Please pray for stray kitty

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Mar 7, 2008
Well I am a terrible judge of gender and age, LOL!

She is female. The tattoo in the right ear, (we are hoping) means she was part of a TNR program, but it indicates she is older, as tattoos are not done anymore. She has severe stomatitis, the poor little thing.

She was just as sweet as she could be at the vet, soaking up all the love. Severe flea dermatitis (we hope that's all it is) Negative for FeLV/FIV/Heartworm.

Her name is Blue. I don't know why, it's just what came to me, when I thought she was male, I was calling her Little Boy Blue as we drove to the vet. Well she's not a little boy, but she is Blue.

Now comes the spooky part. I don't know what's going to happen to Blue. I can't take her in, and while I would be willing to pay for her dental work and pre-surgical blood work (vet thinks most would have to be extracted) it's not a decision to make lightly, because where will she go while recovering from her surgery? Who will take care of her? I cannot.

We decided to at least put her on an antibiotic to maybe help her mouth clear up a little, while waiting to see if anyone claims her. After discussing the pros and cons of liquid vs pills (vet felt I might cause her too much pain pilling, I was afraid she wouldn't eat food with liquid antibiotic mixed in) I agreed to the convenia shot.

However.....their water sterilizer went on the blink just at that time. So they couldn't make up the convenia. I couldn't wait around. They offered to keep her overnight, give her the antibiotic shot when they could make it up, feed her up, love her up.

There is something bigger than us working here for this kitty.

(by the way, with all that going on, we forgot to scan her for the chip. I've just called and asked that they do it while she's there over night, though, because of the old tattoo, I doubt one will be found)

So I have a night I won't have to worry about her, and who knows what tomorrow will bring. I spoke at great length to the Shelter manager where I adopted Mazy from, she rememberes Mazy and was delighted to hear about her. Her suggestion is that I wait a few days to see if anyone makes a claim. If not, I am to call her back and she will try to find a place for her at the shelter. I will be honest about the condition of Blue's teeth and offer to sponsor her for the dental work, if they will take her in.

I am now officially late for work but wanted to get this update on!

Keep the vibes and prayers coming for Blue.

(thanks to all for replies and suggestions posted, no time to read and respond properly now, but will later)


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Oh I am sorry to hear the poor little thing must be in so much pain! But fate definitely had a hand in the timing of this one!
I'm so glad she'll be spending the night in - that's a HUGE relief for you, I know! Can you afford to board her for a few days before she goes to the shelter?
Seems like a good solution, if you can.

MANY vibes for Blue - for her health, for being reunited with her family - and for you, to manage this without too much stress!

P.S. Thanks for taking the time to update us despite it making you late for work!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 8, 2011
New Brunswick, Canada
You are an AMAZING person

Blue definately wandered into the right yard.
Do you suppose Blue belongs to a colony somewhere and she wandered off?? Seems like it is the season for wandering cats.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 14, 2010
Stow, OHIO
What a beautiful, beautiful kitty. I can see why you thought she was a boy because she looks like a boy. And yes, she looks sooooo sad in those photos. She is meant to be with people, with people who would reciprocate her love. If she has been on her own for a while and yet she is still so friendly, then she has an incredibly loving personality.

So sad to hear about her mouth, I am sure this contributed to her being so skinny. Thank you so, so much for helping her
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Mar 7, 2008
Originally Posted by LDG

Oh I am sorry to hear the poor little thing must be in so much pain! But fate definitely had a hand in the timing of this one!
I'm so glad she'll be spending the night in - that's a HUGE relief for you, I know! Can you afford to board her for a few days before she goes to the shelter?
Seems like a good solution, if you can.

MANY vibes for Blue - for her health, for being reunited with her family - and for you, to manage this without too much stress!

P.S. Thanks for taking the time to update us despite it making you late for work!
Laurie, I may just decide to do that. If she is at the vet she can get daily care, and they can give her pain medicine while her fate is decided. I'll talk to my vet about it tomorrow, thank you for the idea.I don't care about the money, my own peace of mind is worth it.

I won't be sitting in my cozy home fretting about her outside all alone.I've been thinking about that tonight. Last night I barely slept, worrying about her and weeping.
Tonight I know she is safe and warm, and if she's a little lonely, well, I know she had lots of cuddles before the night staff went home (they leave at midnight)

Thank you to all of you for your support and kind words. I've rescued before, and kept them, (Tolly, Jennie and Queen Eva) but I've never been involved with a kitty that I knew I was not going to be able to take in.

Blue is a sweet sweet little girl who deserves a home where she is doted on and fussed over, so keep those prayers and vibes coming, and I bet she ends up having just that, somehow.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Just read your thread and want to give you a big hug
for rescuing Blue. She is a beauty and came to you by fate. You are a great lady for taking care of her and she probably loves being at the vets. A secure, quiet, calm place for her to finally get some sleep without having to worry about her safety. I bet she is so happy and knows she is getting the help she so desperately needed, thanks to you


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Otto, because Gary and I live in the RV, we have no space to take in kitties in need, even if it's short term. We usually end up having to board them at the vet. Like you, it's just one of those things we do for peace of mind, even though we can't afford it. Of course, we've been working with the vet for about a decade now, and at this point they don't charge us the boarding part of their fee unless they're full and giving up revenue to keep "our" kitty there. But just knowing they're being cared for (to us) is worth it.

More for both of you!
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Mar 7, 2008
I've got good news!

This morning I spoke to the Shelter manager. She has agreed to take Blue, if I have the dental work done on my end. My vet is going to work up an estimate for me, and get her on the dental surgery schedule as soon as possible.

In the mean time Blue will remain at the vet, being doted on, fed and given pain medication. I didn't ask how much the boarding will cost me, because it doesn't make any difference, I can NOT put her back out on the street.

The Shelter Manager has even offered to pick Blue up at the vet after her surgery, when she is ready to go to the shelter! The shelter may end up being her forever home, but on the other hand she is so incredibly sweet, there may be a special person out there just waiting for her So pray there is one like that for Blue, but no matter what, what she's going to is better than where she was.

Thanks for continued vibes and prayers for little girl Blue.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 1, 2007
that's wonderful news! thanks for taking care of her (and her dental bills). orange tabby females are a real rarity, and since orange cats usually go fast at shelters, she should have an even better chance of adoption.

she knew just where to go for help huh?


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Wonderful news
! You are a kitty angel for sure
. Blue must be so relieved to be getting care for now, thanks to you. Keep us posted
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Mar 7, 2008
Thank you so much for your support everyone. I'm not really cut out for rescue, so I am truly amazed that I am able to do this, and not have my heart broken for wanting her. But I truly believe there is something bigger than me at work here. I am the vessel to save Blue, but she is meant for someone else.

I Iove this sweet little cat, and I know she was put in my path for a reason. Sure, to save her any more suffering. But I may never know the full extent of it. Just like Mazy was meant to be with me, and Jennie, and Queen Eva, and Tolly, I feel very strongly that there is a "meant to be" fate waiting for Blue.

I feel no desire to keep her. I am quite content with my little feline brood the way it is.

You know, you could even look at what I've done and am doing as self serving. I wouldn't have had a seconds rest had I left her out there. I did what I had to do when she was sent here, for her yes, but also for my own peace of mind, and MY gang's safety.

It doesn't hurt at all to know that she is not going to live out her life with me. I thought it might, but it doesn't. With Tolly, Mazy, Jennie and my dear little baby girl, I knew from the moment our eyes met that those cats were meant to be mine.

I felt crazy those four weeks after I met Queen Eva and didn't know yet if I was going to be able to bring her home where she belongs. I don't feel that with Blue. I feel sure that whatever comes, it is going to be nice for her, because I was able to rise to the challenge of saving her.

It doesn't bother me in the least to "spend all that money on a cat I will never see again". I'm just grateful I can. If I had been able to adopt her, I would have spent all this money, plus had the expense of her for the rest of her life.

I am at my limit with cats now, so Blue really isn't going to cost me much, in the long term of things, at least that's how I see it. Yes, it is a lot of money. But...Blue is worth it.

She'll be having her dental surgery this morning, and tomorrow the Shelter Manager will pick her up and take her to the shelter where she will, I truly believe, meet up with her soulmate.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 8, 2011
New Brunswick, Canada
You are Blue's guardian angel

And you not being able to leave her out there is what makes you special. There is lots of people that would have been able to walk away from her and not give it a second thought.

there needs to be more people like you in this world. I also believe everything happens for a reason, there was a reason Blue came into your life

She's got a chance because of you, I hope she gets everything and more out of her life


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
for her surgery!

And I totally understand what you're saying. Gary and I were NOT cut out to foster. We're good TNRing, and working with kitties - but I also understand the emotional stress associated with this. I'm REALLY glad you're not feeling torn about this.
I'm just so glad it worked out in a way that's comfortable for you - and good for Blue!

And there's nothing wrong with rescuing a kitty and feeling that it benefits you too, because peace of mind benefits you both!
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  • #35


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Mar 7, 2008
Blue's surgery is over. My vet came in on her day off to do that surgery. How can I ever thank her for that.

All her teeth were extracted. My vet said her mouth was a terrible mess. Bones fused together, osteomyletis (severe bone infection) rotting teeth, and a lesion on her tongue indicating a previous injury. ( How does a cat get an injury on her tongue? I don't want to know.)

What that poor little girl must have been suffering. It breaks my heart to think of it. Some might think she would have been better off euthanized, with such serious issues. Put her out of her pain, you know? If I hadn't met her I might even have thought that myself. I am a firm believer of: 'there are worse things than a peaceful death'.

But I did meet her and a cat as sweet as she is, so sweet and friendly and loving even with the terrible pain she was in, so determined to live and spread her sweetness around, Blue surely deserves a chance at a nice life. She deserves all the love she can get, and she is one to soak up the love. I still break out into weeping when I think of how much pain she was in.

Vet wants to keep her at the hospital for a few days so they can care for her properly, and keep an eye on that bone infection. I am relieved about that, and so is my Shelter Contact. If all goes well, Shelter Contact will be picking Blue up from the vet on Tuesday morning, and then her new life can get started.

The shelter is a good one. The people who work there are loving compassionate and kind. The cats are well cared for, the place is very clean. Mazy came from there, and I had many visits there before Mazy showed up, so I am pretty familiar with the place. I've stopped in on occasion to donate cat food. I'm always greeted with a smile and gratitude and a few cats coming over to say hello. Blue will have a nice life there with the lifers, even if she never gets adopted, but I still have this feeling that there is a soulmate out there for her.

I feel so strongly that Blue will have a Meant To Be Moment and live out the rest of her life in the comfort and love she so deserves.

I will continue to update, so when you see this thread show up in your subscribed list, do have a look. Also I've been rereading the whole thread and would like to answer many posts individually, and hopefully will get to that at some point.

For now I'll just say I am grateful to all of you for your support and advice, I don't visit this forum, because I just can't bear it. Imagine my surprise finding myself posting here, I can't tell you how much your replies mean to me, all of them.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Otto, I agree with your decision 1000%. If that poor baby was suffering that badly - and yet was so in need of loving and spreading her sweetness, then I agree - she's EARNED her "meant to be" moment, and now it will happen thanks to your incredibly generosity!

Your vet is just wonderful!

More vibes for Blue!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I am just reading this for the first time, and all I can say is "Wow, what a wonderful story." Otto, you are a wonder person to do this for Blue. I truly hope that you will have an update soon to this thread that says she has found her Meant To Be Moment


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Read through all of these posts... all I can say is, Otto - you saved Blue's life. Bless you for that!!
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Mar 7, 2008
I went to visit Blue this morning! She is SO HAPPY! Eating every chance she gets, loving loving loving. My gosh even now she is so thin I don't know how she survived, and with no organ damage. But her skin is already starting to heal from the flea dermatitis, she's grooming herself and talking up a storm. She's charmed the staff at the clinic and is not lacking for love and care while there.

My vet is cautiously optimistic, there was quite a bit of bone loss where the bone infection was. And of course, there's no knowing yet if this is the kind of stomatitis that is going to come back, even after the teeth are gone, but we can pray that it won't.

Her whiskers are HUGE! LOL! I fed her a bag of whiska treats the tech gave me while I waited for my vet to come in to talk to me. I meant to bring my camera, but forgot it. I wanted to get some video of her walking around, when she moves it really shows how emaciated she still is, but it won't be long now before she fills out. She is a small cat, even smaller than Queen Eva I think.

I'll get to see her one more time, on Monday when I go in to pay the bill I'll visit with her again, and then on Tuesday morning she will be picked up by the Shelter Manager. I'll be sure to ask her to let me know if/when Blue gets adopted.

The clinic is not charging me for the boarding/hospital stay (which will total one week by the time she is released), just the dental surgery, medicines, and of course her initial visit, where she had her SNAP tests, check up and rabies vaccine and convenia shot. Whatever the final tab, it's worth every penny to me, to see this sweet beautiful happy cat free of pain and getting a chance for a loving life.

I can't stop smiling over it all.