This is something I noticed being single,


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2006
Okay is it just me or is it harder to find someone when you are a cat person. Here lately every guy I talk to has some issue with me having a cat person. And I tell everyone me having a cat will not change for anyone. The last guy I dated was okay with that he just turned out to be a complete psycho. But then I talk to a guy and we are hitting it off and then something comes up about me having a cat. And he is like I really am not a cat person I like dogs but am allergic and have dogs but I don't pet them. And so I am completely turned away. And then there are the guys who just don't like cats. Or they want my cat to be outside not happening ever. Is it harder to find someone in general or is it because I have a cat? Or am I panicing because I turned 30 last week and I am still single


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
It is NOT you... it truly is Them... Sorry I think Mr Right will appreciate my four cats as he wont get passed the first date with out being tested


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by Tavia'smom

Or am I panicing because I turned 30 last week and I am still single
You're panicking for no reason love.
The right guy is out there and someday you will find him and he will accept you and the fact that your cat is a part of your life. In the mean time, just focus on making yourself happy and enjoying life. Don't change who you are or what you love for people who want a "fake you". You know what I mean? Maybe you could try some reputable online dating websites- I bet you'd find an easier match that way if you could weed through people you have something in common with.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
My motto is better alone than in bad company
I am also single, and I live a true single lifestyle... I have been single an happy for the last 8 years, and got so used to it that I am not too sure about changing my life around to accommodate someone's wants... One thing is for sure - Don't like cats, too bad.... Next!
My cats are my family, in my life, they come first; it is me and them. This is their house, my bed is Bugsy's bed, I have shelves on the walls, cats trees, boxes around, window sills... Can't deal with it? I am sure there are people who can...
I truly believe a person will love you for who you are, and when that person comes, your kitties will be just a nice part of the package

going nova

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2008
I haven't had any trouble finding hot guys who like cats (or at least tolerate them and pretend to like them). It's one of the first questions I ask, and if the guy wants to date me then he needs to learn how to cope because my affinity for cats is non-negotiable.

Just be confident, and don't even give being a cat person a second thought. If the man you're dating is smart enough
and worth your time, he'll be fine with your being a cat person. Anybody who deserves your time and attention will accept you the way you are.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
What they said.

I dated a guy once who was jealous of my cats and actually thought I would get rid of them for him, he came swaggering in one night and announced the doctor said he was allergic so (to the cats) "pack your bags".

I said, turn right back around and out you go. heehee

Another guy I went with once liked the cats okay but was so allergic genuinely that he could not breathe in my house. So I was doing all this traveling, spending weekends at his place (he lived a 2 hour drive away) and it was a real drag, so I dumped him too.

There are plenty of cat loving men out there, you hold out for the right one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2002
new york city
Tavia's mom: How are you meeting these men? Maybe there's a "cat owner and single and ready to mingle" website out there?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
Originally Posted by Carolina

Can't deal with it? I am sure there are people who can...
The thing with me is I want someone who not only can deal with it but also embraces it and totally gets it....
(My ex bf could deal with Jake being my life's most important thing, but he didn't really get it, and it bothered me)
I don't think it's easy to find a person like that. But, I too feel like it's better to be single than with someone who isn't the right one...


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 20, 2006
Have you tried online dating??
That is how I met my husband. I didn't want to really advertise that at 24 I was trying to meet people online, but I liked it. It was easier to weed out people who I had no interest in, and gave me a chance to talk to some people that I probably never would have given a chance.
I talked to my (now) husband through messenger for a couple weeks, then we exchanged numbers and talked/texted before finally meeting in public. I didn't really trust people who wanted to meet right away, I didn't want to meet someone in person unless I thought there might be an actual connection. Its worth a shot I think...and you can add in your profile that you are looking for someone who likes cats?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
I was single for 19 years. I met my old boyfriend from 38 years ago. Long story short, we were married in 2006.

He is not a cat person, and I have 11 cats. His kids say they can't believe he married someone with 11 cats since he didn't like them.

Well, he loves me and wants me to be happy. He now holds the flashlight when I give Goofy his insulin. He brings home toys for them (useless ones, but his heart is in the right place). Sneaks Beeba a treat off his plate from time to time. I find him in the cat toy aisle when I loose him in the store. He will sit in another chair if Beeb has claimed his. A good barometer of a persons character is his willingness to make you happy. If he won't accept the cats, you probably aren't as important to him as you think.

Bottom line....if a guy loves you, he will do anything to make you happy. And along the way, find out that actually cats aren't so bad after all.

PS He woke up the other am with a sore back, because he didn't want to move Beeba in the night and he slept all scrunched up!


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
LOTS of cat lovin' guys out there.
Of course there are a lot of non-cat loving guys out there too. When I was single, that was one of the first questions I asked, "Do you like cats?". I had 5 of my own at that time, and a lot of guys were not into it, which was fine with me, because they obviously weren't the ones for me. I was always very clear that I adored cats, would always have multiple cats and would always be involved in cat rescue in one way or another. When I met Dana and asked if he loved cats, he said "Of course, I have one!" (Which is where Nova came in.
) It was about as close to love at first sight as one could get.

Dana loves the cats, and is so incredibly understanding and supportive of the fostering/rescue aspect of my life. Although he is not as passionate about it as I am, he is very much my rock, and I know without a doubt that he would do anything he could for the kitties. As you can see we've adopted a few more since we first got together 2 and a half years ago.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
You will find someone just right for you and will accept you and your kitty as a package deal, and love both of you!!!

As soon as I know that someone doesn't like pets, or just tolerates them, or is allergic etc. etc. etc. I end the relationship. I'm not going anywhere without my kitty, and I refuse to let my kitty take a backseat.

I want someone to dote on me and my kitty! If the guy can't do that, there is no place in my life for him.

I've actually had a guy that I "met" at one of those online dating sites tell me that based on my profile and how we got along on the telephone, that he would like to meet me in person and explore a possible long term relationship if all went well. The catch? I can't remember if he either didn't like, or was allergic to cats, but he told me that I would have to get rid of my cat. I said "See ya!" and never talked to him again outside of one last message which was a reply to his online message to me which said something along the lines of ......

You will pick a cat over a relationship with a great guy?!

My response......




In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
There are guys out there who love cats. And the ones who don't are worth your time. The right guy will come along. And when he does? Your cats will tell you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
Farleyv is on the nose.

Bf and I have been best friends for 6 years now. He knew when we started dating what he was getting into even though I didnt have cats at the time. He was not an animal person and even now almost 3 yrs of living together he still has moments where he is going animal crazy but he does love all our pets. Fatman was his heart kitty, he really opened up BFs soul to truely being able to love a cat and now going thru the loss is hard on him, its hard on both of us but my heart is really breaking for him. Chaz changed his whole life around and let me turn it inside out with pets because he knows how much I love them and he knew from day one that cats where my love. We went from a rule of no cats, to one cat to what the heck happened. We had 3 cats and the 2 dogs, all but our mini doxie were strays or adopted. We both have a soft spot for those who just need help and cant help themselves.

If he wouldnt have been willing to get past his anti pet rules we wouldnt be where we are today, we wouldnt have the relationship we have now.

In time you will find the right person who will respect your love of cats and also be open to sharing a life not only with you but your cats also.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 27, 2006
Nuh uh...might give me away!
I had the relationship before I had the cats, lol. I had graduated college in May 2004 and DH (boyfriend at the time) wasn't graduating until Dec. of that year. We didn't live together, because we didn't think it was right, and I got tired of coming home to an empty apartment.

So I told him, "I'm thinking about getting a kitten, what do you think?" He was sweet enough to say, "It's really your choice."

That week I talked to my apartment management, figured out the costs of adding a pet, and knew I could afford vet payments and such. And although Rain passed away less than two weeks after adopting him, it really proved to me just how much DH loved me, because he was there every step of the way.

And it's because of his understanding and love for me and both our boys, that I don't press the issue to get a third (or fourth) cat.

I guess what I'm saying just haven't been meeting the right kind of guys. DH is a self-professed dog lover, and never really showed much interest in cats. His family will say things like, "I never thought I'd see Brandon tell a cat that he loved it."


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 14, 2007
Middle-Of-No-Where Michigan
I've been very happily divorced and almost dateless (by choice) since 1989. I did try the on-line dating thing a couple of times. In my ad I stated that I have two cats that I absolutely adore (this was before Lola.) I figured if someone read that, and still thought they wanted to meet me, it would indicate that cats were acceptable. Actually, that worked pretty well.

Eventually, I came to the realization, much like Carolina's. I'm much happier alone, with cats (which of course means I'm never alone!) I don't particularly want to cook for, clean up after, or sacrifice my independence for a man....and I sure don't want to listen to him snore all night. I've learned that the only thing worse than being alone, is being with the wrong person. Yeah, cats are SO much better!


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2005
I'm going on 5+ years of singledom and I have to agree with Pookie and Carolina- I've got the absolute love of my cats and that is enough. I have dated here and there, but time and time again guys show me exactly why I prefer my cats' company
so I'm basically done looking. Sometimes they say that is when a special person will find you


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
See if you can find Rahma and ask her about her husband - as I recall, he had misgivings about her adopting a cat - but it turns out he has the heart, and ability to love, of a real man - because he loves his wife.

Look at it this way - your cats are acting as a great filter against the 'guys who would be terrible in the long run'. I really think a guide to a person's character is how they treat animals (even if they don't want a pet themselves)....if they care about an animal's welfare, it's a sign they'll care about people when things go badly.

Heck, my dentist likes to tease about his wife's love for her cats - but he's right there driving them to the e-vet in the middle of the night, and has built cat trees for them...and this is a guy who claims to 'not like cats'. He's got a big heart - you can tell from the way he works with his patients, too.

You want a partner with a good heart - your cats will help you find one, when it's the right time. In the meantime, go out and do things that interest you, whether or not you think it'll lead to Mr. Right - most times, that's exactly when you will meet the right person.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
As everyone says, stick to your guns and you will meet a man who truly deserves you and your cats. My first date with Russel a year ago and while we were having dinner I brought up the fact that I had a cat. He said he had 3 kids of his own and I said to myself, oh no a man with kids...this won't last. He then showed me a picture of his 'kids' and there sat 3 cats. I was so happy I almost cried. I just happened to be lucky but my point is, there are lots of men out there who love cats and your turn will come. Be patient.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 1, 2009
It was quite the opposite with me and my husband. We met online on a SIM game for small animals (yup, laugh at me..) and I was honestly NOT a cat lover. I had a couple heart kitties (it takes a special kitty for me to truly love) while he was cat obsessed. I was much more a dog and reptile person.. He loved his cats, tiny rodents, and his ducks..

We could not get along at all at first, but we weren't looking to date each other, so it didn't matter. But somehow, we became friends, and he traveled to visit me, and once we met, his cat "problem" didn't matter to me... And now i love cats a ton too... And I put up with his ducks, LOL.