Topical Flea Treatment and Foggers...How soon is too soon?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 13, 2013

My apartment has been overrun with fleas!  My wife took in a stray cat, who I'm happy to say now has a safe home, but she left us with the gift of fleas.  It's been about a month now, and we were so busy with our wedding and honeymoon during this time that it wasn't until we got back that we realized our cats and apartment had a serious flea problem.

I went to the grocery store, and found Hertz Ultraguard drops.  Big mistake, according to the results.

I also sprayed with Sentryhome flea spray.  That was two weeks ago.  The infestation has only gotten worse, and fleas are jumping all over us and our cats are covered in them.  I am ready to fog the apartment, but I won't do it until I'm ready to treat the cats again, with a proper treatment.

I am going to buy Frontline or Advantage, but the question that lingers is:  When can I apply it to the cats?  I want to do it as soon as possible, so it can coincide with the fogging and I can attack both problems at once, but it has only been two weeks since I applied the Hartz drops.  How long should I wait until I re-apply a different medication?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009

My apartment has been overrun with fleas!  My wife took in a stray cat, who I'm happy to say now has a safe home, but she left us with the gift of fleas.  It's been about a month now, and we were so busy with our wedding and honeymoon during this time that it wasn't until we got back that we realized our cats and apartment had a serious flea problem.

I went to the grocery store, and found Hertz Ultraguard drops.  Big mistake, according to the results.

I also sprayed with Sentryhome flea spray.  That was two weeks ago.  The infestation has only gotten worse, and fleas are jumping all over us and our cats are covered in them.  I am ready to fog the apartment, but I won't do it until I'm ready to treat the cats again, with a proper treatment.

I am going to buy Frontline or Advantage, but the question that lingers is:  When can I apply it to the cats?  I want to do it as soon as possible, so it can coincide with the fogging and I can attack both problems at once, but it has only been two weeks since I applied the Hartz drops.  How long should I wait until I re-apply a different medication?
  Congrats on your wedding

Gosh, I think I'd be tempted to call up my Vet and ask them about the flea application, since you've already applied the Hartz.  You can probably call without any charge.  Also, on the flea bombing the apartment, I'm not sure about that.  Have you just tried vacuuming LOTS, with a flea collar in the vacuum bag,if you have a bag, and if no bag, then nothing to worry about,just make sure you empty the cannister after every vacuum.

Here is a thread that discusses what different people have done to gt rid of fleas.  Maybe something in it will be helpful:


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 9, 2013
Northern Virginia
If you use Frontline Plus or Advantage, there is no reason to use a fogger. The foggers may kill live fleas, but they don't get the eggs, plus they are really toxic to your entire home environment. Even if the fogger did kill eggs, they are so deep into the carpets and miniscule cracks everywhere, it is impossible to reach them all.

We moved into a rental absolutely loaded with fleas once and my vet advised us to just apply the Frontline Plus and expect a new hatch out in a few weeks from the thousands of eggs already laid everywhere. They get really deep into everything, so vacuuming helps, but could never get them all.

This is how she explained it to me : You have to break the life cycle of the fleas. The fleas on your cat will be made sterile when they get a dose of the new flea meds, then they will die without laying more eggs. When the already existing eggs hatch, the same thing happens- they will get on your cat, but once they bite, they will be rendered sterile and then die. As long as you apply Frontline Plus or Advantage once a month and on time, you will see less and less fleas till they are all gone. It takes a couple of months, but it is the only way to totally get rid of them once you have an infestation :(

The Hartz stuff is basically worthless and can actually be really dangerous. I can't believe stores are allowed to sell it after all the complaints and petitions that have been lodged. It's not right :(

Like Msgreenjeans suggested, I would definitely check with your vet to find out when it is safe to apply another treatment. Oh, and if you choose Frontline, be sure to get the Plus because it works better than the just plain Frontline.
Best of luck to you :) Fleas suck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 13, 2013
These are great responses!  happybird, I thought that might be the case with the topical treatments and fogger.  I've been super papa, running around and spraying the apartment and vacuuming everything almost daily, but I still feel like there is going to be no end to this.  I agree that the best thing to do at this point would be to turn the cats into little furry flea traps and let the fleas kill themselves off.  While still vacuuming like mad, of course.

Thanks for the advice!  I'm new to my area, so I will find and call a vet tomorrow to find out when I can apply new treatment, and I will share the answer on here in case anyone else has my same problem.  Thanks!!!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
You can put a flea collar in your vacuum bag to help kill any fleas you pick up.  You can also sprinkle either Diatomaceous Earth (food grade found in organic gardening centers or feed stores) or Borax (found on the laundry soap aisle in the store) on your floors then vacuum.  If you can keep the kitties out of specific areas overnight, that would help, then vacuum in the morning.  Be sure to get under furniture and appliances.  Also, be sure to wash all their bedding in hot water.