Kitten Won't Stop Nursing


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 11, 2012
My cat had kittens, everything was going great, when they got to 8 weeks, the four out of th five stopped nursing.

They are a year now, and the runt of the liter, (the one who still nurses) wont even LOOK at her food, and the mother cat wont let her eat wet or dry food and insists on nursing her. My vet was no help. She said to try all different foods, I tryed EVERYTHING, even making my own food! Nothing! Continues to nurse. The mother cat's milk hasnt dried up yet, and i still feed the mother the food for the nursing queen food, because I am afraid if i take her off, her milks upply runs out, then the kitten will starve. Another problem came along, the vet said I couldn't spay mother cat, untill the kitten was weaned. Well, i belive that a she-cat could go through having kittens before she is spayed, last week, i brought the mother cat to the vet for a checkup. 2 minutes ago, i got off of the phone with the vet.

The mother cat is pregnant agin, my boyfriend let her out one night, when she was in heat. So now she is going on her second liter, and the kitten still nurse? WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?!

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
This is normal.  Usually, around 6 weeks the mother will start weening them.  7 weeks is still in the if-y and weening stage.  So I wouldn't be too concerned.  It can take them a couple of weeks to get the hing.  However, sometimes the mother may not stop them.  I would let them continue for another couple of weeks and if she doesn't stop them then... You can intervene.  However, if the mother lets them, this is easier said than done!  My King Arthur and Morgan La Fay's mother let HIM nurse for 5 months!  Even after she was spayed!  I tried to stop him but I couldn't watch 24/7... Eventually, she did stop him.  He's fine.  Very healthy. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 11, 2012
But she is a year old? Is it still healthy?

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
It's a comfort (psychological) thing.  I have seen cats nurse their entire lives!!  If momma doesn't stop her... I wouldn't worry about it.  (I am sorry.  I thought your post said they were 7 weeks old now?)

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Oh, I see the problem... I was responding to the original poster!  But, it works for your case, too.  As for the vet, he can spay her while she is still nursing.  That is crazy.  They can spay her at about 3 months from giving birth!  My 2 Maine Coons mom was spayed while she still had her milk in... And she comfort nursed after. You can take her in and they can spay her if she's not too pregnant.  Basically an abortion.  But past a certain point they won't.  I would say separate them.  The older kitten will not starve.  It's a comfort thing.  If more than that, she is not getting what she needs so she'd starve anyway!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 11, 2012
ok. I did what u said. I found the mother cat (Kyla) nursing Mia, so i took Mia away and put her on my lap.

Mia clawed and tried to get down, Kyla tried to get up, Kyla then, bit my foot, causing me to grab my foot, letting go of Mia.

Mia went back to nursing, and now when i get close to them, Kayla hisses at me....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I wouldn't try to stop her from nursing. I would have everyone spayed right away. . .maybe the mama cat will make her daughter stop nursing after that. She wouldn't still be alive if all she has is mother's milk so she must be eating some solids occasionally, maybe at night when you aren't watching. My boy Scotty nursed for almost a year, even though he was twice her size, even after his mama was spayed. But she did eventually cut him off. You can try to distract her with toys when you see her nursing. I wouldn't stress them by separating them, though--that could make her insecurities worse.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 11, 2012
She hasnt been eating ANY solids, sence last week, my doctor said to feed her through a tube.

So thats how she gets her food....

OH! Kyla's asleep.....let me grab Mia and out Kyla in a different room....

stand by.....


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
The mother cat is pregnant agin, my boyfriend let her out one night, when she was in heat. So now she is going on her second liter, and the kitten still nurse? WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?!
Like the others said, spaying now is entirely feasible, nothing difficult for a vet.

Spay also everone other female you do have... And preferably also all males...

And tell your bf the story about flowers and bees, please.   :)

(ah, do hint it is perhaps somewhat alike cats).

Good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
I would concentrate my energies on the fleas, not the nursing.  If they are now indoor only you must have an infestation in the house, so you need to treat both the house and the cats with safe, effective products.  You also need to worm both mother and kittens - fleas are part of the tape worm life cycle.  Ring your vets and ask their advice.  In the UK (I have no idea if the US is different) a lot of the 'pet shop' products are ineffective and some can be dangerous.  And while you are talking to the vets, ask if they will spay your cat as well. 

This is a UK link, but still well worth reading:
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p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Yes, unless the year old kitten is malnurished, she is getting solid food at some time.  She couldn't substain herself otherwise.  It's like a 5 year old on nothing but mom's milk... Doesn't happen.  It's normal and it will stop eventually.  Get momma spayed asap... Have them all spayed!!!  No more kittens!  It sounds like you have a full plate. 

I'm a little concerned about your vet?  Why is he giving you all this bad advice?  Have you thought about maybe finding a vet that specializes in felines?  Not all vets do.  A lot of all animal vets don't like cats so they might not know the best care for them.  Just saying..... He told you you couldn't spay momma cat while she was nursing- wrong.  He told you to feed kitten through a feeding tube- unless she is skin and bones and about to die, it's not necessary so he'd be wrong there, too... She is getting solids from somewhere. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 12, 2011
My cat had kittens, everything was going great, when they got to 8 weeks, the four out of th five stopped nursing.

They are a year now, and the runt of the liter, (the one who still nurses) wont even LOOK at her food, and the mother cat wont let her eat wet or dry food and insists on nursing her. My vet was no help. She said to try all different foods, I tryed EVERYTHING, even making my own food! Nothing! Continues to nurse. The mother cat's milk hasnt dried up yet, and i still feed the mother the food for the nursing queen food, because I am afraid if i take her off, her milks upply runs out, then the kitten will starve. Another problem came along, the vet said I couldn't spay mother cat, untill the kitten was weaned. Well, i belive that a she-cat could go through having kittens before she is spayed, last week, i brought the mother cat to the vet for a checkup. 2 minutes ago, i got off of the phone with the vet.

The mother cat is pregnant agin, my boyfriend let her out one night, when she was in heat. So now she is going on her second liter, and the kitten still nurse? WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?!
My a adopted a kitten and her foster mother.

The kitten was close to being weaned when i got the adorable pair. (8 weeks)

I realized I couldnt handle two, so after my vet said it would be safe, at 11 weeks,

a gave the foster mom to my bestfriend. At first my kitten, (Cleo) was confuzed.

She called to her for at least 3 days. She would howl at the front window.

(The foster mom's favorite spot) I felt terrible, but acording to my friend, the mother cat was fine, and pregnant again.

I felt horrible for Cleo. She ate, and as far as i knew, she was healthy.

Then, I came home one night after work, to find her NURSING ON HERSELF!!!

I tried to make her stop! But she wont, I talked to my vet about reuniting them, but she said it would be too much of a risk since

Kyla (foster mom) was pregnant. Everytime I see Cleo nursing herself, i try to stop her.

But she wont!! To make things worse, her stomach gets dirty, and brown from her suckling herself so offten.

I'm begining to SERIOUSLY worry! Please help me!!!
Are both of these threads about the same cat because you posted them less than an hour apart. In both you talk about the mother cat, Kayla, and how she is pregnant again; but you have her in one and a friend in the other. Regardless I agree that you should spay your cats, I rescue and see plenty of unwanted cats and kittens already in this world.
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p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Are both of these threads about the same cat because you posted them less than an hour apart. In both you talk about the mother cat, Kayla, and how she is pregnant again; but you have her in one and a friend in the other. Regardless I agree that you should spay your cats, I rescue and see plenty of unwanted cats and kittens already in this world.
I was confused, too.  This is actually another persons thread, not hers.  I think she hijacked it?  But, I think it's 2 separate cats?  I could be wrong, though? EDIT:  I see they separated it.  And made it it's own thread so this no longer applies.  But I do wonder if it's 2 separate situations or the same one?
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