Introducing ME!...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 29, 2013
Hi fellow cat people!

I posted once on this site before (without officially introducing myself). Here is a link to my post:

I want to continue being a member of this forum and I have some things I want to throw out there regarding these feral cats, and cats in general. So before I do that, I should really introduce myself. 

-My name is Judy, I'm 41, I'm married and have 2 boys (10 and 14) I've been married 15 years and thankfully hubby puts up with me feeding the neighborhood. (I've caught a possum and a skunk eating the food I leave out for the cats). 


-I've had cats all my life... Squirmy, Scooter, Leonard, E.T., Momcat (mother of E.T. and Leonard and originally a feral cat who first gave birth in our neighbors garage), and Pele (pronounce Pay Lay). Pele is still alive and will be 18 years old next month. He is my baby. 

Not sure what else to add... I will be posting soon again because I have some more thoughts and questions about these feral cats and I really value having other opinions and insight. 

Nice to meet you!



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2013
Welcome.  My mom has a skunk that comes around as well to check out the cat foot so your post made me chuckle.  Any pictures of Pele?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 29, 2013

Here's Pele, my ancient cat, sleeping as usual... under the piano bench which is his new spot. I just took this picture about an hour ago.  I've known him longer than my husband! 

I had my own apartment when I was 22, and I spent one day before I realized I needed a cat. That night (the first night in my new apartment) I watched "Pet Cemetery" and saw "Church", and I thought to myself "I want an all gray cat". The next day I went to a pet store in the mall (ugh, of all places!), and he was there and he was my cat. Stars aligned, all that.... we've bonded majorly since then. Like I said before, he is my baby.

He's going to be leaving us soon, and I dread that day. That will be very hard, because although he's not "people", he's my family, and there are many times I'm really glad he's around.  But I maintain the feeling I've had before...That this cat was born regardless of me, and I was involved afterwards, and because of that both of our lives are better... I will not let heartbreak and sadness ruin me for other animals. So many people love an animal, see them pass, and swear never to do it again because it was hard to lose them. That just means another animal will lose out.  Dogs and cats don't live as long as people.... so therefore if you get a cat or a dog, you're kind of committing to see them through their lives... which includes death. That's not bad, it's life, and how nice is it to feel like you've given your pet a nice life all the way through??! I understand the sadness... I kind of take offense at the balking of ever doing it again because it was too hard when it was over. Our jobs are not to make them live forever, it's just to make their lives and our lives happy and healthy and well fed while we can. Love follows. The end. 

I'm trying to post a video of me feeding my feral cat but it's been a cyber PIA, so maybe tomorrow....

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 29, 2013
Got it! He're a short vid of me trying to feed Kitty... who by the way.... this is her third visit to me today.... The first visit I gave her leftovers, the second visit I gave her a HUGE can of cat food.... (like a can the size of a soup can).  . This is her about an hour ago,.,,, famished as usual. I don't understand how she can be so hungry! I mean I know she's wild, but she really eats well here on my patio....and has been for 3 months! 
