Employee personality profile..has anyone had to do this?


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Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
I'm just confused. At first I thought they were joking, but I got the questionnaire today. It consists of 4 columns of traits or behaviors, and I am supposed to check whatever in that column I think my co-workers see in me, ie "easy to approach", "willing to try new things", "soft spoken", etc. You add the number of check marks in each column and use a simple formula to find out where I am in a 4 category pie chart. The chart is color coded so that color will be displayed at my desk and go into my employee file. I forget what the exact phrasing is for these categories but they break down into: Leader, Planner, Innovator, and Stupid Idiot who can't say no so will get all the crap jobs with no rewards (I think this one is something like "selfless and dependable"
) Yeah, guess what one I fall into.

First of all, I think it's stupid and a waste of money. I work in a call center and don't have to interact with a "group" per say. We handle each call as it comes in, there are no groups or committees or think tanks. Second of all, why do we have to say how OTHER people perceive us? To be of any value at all, shouldn't it be how we perceive ourselves? And finally, I just don't like it! If this goes into our employee files, does that mean only people coded red for leader get offered supervisor positions? Or only people coded green are able to move up to trainers? Could they decide to let someone go because their are too many yellows (the stupid idiots that don't say no) and not enough blues (the Innovators)? People are really not happy about this, and it honestly rubs me the wrong way. Has anyone else every dealt with this?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 3, 2010
One of my friends had to do it where he used to work, and I think he said that he just recently had to do it where he's working now.

Personally, I think it's BS. It doesn't make sense, if they want to know what other people think of you they should have everyone do the test about everyone else, then lump those together and put people into categories - although since there is favouritism and what not in every workplace I'm sure that wouldn't even work.


TCS Member
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Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Many companies are doing that now. It's supposed to about making you self aware of how others perceive you so that you can work on any faults that you have.


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Yep, had to do it.... Mine was huge though.... Definitely a sales person and NOT into following procedures - right on the money!

P.S. - I loved it though, the HR sent me a copy at hiring, I still have it somewhere... We had a group discussion in my department and it was incredible how the profiles fit each one of us so well. I forgot what the name for this Personality Profile is, but a lot of Companies are doing it to make sure they are hiring the right people to the right positions ;-)


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I think we're going to be doing something similar to this in the very near future...we all just received an email about it, requesting our full support, etc. Although part of what we have to do, too, is compile a list of the tasks we perform from day to day. They pretty much said they're going to use these questionaires when working out the budget for next year, so it doesn't sound good from our perspective. We are going to fill out the papers, then we have to go through an interview with an independent firm following the paperwork.


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
You have to fill one out to get a job at Toys R Us, even as a truck driver! They won't tell you what the parameters are (of course), but they did give me some hints to pass on to anyone I referred.

1. Be honest. There are double-checks in the program to find out those who are trying to game the system.

2. Be fairly moderate. Anyone who checks a LOT of items fully to one end or the other of the spectrum won't pass it.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
On anything like that and also the annual employee survey about the workplace I have always been moderate. The surveys are supposed to be anonymous but they are done online with a logon so of course they aren't really anonymous. I am honest but if its a negative or a positive I always just go one or two away from the middle.

Ms. Freya

Sep 19, 2008
Ontario, Canada
We do them every few years as the teams change up and move around. Since we work in close teams and with the public, it helps to know what you can expect in the way of strengths from your co-workers. Personally, I find them fun and they do help with some communication tricks for people who you're drastically different from...and for what it's worth, mine hasn't changed in about 15 years.
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TCS Member
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Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
wow, I didn't realize it was that common in other companies. I thought it was just something weird my company thought up. I can see where something like this would be helpful to place new employees though.

I guess what bothers me most is it's about how "others" perceive you. I don't have the greatest self esteem so I'm probably going to think others perceive me completely different than how they actually do.

One question though. Has anyone ever felt overlooked or passed over for promotions based on your personality profile?


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
I've had to do those sorts of test in most of the jobs I've had in the last 10-15 years.

The tests tell the company much about you and your specific personality and where you might fit better in the organization. I consider them to be very positive as they can often get you into a job that is more suited to your personality and which can make you a happier employee.

It's very important how your customers perceive you both internally and externally especially in a customer service job.


TCS Member
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Jun 27, 2006
Nuh uh...might give me away!
Yes I've had to do one before, but my situation was different and if I had the ability to see into the future, I would have LIED for mine. We had to do the "Now Discover Your Strengths" test and read the book. My number one strength was Harmony, which states, "People strong in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They don't enjoy conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement."

The woman who made us all do this was high-handed and if she felt anyone was a threat, she would have them fired. Well, I work for a university and it's not that easy, even in a right-to-work state.
She tried to get me fired, and used the quiz to find ways to undermine my strengths. For example, I mentioned Harmony, so she would find ways to make sure that drama followed me, and that caused my performance to drop. She even told my manager that she couldn't believe that was my strength since I have the propensity to be right in the middle of all the drama.

All that said and done, I still have my job and she was escorted by campus police from her office many years ago.

I only mention this because if you have any inkling that it might be used against you, it might be best to fudge the results. That's just my opinion.


TCS Member
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Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
Years ago, I interviewed a company that did pre-employment testing. We needed a system our stores could use in their hiring, and as part of the selection process, I took their test and reviewed my own results with the company representative. It was fascinating.

Like most of these tests, this one was full of questions for which there was no good answer... and also the same questions over and over, posed in slightly different ways. It seemed as if the test was just not very well designed -- but in fact, it's all intentional. These tests reveal inconsistency, deception, and efforts to answer in the way you think they want you to, rather than as you would naturally.

The particular test I took revealed even more, predicting behaviors that I was, indeed, prone to, and giving me one huge insight into my own demeanor that's been very useful to me ever since. I'm not sure all these tests are that insightful, but this one certainly had me figured out!

So although I hate the idea of being assessed this way instead of through a personal interview, I do recognize that an employer receiving a hundred applications for a position can't possibly interview everyone. By using a test like this, he can winnow the pool down to a more manageable group of people whose tests show that they have the underlying character and attitude he's looking for.

Don't let the tests intimidate you... just answer as your best self, and be as consistent as the available answers allow you to be.

EDIT: Having said that, I should add that the idea of making ANY aspect of the test public knowledge is WRONG! Displaying your "color code" at your desk? No, no, no... it sounds like your company is doing something far different from what I've seen. That's like making you wear a badge that says, "Hi, I'm Susie! I'm shy and easily intimidated, so if you need a scapegoat, you can probably get by with blaming me for everything that goes wrong!" AUGH!


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
At TRU, once you're hired, the results of the test are not available to anyone except those who might be evaluating the effectiveness and accuracy of the program years down the road.

That said, management says they have found it to be pretty accurate, especially since they administered the test for quite a while before they actually started considering it.


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
The results of my tests were only available me, HR and the person hiring me. Upon agreeing, the Sales management team had a meeting where we had an open discussion about our tests - which to me was pretty cool. It was interesting to see how the sales mangers had almost identical profiles, while our boss had a different one which fit exactly like how we perceived her.
There was no judging, but much more of understanding. None of us were obligated to do it, we agreed to do so, and we loved it.
As sales mangers, we are not that shy anyways, and are pretty upfront - you ask me a question I ask, so I had no problems whatsoever.
I loved taking the test, and if I could I would take it again periodically. I think it is a great tool at hiring.


TCS Member
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Sep 18, 2010
Is this supposed to work as a replacement for management that is inept at hiring?

What happened to a good old fashioned interview? You get asked a bunch of questions, and they tend to be more honest when they are off the cuff and worked into normal conversation with followup questions where necessary.

Plus, you can learn so much not just from WHAT the person answered with, but the manner in which they answered it. Did the question make them uncomfortable? Were they looking away and meekly answering that others believe them to have strong leadership abilities?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Originally Posted by Ducman69

Is this supposed to work as a replacement for management that is inept at hiring?

What happened to a good old fashioned interview? You get asked a bunch of questions, and they tend to be more honest when they are off the cuff and worked into normal conversation with followup questions where necessary.

Plus, you can learn so much not just from WHAT the person answered with, but the manner in which they answered it. Did the question make them uncomfortable? Were they looking away and meekly answering that others believe them to have strong leadership abilities?
This is an added step, not a replacement - my "test" (i don't really consider a test, as there is not really a right or wrong), was really long and complex... IMHO it is a great tool for hiring in making sure the employee will fit well the position they are being hired for. Some types of personalities fit better customer service, while others fit better Sales, or management, etc. This is a personality Profile test. This is not to see if you are qualified, or lying or verify your resume. This is a personality profile, all it is. I had several interviews in addition to this - not only this test. This was one step of many....


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Some employers give stuff like that to people they are interviewing! They have questions that will trick you too. Like if you answer too many positive things you pretty much get discarded because no one is that perfect. They want honest answers...or do they?

Personally I think it's discriminatory. When i saw a copy of one of these things it was when I worked for a company that helps people with disabilities get jobs. The employer that was using them (it's been several years) was not a place you need much brains to work at.... I do believe it took some convincing that the disabled person they were looking at hiring needed and had a right to help completing the questionnaire.

When will these, probably college educated (which I am myself so I'm not exactly putting everyone in a box there), geniuses that come up with stuff learn not everyone can be or should be put in a box? All the best managers I know have been ones who can use their heads on their own....and have been allowed to do so! Thanks for reminding me why I don't miss working.
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TCS Member
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Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Originally Posted by CarolPetunia

EDIT: Having said that, I should add that the idea of making ANY aspect of the test public knowledge is WRONG! Displaying your "color code" at your desk? No, no, no... it sounds like your company is doing something far different from what I've seen. That's like making you wear a badge that says, "Hi, I'm Susie! I'm shy and easily intimidated, so if you need a scapegoat, you can probably get by with blaming me for everything that goes wrong!" AUGH!
See, THIS is what most people are upset about! And, it's not a long in-depth test at all. I wouldn't have a problem taking a test that pinpoints my strengths and weaknesses to see where I'm best suited in the company. This is just a 1 page deal where we check off different traits based on how we think other people see us. It's supposed to be displayed at our desks so our co-workers and supervisors know the best way to communicate with us to get the best performance. THAT is what I think is a bunch of hooey!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by calico2222

See, THIS is what most people are upset about! And, it's not a long in-depth test at all. I wouldn't have a problem taking a test that pinpoints my strengths and weaknesses to see where I'm best suited in the company. This is just a 1 page deal where we check off different traits based on how we think other people see us. It's supposed to be displayed at our desks so our co-workers and supervisors know the best way to communicate with us to get the best performance. THAT is what I think is a bunch of hooey!
Oh wait! They want you to display the results at your desk?!!! OMG! That's insane! I'd go to the manager and tell them that you are uncomfortable about that issue and that you feel the results should be kept confidential within the Human Resources Department.

If they squak at that, my next call would be to the Labour Board and tell them what the problem is. I think their take on it would be that it should be kept confidential too.

tara g

TCS Member
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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
I had to do one once during a job interview, but it was not placed in the open - just used solely for the interview.

I had a friend who worked for a call center and she had to take one of those as well. It was a temp job and she ended up not getting to stay permanently. She blamed the personality assessment - I think it really was because she was pregnant and they certainly weren't going to offer permanent employment to someone who'd be on maternity leave within a month.

I think they are a waste of time also. And having to publicly display your results at your desk is absolutely insane.