
TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 23, 2013
I just lost my Little Girl 3 1/2 weeks ago and now it looks as if I may lose another.
Kantor, a 12-year-old Russian Blue had what the vet thinks is a vestibular event last night. He collapsed to the floor, couldn't get up, eyes darting left and right, head swinging madly out of control. After several medications, I brought him home where he slept in his well-padded carrying cage until this morning when I brought him back to the vet to be checked. I was ready to have him put down. My vet suggested we take the wait and see approach and he stayed at the vet's for the day. He has gained strength in his 4 legs but he is blind and still has the head darting to the right side. He can't stand up on his own. He has to be held or put in his carrying cage. I brought him home for the night (vet offered to bring him to her house for the night). He ate. He doesn't appear to be in any pain. This morning, it looks as if maybe he had a stroke. I'm sure someone out there has experienced this same predicament. Vet said Kantor could recover in a day or so but his head may permanently list to one side. She cautioned that this could happen again. He had had two minor episodes about a month ago but recovered immediately. This time is different. Help.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 10, 2013
=( im sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and Kantor. 

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
What, if any, blood pressure assessment/monitoring has been done?

You might want to get (even, a general) handle on this......in the following material, ignore specific references to kidney disease, and know that the information is readable/understandable, science based and reliable: http://www.felinecrf.org/hypertension.htm

I'm editing this post so bring your attention to one section in the reference I provided above - because
  • time is of the essence where HBP and vision loss are cause and effect
  • I'm feeling a sense of resignation in your post - even in your title 'about to lose'
Please ensure you understand this section: http://www.felinecrf.org/hypertension.htm#urgent_symptoms
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 23, 2013
His blood pressure was within normal limits.
This morning, Saturday, I brought him back to the vet. Kantor's eyesight was slowly starting to come back. I brought him home today and he is ever so slowly starting to show an improvement. He can stand alone (with me slightly supporting his head and neck) for about 30 seconds. His head shows less bobbing. His pupils are starting to constrict. He actually tried to play with a moving object. He is eating. He has not used his litter box. The vet expressed some urine from his bladder this morning. I am to call her tomorrow a.m. if he has not used the litter box and she will meet me to express more urine. I am using a cookie sheet with litter so he can get in to use it more easily. He purrs profusely and "talks" to me. Spends most of his time in a make-shift carrying cage with a lot of padding. Sleeps a lot. Baytril is very difficult to administer no matter what method I try. He froths at the mouth, drools, and almost vomits when I give him his pill. Is also on Tresaderm and an eye ointment for a small scratch on his cornea (due to litter in the eye when he collapsed while using his litter box). I am optimistic that I can bring him back to near normalcy by being there for him, encouraging him to try to walk, making sure he gets his medicine, and keeping him clean. I am devoted to him and will do what it takes to help him. He is not in pain, just looks so pitiful. I won't give up on him. P.S. Tonight, we left his "bed" and walked a few steps to a bowl of food and was standing alone and eating.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 23, 2013
Hello Again, White Shadow,

I appreciate and thank you for your concern and your website information. I should also mention that Kantor had a senior exam about 1 1/2 months ago and his blood work came back normal with the exception of a BUN of 37, A/G ratio 0.9, WBC 22.8, and MCHC of 36.5. Auto platelet count was 131 and absolute lymphocyte 9348. Blood work was a Chem 27.

Will send an update when available. He sees the vet tomorrow if he has not used his litter box and he has an appointment on Monday morning.


white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
....Baytril is very difficult to administer no matter what method I try...
  • when, exactly, did you start the Baytril?
  • what is his weight?
  • what is the exact dose and dosing regimen?
  • why is he on Baytril?
  • when, exactly, did he lose his vision?
The well known side effect of Baytril use in cats is loss of vision - hence the questions.

The original Baytril formulation was known to be very bitter tasting, so the tablets were enteric coated - these tablets were coloured purple. If those tablets are crushed/cut, the bitter taste is revealed.  Bayer subsequently introduced a tan coloured tablet, a "flavor tab" which are allegedly more palatable even when crushed/cut.

IF you have the purple tablets, perhaps you can get them changed for the tan variety. Alternatively, a compounding pharmacy should be able to formulate a small capsule version for you. The dose should be a maximum of 5mg per kilo of the cats exact body weight.

When you provide lab results, always provide the normal ranges as well - different labs/different values.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 23, 2013
Kantor was started on Baytril 22.7 mg, 1 tablet (tan) every 24 hours on Thursday night. He weighs 10 pound. So much happened so quickly, I don't have all the answers for you but I can tell you his episode was last Thursday night. Seen by the vet about 45 minutes after episode. Vet started him on phenobarbital, Tresaderm for a left ear infection, anti-nausea medication. I was told the next morning that he could not see. They added an eye ointment because of a small ulcer on his cornea (litter in his eye).

UPDATE: Today is Sunday. Kantor has miraculously, ever so slowly, started to regain his functions. He can see - the vet noted that on Saturday morning. The nystagmus has stopped. He is using his litter box with my help. He is very unsteady on his feet but as the day has progressed, I can actually see him regain his strength and health. He can "stagger" slowly across the room but will fall from time to time. His head still tilts to the right. But, there is no question, he is getting better. His attitude is positive. He even "pawed" at a pencil yesterday in play.He is very tired but actually seems happy at times. He purrs loudly and calls to me in his special cat voice and when I approach him, he tries to turn to expose his stomach for me to gently scratch. Then he extends his paw and tries to pull me closer to him at which time he starts to lick my face. He has always done that. He has a vet appointment tomorrow morning (Monday) and we will go from there. It is incredible how a cat in such horrendous condition, totally disabled, could improve in 3 days to the point where he is now. I have been with him constantly encouraging him and keeping him clean and loved. I will keep you updated on his progress.

Again, thank you for your concern.
