuggling in bed...and on the couch. And after 4 years of NOT doing it?!?! That's half the fun of cats though isn't it? You never know what's next!!!!

And did you end up introducing them all yet? (sorry if I missed that above somewhere). I know the frustration of trying to figure out the correct introduction time...and method! 


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
And this will make you laugh after Ondine's comment above - my husband just walked by the computer and I had the pic of the two of them up - and he said "Who would put a raccoon with that little black and white guy?!?!" Made me laugh out loud! (I did, after I quite laughing, explain it was a kitten).
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TCS Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Ottawa, Canada
@kittychick Haha, nice re: your hubby's comment. She is definitely unique(ish, seeing Sophie, hehe) and does look like a raccoon with the markings for sure.

We did somewhat start introductions, but given that Cindy's comfort level is still fairly low we are still taking it reaaally slow (though, she seems more curious of other cats than us). We have a child gate up in our hallway, just outside the bedroom door, and two of our three older cats can jump it. Loki, our 25lb maine coon has been the most curious so far. We let him in the room while we're in there, and as he wanders around the room sniffing at everything, Cindy and Maggie virtually forget we exist and just follow him around in what seems like awe. He does meow a little oddly at them, when they get too close... it's like an anxious meow, for lack of a better word. He did take a swipe at Cindy at one point and that ended a visit rather quickly, but he was better behaved the next time we let him in.

The 13yo sisters seem to be a little curious, but generally indifferent. One of them tends to be grumpy around all other cats, even the ones she's lived with all her life, so suspect there will be some hissing and a bit of swatting when they 'meet', but she'll probably just steer clear of 'em for the most part.

Here's one picture my husband snapped while we were watching them follow Loki around...

Eeeee! Glowy eyes! Lol.

Slow, supervised, and some feliway spray seems to be helping (though I'm tempted to try a diffuser now after reading a bunch of threads on here).

Other cute moments... the first time Maggie purred, Cindy attacked her - I don't think they had ever heard that noise before, but now it's almost purr-on-demand now when we start petting them. Maggie insists on the attention when I pet Cindy, to the point where she will crawl on top of Cindy to get under my hand, hehe. I still try to pick up Maggie and hold her for periods of time but let her go as soon as she gets flail-y. Cindy, I'm just petting her when she lets me, for now - we'll just see how things go. I don't mind cats who don't like being picked up so that's not a huge deal for me, and it seems as though it's less traumatic for her when I don't try. Besides, at least one of our current cats became more of a lap kitty as she got older, so it's always possible down the road, too.

Thanks again for all the suggestions/advice/well wishes :)


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Watching them with your Maine Coon sounds like a riot! (I'm a sucker for that gorgeous black/brown Maine Coon tabby look! We have one that's a mix that's almost 20 years old) So glad to hear introductions are going that well - that's great! And it sounds like things couldn't be moving much better with the little ones (I know we always want them to move toward lap cat status as fast as possible). 

Yeah for you! (and them!) Loved the pic so much --glowy eyes and all ;)
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Ottawa, Canada
I wanted to post an update, given that it's been nearly a year since I've had them in my home, and they have turned into quite the cuties. While the first few months were a bit bumpy, they really grew into happy little indoor monsters. They are not really lap kitties but I suspect they are still just too young to stay still very long! They LOVE being petted, they immediately start purring loudly and happily (we call it 'purr-splosions'), and they both tolerate being picked up and snuggled for a couple of minutes.

Cindy Clawford darkened up a little, and Margaret ("Maggie") Scratcher looks about the same.

They have really stayed close to one another, which is sweet and adorable.

And while they both get along very well with my maine coon, Loki, he seems to have taken a liking to Maggie:

So, cute pictures and happiness aside, I wanted to come back to thank the super members who gave me advice on bringing them around, and hopefully this will encourage others who are struggling to keep working at it - it is so worth it!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Oh, so sweet! I'm glad to see them looking so happy.

Sophie, my little Cindy Crawford lookalike, has got a lot darker too.

I think it's because I live in a place that gets so cold in the winter. I guess she's going to be almost black in a few years.

Thanks for the update.
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TCS Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Ottawa, Canada
Wow, that's fascinating! Thanks for sharing your updated picture of Sophie, she's only gotten more beautiful. And I agree, being in a place where it's quite cold, it's probable that they will both get darker.