Thanksgiving travel


TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2011
Chattanooga, TN

I'll be traveling with Boots (he will be 5 months) and Kramer (1 year) for a 6-ish hour drive to my parents' house for Thanksgiving.

I need some advice from the cat experts here. I'm in college and I traveled with the two of them for the same drive down here (Orlando) in August. My boyfriend was in the car with me for that one, but this time it'll only be me. And the cats.

As you probably expect, the cats do NOT like to be in the car, especially Kramer. Boots is a darling in the car by himself -- just sleeps in the carrier -- but Kramer flips a total crap and yowls... and yowls... and yowls. Which then makes Boots yowl. And yowl. And yowl.

Last time, since my boyfriend was riding passenger, we let Kramer out of the carrier in an attempt to calm him. He did stop yowling, and curled up on boyfriend's lap for most of the trip. But there were times when boyfriend had to grab him to keep him from diving for the foot pedals. We didn't let Boots out, and he stopped yowling when Kramer did.

Since it'll be just me this time, I can't let Kramer out -- too dangerous going 80+ mph on the interstate. So ostensibly he will be yowling the entire time unless I do something differently.

His carrier is big enough and I put a used towel in it so he can smell me and be comfy. (he loves to snuggle me, so I assume my scent will calm him)

Suggestions from seasoned cat travelers? Towel over the top/sides so it makes a cave? Kitty valium? Any help will be greatly appreciated

Sorry for the long post and thanks!!!

cat person

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 31, 2010
Originally Posted by speakhandsforme


I'll be traveling with Boots (he will be 5 months) and Kramer (1 year) for a 6-ish hour drive to my parents' house for Thanksgiving.

I need some advice from the cat experts here. I'm in college and I traveled with the two of them for the same drive down here (Orlando) in August. My boyfriend was in the car with me for that one, but this time it'll only be me. And the cats.

As you probably expect, the cats do NOT like to be in the car, especially Kramer. Boots is a darling in the car by himself -- just sleeps in the carrier -- but Kramer flips a total crap and yowls... and yowls... and yowls. Which then makes Boots yowl. And yowl. And yowl.

Last time, since my boyfriend was riding passenger, we let Kramer out of the carrier in an attempt to calm him. He did stop yowling, and curled up on boyfriend's lap for most of the trip. But there were times when boyfriend had to grab him to keep him from diving for the foot pedals. We didn't let Boots out, and he stopped yowling when Kramer did.

Since it'll be just me this time, I can't let Kramer out -- too dangerous going 80+ mph on the interstate. So ostensibly he will be yowling the entire time unless I do something differently.

His carrier is big enough and I put a used towel in it so he can smell me and be comfy. (he loves to snuggle me, so I assume my scent will calm him)

Suggestions from seasoned cat travelers? Towel over the top/sides so it makes a cave? Kitty valium? Any help will be greatly appreciated

Sorry for the long post and thanks!!!
I would recommend you speak to a licensed veterinarian you trust and ask for some type of tranquilizer. If you do not want to do that maybe you can find a cat sitter to pay or ask a friend to to feed, water and check on your cats?

Lastly if you do not like neither answer, as a veterinarian technician I feel I can say there is no medical reason to not let the cats yowl the whole care trip.
I am just saying nothing will happen to cats, just maybe your sanity