Co-worker is moving....


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
My co-worker bought a new house; he has his closing today and he's moving over the Memorial Day weekend. He and I have gotten to be good friends and he's a sweetie. Rick has offered to help him move. I can't move anything; my lower back would scream bloody murder and I'd be down afterward for days after lugging heavy boxes around. But what I can do is provide lunch for the movers. I did this when our kids moved into their new house, too.

I'm thinking of making shredded BBQ beef for sandwiches and some crock pot baked beans. I can make the beef the night before and then next Sat morning, just throw it all into the crock pot to reheat. I can throw the beans in another crock pot to cook. And I was thinking of throwing together some kind of brownies for a bit of dessert and I can always make iced tea. I can grab some buns on the way to the house. I'll provide paper plates, napkins, and plastic silverware, too. I thought of a salad, but not sure about the fridge being turned on, although it should be (I'll have to ask him).....I can always throw together some kind of a pasta salad that doesn't call for mayo. Or just some veggies on a tray with a bit of dip. I'll grab a bag of chips, too. Something that the guys can chow down on....moving is hungry work.

He's getting a professional cleaner to come in and clean the house from top to bottom next week (while nothing is in the house yet), along with all the carpet. He has an elderly cat who has some litter box issues (and who was just diagnosed with stomach cancer) from time to time, so he doesn't want to put down new carpet yet. I'm going to help clean the kitchen, though, and wash down the cabinets and such. We can call out for pizza that night; the pizza place is behind his house and right across the street.....I know, NOT a good thing!

I told him that I'd like to give him a house-warming present. He wants a copy of my cookbook!
 That's it....just the cookbook. I think I'm going to look around for a "learn-to-cook type" cookbook, too. He has often called me to ask about cooking certain things, so that might come in handy. I know he does a lot of restaurant eating, but he says once he's settled down again, he wants to cook at home. I also thought about giving him a gift certificate to Penzey for spices as he has absolutely no herbs and spices, not even the basics. (The other night he called me to see if I could bring in parsley, basil and oregano into work for something he wanted to make the following night.)

Anything else I could make a bit of lunch for a bunch of hungry movers?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 21, 2009
If not used to beans it may be a move full of farts...I have a sensitive stomache-can you tell as that was my first thought

Brownies sounds good as I was going to say cookies to snack on while moving:)  I like moving and helping people move.  More for the making the new house as well as old be so clean.  I can lift alot of stuff but rather help out with the cleaning and organizing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
If not used to beans it may be a move full of farts...I have a sensitive stomache-can you tell as that was my first thought

Brownies sounds good as I was going to say cookies to snack on while moving:)  I like moving and helping people move.  More for the making the new house as well as old be so clean.  I can lift alot of stuff but rather help out with the cleaning and organizing.
All beans are gassy. I rather help clean up too.