Please say a prayer for Bonnie....


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 27, 2012
Hello everyone,

It is with much sadness that I have to tell you all that the most beautiful cat, Bonnie, sadly passed away yesterday, she was a stray who came into my daughters life when she and her partner moved to their new home, she was very thin, matted fur and, as it later turned out, very ill with diabetes. My daughter could not give her the time and love she needed so Bonnie went to live with her partners Mum and Dad who live just a few doors away. They took her to the vet, sorted her out medically and gave her a loving home for the past six months.

How wonderful some people are?? They knew that Bonnie was very old ( the vet estimated her age at 19!!), but, they took her into their home, cared for her and made her last few months as comfortable as they could. Bonnie asked for nothing, she was so grateful for the smallest of things, I know that she will be with my other precious cats now, running free, no more pain, but, it hurts so very much, my daughter is devastated, she is now blaming herself for not being there as much as she could, she works full time and did her best but that is small consolation when, after being used to see Bonnie strolling around the gardens, cared for and much loved, she is no longer there...

I know that you will all join me in praying for Bonnie and all the other cats who have left this life for a better place, my heartfelt sympathies for everyone of you who has lost a beloved cat, I know the pain that causes, it has brought back so many memories for me, particularly that of my beloved Coco who died in my arms on the way to the vets, she fought so very hard to stay, at least she was in my arms when her soul left her hurt little body,  when we let cats into our lives, they take over our hearts and the pain of losing them is, at times, almost unbearable, God Bless each and every one of you who is grieving for a cat who has "Crossed the Bridge", it's ok to cry for them, but, try to remember the love they gave you and the joy they brought into your life, miss then then let them go, someone wrote a lovely poem about losing a loved one, it included the line "Miss me but let me go, why cry for a soul set free....".

Of course we are going to cry, but, I just wanted to let you all know that, the pain does ease, it takes time, everyone is different, I still cry for my cats, everyone of them, but I know that we will meet again one day....

Love and very best wishes to everyone who is hurting right now, I wish I had the words to make you all feel just a little bit better, but, sometimes, there are no words, just know that, you are not alone, miss them but let them go......

Cheryl ( Tigger, Crumble and Cocos Mum ) xxxxxx


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
It was so kind of them to take Bonnie in and make her last months so comfortable. It's obvious from your post that she was loved.
RIP, sweetie,


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
So sorry for your loss :shame: and for sharing your story about :rbheart: Bonnie with us. She was well loved and will be missed. :hugs: :rbheart:

RIP sweet :rbheart: Bonnie :rbheart: :angel: