Nikita is a ninja - traumatic vet visit


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 26, 2007
First of all, hi! I've not posted here for ages. Still living with Nikita and we're good buddies :)

I didn't really know where to put this thread but figured it'd fit here. Now where to start.. ok so 2.5 years ago Nikita got an impacted anal gland, it's relatively common in dogs, rare in cats and we just got unlucky. Anyway back then the vet could empty it out then and there without any sedation etc and that was that. Then a few days ago I noticed she was licking her bum a fair bit. I went to have a look and omg it was really swollen and sore gland, right ok then. So first thing monday morning I rang the vet and got an appointment that afternoon.

Took her in and it turned out that it was too sore for the vet do deal with in that appointment, he'd have to put her under to be able to rinse it out properly etc. and she'd have to stay overnight. Nikita's vet is absolutely amazing and he said because she was clearly very uncomfortable and because it had gotten this bad really quickly he'd stay late and sort her out that same day after seeing all the scheduled patients. He'd then phone me both this evening and then tomorrow morning to update me on how she was doing.

I went home and had a fairly nervous evening, it's never fun when your cat is spending the night at the vets. I got a phonecall later on when she was coming to and everything had gone really well. Ok so far so good.

Then I got a phonecall very early on Tuesday morning where the vet has two key things to tell me.

1. When he went to check on Nikita this morning she was fine

2. When he went to put her back into her kennel after checking on her she flipped out, savaged his arm, escaped from the room and was currently trapped INSIDE A WALL at the vet clinic.

Basically she's a ninja, or that guy from the mission impossible movies. Maybe Jason Bourne?

Now lets move into a full on story telling mode:

Our protagonist wakes up in an unfamiliar place after a minor surgery, random parts shaved that shouldn't be. Quickly discovers that unfamilar place is a cage, there are several other prisoners in similar cages in the room.

A prison guard comes and opens the cage and takes our protagonist out to do more medical checks, protagonist goes meekly along while plotting escape plan.

When the guard has finished the examination and attempts to put our protagonist back into the cage the escape plan is put into action.

The guard is attacked and temporarily incapacitated, this is followed up with a fast run into the next room through a door left ajar

In the other room there are no escape routes either. No wait, there's an unfinished air vent at (human) shoulder height, and roughly the size of a palm. Yes! That'll do.

Our protagonist then manages to leap up the wall and disappear down a small hole barely bigger than her head while guard who has by this point gotten over the initial shock can do nothing but watch as our protagonist disappears from view into a wall.

Unfortunately the narrativium cuts out at this point and there's nowhere to go from inside the wall.

The vet had to take bricks out of the wall at the bottom to create an opening for her to come through. When I came to pick her up he was busy re-bricking the wall back up, and blocking off the hole she'd dived down.

Nikita's fine back at home now, very dusty with plaster dust and brick dust but I'm not giving her a bath there's been enough trauma so far. Just wiping her with a damp towel every now and then.

That unfinished airvent hole thing has been in the wall for 10 years and Nikita's the first cat to go through it and it was the size of a human palm (not counting the fingers) and at roughly shoulder height. Nikita's not a small cat either, almost 13 lbs.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 26, 2012
upstate NY USA
Poor scared kitty!! Although the story is adorable. I love the way you told it. Although visions of her next vet visit loom in the future! dun dun dun
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TCS Member
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Mar 26, 2007
I know, my poor kitty, she'll have been SO scared especially when they were knocking the bricks out of the wall, she's really scared of loud noises and I phoned the vet up for an update and could hear the banging in the background. There was no other way of getting her out though and the vet and the staff at the clinic are amazing.

When I came to collect her she was hunkered down in her cat carrier, pretty dusty and growling a deep growl at everyone and everything that moved around her. She was also a bit off that first evening, just sat on the floor after eating and drinking etc. purred when I petted her but didn't want to play or cuddle. Didn't come to my bed when I went to sleep either. However I woke up with her cuddled under my duvet and she's been back to normal after that (well apart from the shaved part of her bum) she's cuddled next to me on the sofa right now. She's on a course of antibiotics and she's been wonderful about eating her pills too.

She's a very athletic 6 year old bengal cat, I'm pretty sure the vet and the staff will remember her well from now on. I'll make sure to clip her claws always before going as well. Hadn't done that this time around unfortunately, she's always been so good at the vets I didn't even think of double checking what her claws were like. Not looking forward to the next time I need to put her into a cat carrier however. Ooof


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 26, 2012
upstate NY USA
Pretty sure being sick and in pain then waking up in a strange enviorment without mommy had a lot to do with her reaction. I wonder if taking some treats she likes to her follow up and letting her have them would help? Of course none of my pets will eat anything the vet gives them.

I have no doubt that the vet clinic is going to remember her! They should put her picture on the wall with a caption under it that says "Super Ninja Escape Kitty" 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 12, 2011
Wow she is a ninja. Hopefully she feels better soon. I'm sure the vet will always remember her.


lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
Oh my goodness what a story! 
I do have a little hint for you.  If she ever has to stay overnight at the vets again, take one of your unwashed jeans or blouses with you.  Ask the staff to place the clothing in the cage with her,  That way, she will have something familiar and most importantly something with your scent with her.  That should help make her feel more comfortable during her stay,  And BTW, i'm sure this isn't the first time your vet has been injured by an animal.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
I have no doubt that the vet clinic is going to remember her! They should put her picture on the wall with a caption under it that says "Super Ninja Escape Kitty" 
I was thinking the same thing...maybe put the picture over the hole in the wall so no other cats will find the escape route. 

Welcome back Siggav! I'm sorry Nikita had to go through all that, but I have to admit the "Mission Impossible" theme was going through my head when I read it! You have one talented kitty! I hope she's feeling better now and is back to her normal self. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
Glad she is doing better, your story telling cracked me up. I love it-- Ninja Kitty!!!

She wants her mommy to buy her this:  


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
I just read the whole thread for the first time.  I can see Nikita looking around, calculating distance, time, route and size of hole.  Sucked the vet in by not fighting at first, then ATTACK and evade.  She would make someone from ST6 sit up and take notice.