

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 6, 2013
My cat Timone passed away Christmas night 2012. I had him for almost 17 years. I wrote the following to help me cope with this loss.

I Hope in some small way it helps others


[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar 26, 1996 ---- Dec 25, 2012



[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TIMONE
03/26/96 to 12/25/2012

Timone went to SLEEP.
When Timone woke up, he was in a wam, grassy, field with buterflies fliting about. The sky was bright blue with white fluffy clouds floating by. He layed on his back rolling in the lush green grass, the Sun glistned off his coat, when he thought he heard something,
Timone sat up!
He looked around and he saw other cats approaching him. He sat as they one by one greeted him with love, admiration and respect. bowing as they introduced them selves by name;
My name is Tom And I am honored to meet you. Tom said, as he head butted Timone gently.
My name is Penny and it is an honor to meet you; she said as she rub her cheek to his.
My name is Samantha and she reached out her paw and pulled him forward and lovingly rubbed her face in his.
My name is Toshaman and I am very honored to meet you as he walked next to him and rubbed up against him.
My name is Tiffany and I am honored to meet you. She put her head against his chest and slowly moved her head up to his cheek.
Timone did not know what to think!
They treated him as if he was royalty.
My name is... "Jasper!" Timone shouted!; "Your my brother!"
Timone jumped up and hugged his brother. And Jasper said;" Thank you Timone. I am honored to meet you again." He winked at Timone and whispered ;" We will play later"
Timone watched his brother prance away and did not notice the next greeter till he felt a very familiar presence. He turned his head and there she was!" My name is Daphine and I am honored to meet you." Dahine said as she gentlty touched her nose to his.
"Daphine!" Timone said softly. "we grew up together for nine years."
Daphine tackled him to the ground and they wrestled a bit and then she got up and started cleaning his ear with her tongue "We will never be apart again." Daphine said and she walked away.
Timone was full of love, and happy to see his brother and his half life long friend Daphine but still, he did not know who those others cats were and why the treated him with so much love!
"Timone!" His mother waited for him to turn around and face her. "Mom?" Timone said." My name is Skids and I am so very proud of you son!" His mom said as she held him tight. Timone held his mother for some time and then Timone said; "I know you and Jasper and Daphine but, who were those other cats that greeted me first and why do they honor me so much?
Timone's mother smiled at him and said; "You all have a very special bond."
She went on gently;" You lived your life with honor and loyalty and love on Earth and it has ended." "You are now in Heaven and all those cats that Honor you, all Picked! Loved! and Charished the same man on Earth to spend their lives with as you did!
" My Dad!" Timone shouted" Greg!" , I was his big guy, his best friend, The best person I ever met he called me and he always said how proud he was of me. Where is he?
His mother smiled at him and pulled him close" He is still alive on Earth"
"I must see him this instant!" Timone shouted. And no sooner had he uttered the words, all around him a white mist enveloped him and his mother.
Slowly in the mist an image appeared. It was looking down into the backyard where Timone lived with Greg. Greg was sitting in a folding chair in the middle of the backyard to get sun as snow was on the ground. . And the sun was shinning bright. Tears rolled down his face.
Timone shouted; "GREG ! DAD!" but there was no response.
Timone's mother said;" He can not hear you"
"Why is he crying?" Timone said with a concerned look on his face.
His mother held him a little closer and said;" He weeps for you. His heart is broken as he loved you with all his heart. He is mourning your loss." "I must tell him that I am here, He told me that when I passed I would go to a place called Rainbow Bridge and that we would meet again when he passed!" Tiimone said. "is this the Raimbow bridge?" Timones mother said;" Some call it that yes and when he passes you will meet him again and live for ever together."
"There must be some way to tell him I am here and waiting for him!" Timone said. His mother explained to him that some time in the near future he would be allowed to visit him in his dreams. But, if God saw he needed a sign he woulld provide him with one. And God has done just that last night he woke up and saw your face in his window. Timone felt a little better and watched Greg for quite some time.
"Now!" his mother said' " It is time for you to join his other cats and tell stories about life with Greg" The image of Greg faded and he was again in the beautiful field with the other cats Greg raised.

In Loving memory of my Timone, Greg
I miss you BIG GUY!

Wait for me,


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TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 19, 2012
That was so beautiful, and sad.  Sorry for your loss too.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
OMG, Greg, that is so beautiful! I am crying my eyes out, not only for you, but for all of us who have ever loved and lost our fur kids.  I'm so sorry for ALL your losses.   Rest in peace, Timone

BTW, I think Timone should have his very own thread here on "Crossing the Bridge"
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