Here's my update, and thanks for the well wishes.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
Laurie was kind enough to ask for well wishes for me, about 2wks ago. But couldn't give a whole lot of details at the time, and I haven't been able to untill I had done some research on what I can or can't say.

I am in the process of a very messy divorce with 2 children involved as well as finding myself again.

For the past 3 yrs I've had my life taken away from me, to the point of having no self esteem, no worth, no positive feelings about myself whatsoever, believing that I could do no better because I am a disabled woman who suffers depression, and have been abandoned to deal with issues such as medication withdrawal on my own, with 2 beautiful girls to take care of as well. In a figure of speech, I have been used, controlled, beat down, and manipulated to the point of not knowing which way is up.

Earlier this year, I was brought back to the point in my life where I considered ending my life. This is something I have not considered in 15yrs, but the trauma I was going through, I had no one to help, and the thoughts crossed my mind. I promised my mom, back when I was 19 that I would never make an attempt on my life again and I've held true to that. As well as my father taking his own life just a year ago, and my 2 daughters. But to know me, knowing that I thought this way, just shows how low things had gotten.

But I had hope. Hope that the man I loved would come back, hope that the odd occasion of happiness as a family was a sign that things would be better, hope that I could rebuild trust in him after his betrayals, just hope for everything or anything.

I cannot give up on something when there is the least bit of hope in my eyes. Even when deep down I knew it was a losing battle. I have very few "lines to be crossed", but they were. Foolishly I stayed, and let myself get to the point I'm at now, having a long hard journey ahead to "fix" me, and find me again.

On Aug 23 2011, only 4yrs and 2 months exactly after getting married, we separated. Not on good terms at all. (we have been together 15yrs total, living together 9yrs) Haven't been doing well for about 3yrs.
He had left on the Sat. then came busting into our home on the Tues, frightening us very much. A verbal argument happened and I found my breaking point, the kick in the bum that I needed to finally stand up for myself. It came when my youngest daughter was brought into an adult argument, manipulation at its finest. She was in tears, hurt and helpless. I have always sworn I would protect my children, and have done a crap job of it over the past 3yrs. But this was the straw that broke the camels back. I told my kids to go upstairs, and I spoke firmly. I was done being abused, I was done having my kids hurt by him, I was done being nothing to him, I was done being insulted and reduced into a worthless ....... I was done with everything. He laughed at me, which pushed me further. He just kept laughing, he was better than me, he expected me to crumble but I didn't. I fought back.

I do not condone acts of physical violence of any sort, and I do regret parts of the choice I made that day, it landed me in jail and now I have an assault charge against me, which i go to court for in Oct. Not to make excuses for my actions, but we all have our breaking points. This was mine. For the first time ever in my life, I slapped him.

After doing so, he argued with me for another 10mins and when I told him again that I was done listening to him, he simply coyly stated that since I wasn't going to listen to him, he had better phone the police. And that is exactly what he did.

I spent 7hrs in a holding cell while they did their paperwork, my (ex)husband spent the time with one of my children, statements were given, and at one point I was told I would have to find an alternate place to live with my children as he was not going to leave our home. My daughter spoke up and let them know that he had many places he could go, we had nowhere. The officials talked to him, and he finally agreed that we (myself and the children) could stay in our home. This was the part that angered me, and keeps the fire burning within. Being willing to send us to a shelter or the streets, when he has plenty of places to go. This was lower than his infidelities, than the cruelty put upon me, as this involved BOTH children. It was shocking to me, and I don't care about hurting me, but hurting both children is a no.

A few days later, I received notice from his lawyer stating very unreasonable demands. *Insert frantic search for a lawyer, while lacking $$$*

I started dealing with the women's shelter here, which offers amazing services to women in domestic violence situations of any sort (the term domestic violence encompasses alot and is widely used here. It does not just mean physical abuse, it could be anything, verbal, financial, psychological, etc. etc. the key point is that it occurs in a domestic environment/union). Without them I would be lost. They were able to provide me a certificate which allowed me up to 2hrs with a lawyer, no cost to me. They even accompanied me to said appt.

I do not make much money, I am on workers comp and disabled. So I had to apply for legal assistance, which takes some time. in the meantime I have messages from his lawyer with threats of if I don't do X, they will resort to court (which I do not want. Court is long, hard and very expensive. If we can settle issues lawyer to lawyer, I will do it that way. But if need be, I will fight in court for my children). I was able to get an emergency consult with a lawyer, then had to wait for my legal assistance to be approved.

I also was able to give a victim impact type of statement late last week.

The 2wks have been a jumble of appts at the police station, consultations with legal counsel, communication w his lawyer, as well of course as being a single mom.

I value my childrens opinions. They are 15 and 11 and well able to decide what they want.
My youngest is having the most difficult time with this. She loves her father, and I have respect for that. He has been a good father to her. I will not come between them, and did allow him to take her for the night this past weekend. Everything was arranged through his lawyer, and come the time he was due to return her, he didn't show up.

My other daughter and I were terrified. As had he chose to keep her, there would have bee nothing I can do until there is a legal document in place regarding custody. Thankfully he showed up 45mins late.

My mind obviously is set on custody and access to the children. I need to get something set up legally so that should that happen again, I can phone the police and they will do something about it.

I have an appt with the lawyer I had the consult with, this afternoon.
Please wish me luck, I'm hoping that he can at least give me some guidance on the custody issue to start. After custody and access has been dealt with we have the normal issues: child support, spousal support, what to do with the house and truck, division of belongings, and so on.
The timing of all this, just simply sucks. Not that it doesn't in all cases, but.... we just renewed our mortgage for 5yrs in August (meaning there will be penalties out the wazoo for breaking that...unless he wants the home, as I cannot afford it on my own) AND we just replaced our leased truck with another truck in January. Both are legal contracts, and both will have some serious penalties for defaulting.

At this time, I am in our house with the kids, and I do have the vehicle (he has a work vehicle plus a car). Both of us are still paying to cover the house bills, as there is one thing we can agree on, neither of us want to mess with our individual credit so the bills are continuing to be paid.

To sum this up, I could use help/thoughts/vibes for the following:

- My daughter Kayleigh. She is the one he manipulated into arguments and now she is scared to say anything to either parent. She loves him very much and our fighting, now our divorce is extremely hard on her. (she will be seeing a counselor to help her with this) She needs peaceful, relaxing vibes, and that both her parents think about HER, not their own needs. I've been doing my best, he calls her daily, and I spend a lot of time distracting her from all this. She is confused, she is afraid to say when she doesn't want to go with him because she doesn't want to hurt him. She was scared to tell me if she wanted to go, in case I was hurt by it. But I've been able to explain that I want what she wants, I want her to be happy and have a good relationship with her father and she does not have to fear any repercussions from me.

- for my daughter Kendra, who is taking too much of this onto her shoulders when she shouldn't and doesn't need to. She is trying to look after me, her sister, but forgets to look after her. I've been trying to encourage her and explain that these are not issues she can change, nor does she need to carry around my issues. So vibes that she is able to let go of all the weight she's placed on herself, and that she talks to me or anyone openly about her hurts.

- for me: help in finding myself again, or rebuilding myself.
That we don't have to go to court for the family matters.
That I qualify for the domestic diversion program which will get the criminal charge against me dropped.
That I am able to see the road I will be traveling on, soon. I would like to see a direction, whether that be positive progress in a settlement agreement, or the road to going through the court system.

Right now I have no idea where we are going (court, house, where I'm going to live, custody, etc) and could use the thoughts in my head to slow down and not all jumble up.

That I get the help I need to deal with all that has happened to me, as well as going thru some anger management classes as I am very very angry at the moment. Not just at him, but at myself. I feel I should have done a better job at protecting my kids, I haven't been a great mom, all the stress on me caused me to be more snappy and not as patient. Let's just sum it up with there has been a lot of damage done, and I need help rebuilding myself. (I do have that help from the womans shelter which provides free counseling services and other supports as I do not really have "friends", I have acquaintances, but not friends.)

That I am able to find a home for rent that takes pets, and will fit me and the girls (I've been looking for six months now, and there is nothing available that will fit us, and the odd one that did, said no pets)

I guess I need a bit of, guidance, well wishes, etc.

I know there's some of you out there thinking I've given way too much info here, but keep in mind that I have done my research before posting especially regarding my charges (which, since I've given a victim statement, and refuse to lie, I will be entering a guilty plea and hoping that I qualify for the domestic diversion program) and any potential "slander/libel" issues have made it so I watch my wording, I am 100% comfortable sharing this, and in sharing I hope that anyone else who is in a similar situation can learn, or feel comfortable in sharing or getting help.
as well as letting my friends here know what has been going on.

It is said that on average, a person (usually a woman) in a domestic violence situation will leave 7 times before they are able to leave for good.
That is a very sad statistic, and I hope you are not in that.

While I cannot share much more than I have ( for fear of being accused of slander/libel) I am more than willing to talk in PM, or on facebook, or email. If I can help just one person have the courage to stand up for themselves, then the tears I shed writing this, will have been worth it.

Thanks again for the well wishes, and thank you for reading my book.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 8, 2011
New Brunswick, Canada
Oh Chris, I am sitting here in tears with a broken heart for you and the girls

I am sending vibes to you, Kayleigh and Kendra.
I hope all 3 of you come out of this strong and healthy.

I wish there was more that I could say or do....there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, right now you can't see it, but you will and soon

:vi bes::vibes :

You're such a strong person


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
CHris, thank you for sharing all that, it was very brave. My heart goes out to you, as I can understand many of the dilemmas and choices you have to make, though your situation is more difficult than mine ever was. The saddest thing is losing trust in someone you loved and maybe still love, and who is the father of your children. It is impossible not to blame yourself even though you are really blameless, and the building of new self-esteem takes a very long time. Your children sound very sensible, though this is an incredibly difficult time for them, and very sensitive to your needs. You will all pull through together, with the professional help you already have, and life will one day be sweet again.


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
Chris, my heart is absolutely broken for you and the girls...
I am all to familiar with this type of situation, as my Mom stayed with a manipulative man who sounds very much like your ex. She stayed with him through numerous infidelities, abuse of all kinds, etc. because he made her think no one would want her, being a single mom of 3 children, one of which has Down Syndrome. As you said though, we all have our breaking point, and she eventually had her's as well.

Nothing about this will be easy, on you OR your girls, but you are FAR too awesome to settle for anything less than perfect! Lots of vibes coming from me!


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
I really do not have words for confort you my friend....´cause I can´t imagine how hard this could be....and you´re living this....

BUT for sure my wishes to you & your kids for stay calm WHATEVER came are for true!..



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 18, 2007
In the middle of BC
I am so sorry you are going through this. My heart aches for you and the girls. many for you. I hope that the path you need to take will become clear to you, and that you and the girls will find some peace


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
You are truly a very strong woman. Don't ever let anyone belittle you again, you are a woman of substance as a title of a book comes to mind. I wish you and the girls the best of luck and finding yourself again which I see you already have. Sending you many good and hope your future will be the best it has been in a long time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
I've been thinking about you since Laurie first posted the request for vibes. You may not feel like it, but you're pretty much Superwoman strong right now. It sucks so bad that all this crap had to happen for you to make that transformation, but you hear that people have to hit rock bottom before they can start lifting themselves back up. Sounds like that's what's happened to you. And you're lifting yourself up the best you can with the help of others. I'm so sorry your girls have been put in the middle of it, and sorry that your oldest is putting the burdens of it all on herself. I want you to know you have my support. Not sure if I can offer much more than virtual hugs, but let me know.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 23, 2006
Chasing Da Bird...
Holy cow. I am crying for you and your children. That is far more than a person and her children should have to take.
I will pray for you and your family. I hope your daughters and you can heal once this is over.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 1, 2005
On the west side of... of... somewhere.
Major hugs coming from Oregon for you and the girls. My best friend just went through an ugly custody battle... I got to see all the statements beforehand (one advantage to being best friends for 30 years), and was witness to the lies and ugliness coming from her ex-husbands family.

She won, as will you, because she stood by the truth and the fact that she is the best parent of all involved (his mother did more parenting for her grandson than he did... he's a schmuck... among other choice words I can't say here). Stand your ground and be the rock we all know you are. You can get through this and you will. Your girls are looking to you to be the strong woman role model they believe you to be. She left her first hubby after years of abuse, and her daughters from that marriage are now strong, proud young women. They saw her as a positive role model, and she still is today. Now she gets to show her son what a strong, independent woman is like. You'll do the same with your girls.

You'll get through this, I know you will. You're an amazing person who deserves happiness and everything positive with it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006

Good for you. For noticing when something is wrong. For taking the high ride with a little bump. You are doing right by your family. You are one strong tough cookie!

I miss our FB chats but recognized you needed space. I hope you know I haven't forgotten you or pushed you away but was giving you space.

For you and your daughters!


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Chris, you have a rough road ahead but I'm sure that with the help of the shelter and legal aid, you'll get through this. You've always wanted the best for your girls and as long as you stay true and level headed, in other words don't bad-mouth him and just be honest, I think you will be okay. I know it will be difficult but stay strong. You have a lot of folks here who are pulling for you.

Ms. Freya

Sep 19, 2008
Ontario, Canada

I'd pieced together some of this through FB but didn't want to ask because it sounded like you weren't in a position to safely answer. You deserve all the credit in the world for moving to get yourself and the girls out of that. Loads of :viebs: that the three of you can find the peace and continued strength to work through this


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
Oh Chris you know my feelings on it all
I am just so sorry for you and the girls

I do hope my email back to you wasnt as bad as I think it was



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 17, 2011
You and your daughters are in my thoughts and prayers. I have been divorced and I have kids of my own (ages 8 and 12). I was not ever physically abused in my first marriage, but I was beaten down so low that I came out with no self worth at all. Our divorce, praise God, was not bitter in the end. We were young and stupid and have managed now to forge a pleasant relationship for the sake of our son.

God be with you in the coming journey. *hugs*


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
Hun,you have me in tears,I am so,so sorry.I know its messy at the minute but I really pray and I know that you will come out of this and be the stronger person and I say well done for standing up for yourself and your children.Lots of women don't do that and are trapped thinking there is no way out.I will be thinking of you and I really hope that all this works out for you I am sure it will.You have a lot of strength and courage to have done what you did,please keep this strength.We are all here for you and I admire you for breaking free.xx


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2010
I'm so sorry you and your kids are going through this


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Chris, you may not feel like it right now, but you are one amazing woman. You're beating yourself up now for a lot of things you see with 20/20 hindsight, but you have raised two wonderful, amazing, responsible girls, and HAVE been a great mom and a great role model.

You made a commitment and took your marriage vows seriously. Loyalty and hope are nothing to be ashamed of, Chris, they're wonderful qualities.

I'm just so, so sorry, Chris, that this is the way things turned out. When our understanding of our partner changes focus... it's impossible not to question everything. It's like your world just had the rug pulled out from under it.

But you're going to land on your feet.

that this gets sorted out with the least pain possible, and that you and the girls wind up in a wonderful home - whether it's the one you live in now or not - with all your pets.

And for Kay, and more for Ken.
