Hello everybody!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013

I recently found this site trying to get some information about pregnant cats. 

My name is Nico and I have had cats ALL my life. Ever since I was born. Both my mom and dad love cats so there have always been cats at both of their places. When I was little everone knew that I loved cats because I would draw cats everywhere and talk about my cats at home. When I was 13 I got my first cat that was just mine! When I got older we got more and more cats and we are now very happy with our six cats (three of them are mine and the other three are the whole familys.) and are NOT planning on getting any more. :p

However, the last cat I bought turned out to be pregnant... so we will have a few more until we sell them at 12 weeks.

The pictures below are in the order we got them, and their stories are underneath them.

The two cats on the side are Romeo and Tristan. They're identical twins and we've had them for 10 years. We bought them from my grandparents neighbours when they were really tiny. However, Romeo got really sick and we struggled with medicine and vet visits for a while. He seemed to get better, but suddenly he got really sick and we had to put him down. This happened just a few months ago so we are still really sad. :( His brother is still with us tho, but we thought for a while that we would lose him to. He stopped eating when his bbrother died because he was so sad. Luckely he started eating after a while and is now doing really well!

This little man, Malte, is my first baby! It's the little kitty I've had for seven years and he's the first one that's all mine. He's so beautiful with his big ears and eyes and he's a total mamas boy. He's one of the cats my moms cat had. We were not trying to get kittens, she had them before we spayed her, so she was really young. However, she was a great mom and her kittens turned out to be amazing cats all of them!

This is my second baby, Inara, that I adopted from a shelter almost a year ago. Inara is a russian blue mix and you can really tell. She talks all the time and she is really cuddely and a mamas girl. 

As you can see, she likes to sleep in weird positions...

This little darling is Gogo Yubari. Or just Yubari. She and her brother Hattori Hanzo came to us from a friend of mine. They tried to take over them from a guy who was allegic to them, but my friends mom was allergic to them to. My dad suggested that we should try to take them and everything worked out. 

This is the brother. ^ My little tuxedo kitty.

They are both very playful so they love it here where there is always a cat that wants to play!

This last one is my newest and third baby, Leeloo. (Leeloominaï)

I bought her four weeks ago today. She is a Holy birman/Maine coon mix. This is the little lady that turned out to be pregnant.

She wakes me up every morning for cuddles! I bought her because it felt so empty with one less cat and I wanted to bring somthing positive into our lives!

Many people feel that we have too many cats and just in case someone here feels that way to I just want to explain.

All of our cats are insured. They get their yearly vaccinations. They get quality food and we play with them all the time. When something feels off, we take them to the vet. They are all spayed and neutered. They are indoor cats, but we have a fenced off balcony. Some cats we take outside with a leash. (some really don't want to. I've tried.) They have a buch of toys, both normal toys and activating toys. They also have a huge cat tree and other cat stuff. 

I hope that makes you feel more relaxed. :) We love our cats and we treat them the best way possible!

That is my introduction! I hope everyone is having an amazing day! :)


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA

So you've got six cats if I got their stories right?  They're all darling. I'm sorry about the boy you lost, it sure takes time to get used to them being gone.  :-(  

I first joined here in February.  We had three cats and ended up unexpectedly taking in four more, so we've got seven now.  I thought that was really crazy and it's only been four months, so I still get overwhelmed with it all sometimes.  But we're slowly getting used to having that many.  

There are other people on this board with more cats than that!  It's not too many if they're all well taken care of and well loved, which sounds like the case with your babies.  :-)
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013
Yes, we have six cats!

I hoped that if anywhere, people on a cat site would not think I have to many cats. :)

I'm just so used to people asking me if I really can take care of all my cats and asking if it's even legal to have that many...
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013
Wow! They look so similar! With the little white spot on the belly. :) 

Is Gracie a mix to or is she Russian blue? Or any other "blue" breed?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
She also has a little white spot under her chin like Inara, but her collar covers it. :)

We've asked Gracie what she is and where she comes from, but she hasn't told us yet. ;) A coworker found her on a cold winter day asking to come in, and we took her permanently. She was spayed and in good shape, but no owner was ever found.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013
That's so strange. But I'm glad someone found her so she got a new home!

I adopted Inara from a shelter and they said she was found with her siblings and mother in the forest when she was just a little baby.

So I have technically no idea what kind of mix she is, but she has a lot of qualities that points to her being part russian blue. :)


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Hi Nico and msdebelia. All your cats are gorgeous and I can totally identify with the feeling of a hole being left in the home when a fur-friend moves on. Leeloo looks stunning and full of personality and I don't think I could have resisted her either:)    I too only recently found this site - when I was looking up some health information for my little boy: He's had what some would say is a lonely life as he's my only cat and doesn't go outside (I previously had 2 sister tabbies and one bullied the other terribly). As my boy was an only kitten and the only other cat he ever met was his mum I suspect if he did meet a feline friend he'd not know what to do! Some people are very ready to criticize without full information which is a shame. This site seems very positive and constructive so far.

Gracie and Inara definitely look like they have strong Russian genes with lovely short but thick blue grey fur (and their poses look pretty familiar too!) though what look like little white patches on them wouldn't meet with the breed description. If their fur is all one length and really dense so you can stroke both ways that would be another sign.  My boy Mouse is a Russian and I think one of their most endearing traits is the gentle and spectacularly cuddly nature so lucky you:). Oh, and that cheeky expression on Gracie's face looks all too familiar! 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
That's so strange. But I'm glad someone found her so she got a new home!
She's our little mystery! I'm glad too that she has a good home now, she certainly deserves it. But her origins allow me to remind her we didn't have to take her when she frustrates me! (Not that we'd ever actually get rid of her. ;) )

I do suspect she has some Russian in her, but I don't really care. Her paw pads look mauve to me, which I once read points to Russian blue, but who knows? We just list her a Domestic Shorthair, Blue at the vet. The blue coat is gorgeous either way and she's a great kitty. :) She's also extremely talkative, like Inara! On the other hand, she is NOT a cuddler! She likes to be near you, and if you ignore her enough and she decides she like you a lot, she may lay on your feet or sit just an inch or three away from you. She'll demand a couple of pets frequently but also ends them quickly. She's highly social, but in her own way.

As others have pointed out, Leeloo is incredibly beautiful!
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
Mouse is a Russian and I think one of their most endearing traits is the gentle and spectacularly cuddly nature so lucky you:). Oh, and that cheeky expression on Gracie's face looks all too familiar! 
Mouse is one of my favorite cat names ever! Seems to fit your little guy well. You also seem to know him very well.


TCS Member
Jul 10, 2013
Escondido, CA
I had a baby I named "Mouse". He was an accidental mix between a Korat & and a blue Burmese. His ears were HUGE, and yet he was rather tiny- and Mouse sounded nicer than "rat" he ended up huge, well muscled, and became the alpha cat in our home. I miss him still.


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
Hi there welcome along to TCS :)

6 is nothing to what some members on here :) as long as you care for them right which it reads that you do it shouldnt be an issue to anyone :)


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
She's our little mystery! I'm glad too that she has a good home now, she certainly deserves it. But her origins allow me to remind her we didn't have to take her when she frustrates me! (Not that we'd ever actually get rid of her.

That's funny.  I can't tell you how many times we've told ours that we'll take them back to the SPCA where we found them if they don't behave.  LOL  Of course not that we would.  

Inara and Gracie do look an awful lot alike--they're gorgeous!  
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013
She's our little mystery! I'm glad too that she has a good home now, she certainly deserves it. But her origins allow me to remind her we didn't have to take her when she frustrates me! (Not that we'd ever actually get rid of her.

I do suspect she has some Russian in her, but I don't really care. Her paw pads look mauve to me, which I once read points to Russian blue, but who knows? We just list her a Domestic Shorthair, Blue at the vet. The blue coat is gorgeous either way and she's a great kitty.
She's also extremely talkative, like Inara! On the other hand, she is NOT a cuddler! She likes to be near you, and if you ignore her enough and she decides she like you a lot, she may lay on your feet or sit just an inch or three away from you. She'll demand a couple of pets frequently but also ends them quickly. She's highly social, but in her own way.

As others have pointed out, Leeloo is incredibly beautiful!
Inara can also be very social when she wans to be. She follows me around all the time and jumps up on my lap to sleep and is super sweet when it's her choice. But if you pick her up to cuddle agains her will she gets very squirmy and she will scratch at everything she gets a hold of. When I was a little girl my grandmother had a russian blue or a russian blue mix, I can't remember. And he was the sweetest cat ever! It's sort of nice to have a cat like him again. It reminds me of how sweet he was. Having a cat of a special breed doesn't matter in the slighest otherwise. All cats are wonderful and beautiful. :p

Yeah, Leeloo is very cute and sweet. She's lying next to me now on my desk and I can see the little babies kicking up a storm!

I've heard that cats get very affectionate when they are pregnant, and I've only had her when she is, so I'll see how she really is in a couple of weeks. ;)

I do think she's normally very affectionate tho. I can't imagine it her being anything but! :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
Originally Posted by Nicolina  

Yeah, Leeloo is very cute and sweet. She's lying next to me now on my desk and I can see the little babies kicking up a storm!

I've heard that cats get very affectionate when they are pregnant, and I've only had her when she is, so I'll see how she really is in a couple of weeks. ;)

I do think she's normally very affectionate tho. I can't imagine it her being anything but! :)
Regardless, I'm sure she's making very positive associations with you and will continue to love you after! :) 

I discovered today that Gracie is very fond of my terry cloth robe. Possible way to convince her to sit on my lap... 
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The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Regardless, I'm sure she's making very positive associations with you and will continue to love you after! :) 

I discovered today that Gracie is very fond of my terry cloth robe. Possible way to convince her to sit on my lap... 
Yeh, cuddly as he is Mouse is NOT a sit on lap cat. Only way I get him on my knee is if he's snoozing in his cardboard box with his fleece and I lift the whole package up and sit him there my self. Then soon as he wakes up he's off 
 Might bed coz I'm always getting up top make cups of tea as he spends pretty much all night on my bed.

From earlier comment from msdebelia: very kind but I just managed to add some photos to Mouse's cat page which tell the truth about him - his name does NOT match his character 


TCS Member
Apr 23, 2014
Hi there, I also have a Russian Blue cross, Charlie, that was rescued from a shelter. I noticed he has similar markings as your Inara and Gracie. And the same character traits you describe! He's very talkative, social and likes a cuddle in his own way.

Do either of you cats have allergy problems or teeth problems? Charlie has had most of his teeth removed now, and he's only 2. He also has an allergy to mosquitoes and fleas and he over grooms. I was reluctant to have his teeth removed, but he's been much happier since, and it hasn't stopped him eating at all! He loves food. Just wondering if it's a breed trait?

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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013
Wow! it's amazing how all three of them look alike. 

Inara has never had any medical problems. She's almost two now as well. From what i've heard, russians are supposed to be pretty healthy.

Maybe it has something to do with him being a rescue? I know some rescues that have had problems with their teeth. 

Inara's a rescue al well, but she was taken to a shelter when she was very young. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have any allergies.

(We recently found out that the tuxedo cat has allergies so I know what that looks like.)

I'm glad he's feeling better after his teeth were removed, but i'm sure it was hard for you to do.