Possibly ill feral


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 12, 2013
I have three ferals I care for.  The girl, Esther, is acting oddly.

She's up as much as 3 times a day to eat.  She's always there in the morning for breakfast, often alone.  She can eat two cans of food in one sitting.

She wasn't up at all this AM.  This afternoon, she showed up with her brother, Brighton.  I put down food for them, and Esther tries to eat a little, then walks away and vomits twice.  Brighton was concerned; he left his food to check on his sister, and sniffed at what she had just vomited.  He then sat below where I was (on my deck), laid down on his side, and stared at me while panting.

It's hot today, by the way.

Esther left, and has just come back.  I put out fresh food for her and a bowl of water, but instead of eating, she's sitting at the top of the steps that go into my ravine (roughly 5 feet from the food) and she just looks at me.  Esther NEVER does this - she's all business.  She eats, she leaves.  But she stares at me plaintively, as if she doesn't feel well and wants me to fix it.  She won't take the water, she won't eat the food.

Is there anything I can do for her?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 12, 2013
I just went back out to check on Esther.  She's been here more than a half hour, and she was resting in a place we've made under part of our deck just for the ferals.  As I stood and talked with her, she would look at me, then do that slow blink cats do when they feel trusting.  She didn't run, when normally I can't get within 5 feet of her.  

Her breathing looks fine, her eyes are clear, I see no injuries.  But I'm worried that my hungry girl won't eat even her favorite food.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
You can try and get her into a human trap, and off to a vet.  Afterwards, have her in a nice and calm sick bay in your place.

Have something on the trap so it looks like a nice friendly hole.

Perhaps even a rigged up trap made from a carrier.

Talk friendly and make a lot of soothing noises.

If she is sick, feels it, and wants your help, the chance is good she will go into the trap, even if she isnt interested in eating the bait.

But if she isnt desperate enough to go in the trap, it is impossible to help effectively,  as you dont know what it is. 

Additional bonus is, when they are sick and seek help, and you give them this help - the fostering and socialisation goes extra easy.  If you want to foster and socialize that is.  If not, just return her back to her territory when she is healthy again.

Good luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 12, 2013
Esther is now eating, but oh lordy.  Apparently, when we had her spayed in April, it was after she had kittens.  She showed up this morning with three adorable kittens.  They're appx. 3-4 months old, the one I saw most closely has her coloring but her brother's patterning.  I think I know who fathered them.

My husband and I thought we saw kittens following her back in May, but it was at a distance and, as they had the strong orange coloring of her brother Brighton, we thought we had mis-understood what we had seen.  We hoped we were wrong.  Apparently, we were not.  Esther has kittens, and now I have to figure out how to trap them and get them fixed.

Hard to do, when she doesn't bring them up with her often.

BTW - she's eating again at her usual voracious rate.  Her indigestion is gone.  But if she has kittens she's not bringing with her, she's got to be hunting to feed them, then feeding herself at our house.  We have seen her with prey before, but she came to eat almost immediately afterward to have some food.  Now, I know why.