Meet siblings Jasmine and Samson!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013
Hello everyone!

I have two cats who are brother and sister, Jasmine and Samson, although they don't look like it much. My sister and I got the cats a long time ago, when they were just itty bitty kittens from the owner of the farm where we boarded our horses. When miss Jazzy was  just a few weeks old, she escaped into a broken heater vent system and spent three of the coldest nights in December (this in Colorado) there. (This was with her previous owner, not with me.) When she was finally rescued, she was in amazingly good health. Jazzy drools (more like drips) when you hold her and she's purring, the vet says it's because she's really happy.  :D

Sammy was the second runt of the litter, and is quite the poofball. He is extremely social, the moment (I mean the exact second) I sit down (on the couch, on the toilet lid, anywhere) he runs over and jumps on my lap, his motor running loudly. 

They are now 10 years old, and getting slightly more annoyed when they are ignored when they think they should be getting attention, which is pretty much 24 hours, 7 days a week; excluding naps of course. They have taken to biting (hard as well, not enough to draw blood, but where it freaking hurts) faces, legs, arms, hands, anywhere their mouth tends to be when they feel that they aren't getting enough attention (or that it's time for breakfast). It's not like I ignore or neglect them either, I make time to play with them, hold Jazzy, and let Sammy sit on my lap as much as possible. It's just the moment my hand stops petting, I get a bite.

The main reason I joined this site was to get a little advice on how to discourage the biting, along with some advice on how to build a cat tree for front declawed cats (I plan to post a separate post for the cat tree). (I did not want them declawed, my sister and I fought vehemently about getting them declawed, but my mom gave us the ultimatum, get them laser declawed, or give them away. We tried to rehome the,, but couldn't find anyone to take them. They were only a year old or so when they got declawed. :( They haven't seem to have any bad health affects, and act like normal cats. When they were living at my step-dads, they would find some way to get onto the wood frame work in the basement and made that their new favorite sleeping spot. So I have no worries that they will have any problems with a cat tree, especially with lots of platforms.

Of course, here's a photo of them! :D Do they look at all related to you folks? I've always thought Sammy looked like a Maine Coone and my princess like a Blue Somalia.

And yes, I know it's a cat forum...but... I couldn't exclude the 3rd fur child of our family, miss Roxanne. (you can't tell from the pic, but she has a loooonnnng body and short legs)



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
Hello and welcome to TCS.
Beautiful kittys and dog!

Biting is a common behavior problem in declawed cats. The best way to discourage it is to not give them what they want when they do this behavior. If they want petting  and bite to get your attention, you say "NO" firmly and in a strong voice, put them down and walk away. This takes a little time, but being consistent is the only way they'll get the hint that they WON'T get what they want by behaving that way.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013
Thank you for the welcome and compliments! :) 

Thank you for the advice. I'll try my hardest to do that, and tell my boyfriend the same. I was trying just ignoring her and moving to a separate area (as we share a studio apartment, so it's not like I have a bedroom to go into), but she would just follow me, and then bite. If I go in the bathroom, when I open the door, she'll be at my feet most of the time. She sometimes gives a "warning,"  by pawing at my legs. Usually it's when I am unable to pick her up right that second (such as washing dishes), and then she repeatedly chomps on me. 

 What should we do at night time when we are trying to sleep? That's when Sammy decides that he needs to be petted. Not just laying down on me, or with my hand resting on him, no my hand *must* be moving, or I get a sharp bite on my arm. Or I'll wake up half asleep from him biting my face or arm, demanding attention or food (this at like 3am in the morning). As I'm half of sleep, I can be kinda grumpy, I'll gently scruff him, say no, and escort him off the bed. The moment I lay back down, he's back on me. 

The only thing that seems to work is shaking back and forth which ever body part their trying to bite so they can't get to it. 

For a little background, I feel that is all my fault for adopting our dog, Roxy. The shelter said she was cat friendly (and that she was going to get euthanized that day if she wasn't adopted), and our cats grew up with multiple dogs, so it's not like they have a problem with dogs. Upon meeting them, Roxy immediately chased them. I transformed all our *limited* cupboard space in the bathroom and kitchen as comfy cat hidey holes so they could escape from her. Almost a year later, and while they aren't certainly best friends, the cats have no problem sleeping right by her now.

Roxy is always hogging us and the moment the cats jump on the couch or our bed, Roxy jumps right in, and tries to weasel between them and us. She does *not* like to share. We push her away and give the cats attention, but a lot of the time, they will run off. We've tried to establish that the cats have dominance over her, and that she's on the bottom of the totem pole, but it hasn't really stuck. That's why I feel that the cat tree I want to build will help, at least they'll have a sanctuary where they can look down on her like cats do. ;)

Sorry for the book, I tend to write a lot. I'll try this again, being consistent every time. 


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Welcome aboard!

Your one cat looks very much like my long-gone Jasmine (Funny, we called her "Jazzy"!).
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013
Hi there welcome along to TCS :)

Jasmine and Samson are stunning!!
Aww thanks! I'll be sure to tell them that. ;) I'm sure your kitties are gorgeous as well!
Welcome aboard!

Your one cat looks very much like my long-gone Jasmine (Funny, we called her "Jazzy"!).
That's very ironic you called her Jazzy as well! You should post a pic of her. :)