*****KatKwery! - Sep 29 - last two days!*****

persi & alley

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 27, 2006
Farmers Branch, Texas
The Kats have rounded off the jackpot at 150,000 points. That's it!

With only two days left, there is still some positioning to be done. That very may well happen today. Here is what we have; GoldyCat has secured eighth place and will play marianjela in the playoffs. Either Catkiki or BelongsTo Evie will play Glitch. The one that does not play Glitch will play Laureen277. Yam102284 will play Cocoa Cream but we do not know who will have the highest seed (advantage) yet. Having the highest seed means that if there is a tie in one of the playoff games, the highest seed wins that game. OK, today should tell...

Cocoa Cream used the word interested and yam102284 used some. Catkiki used much and GoldyCat won her tenth straight game using want. Nobody used animal. Well, we now know that GoldyCat will be playing against Marianjela. 1st place playing 8th place, just like it is done in professional sports. This is one match I want to see! Wait, I will see it.

Today's KatKwiz was about cat toys.

Here we go:

How many laser toys do you have for your cats? Name some of your cats' favorite toys? Who actually has more fun when you play with your cats, you or them? Do you keep your cat toys in one certain place or are they strewn all over the house and furniture like me? You are, of course, aware of the dangers of a laser pen?


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Okay, marianjela, bring it on.
I'm ready. Been reading the dictionary for practice.

How many laser toys do you have for your cats?
One. I got the cheapest one I could find because I already have enough semi-expensive toys that they never touch. This one has only a red dot, no fancy shapes, and you have to hold the button down to keep it lit. That's kind of annoying, but it does save on batteries. When I first turned the laser pointer on Shareena and Miss Patchwillow both just watched the dot of light for a few seconds, then looked at me as if to say, "You've got to be kidding! You think we're going to fall for that one?" Goldy went nuts, chasing it in circles. I didn't keep it on very long because she was still pregnant at the time and I thought was getting too excited. When the dot disappeared she sat there for a couple of minutes looking absolutely brokenhearted.

Name some of your cats' favorite toys?
For Shareena it has to be paper bags at the top of the list. She loves to jump in a big grocery bag and sit there with just her nose poking out the top. She also chews holes in the bottoms and bats the bags around the room to make as much noise as possible. A close second is a fishing-pole type toy that came with her. It has dangly things on the end on a very short string, although most of the dangles are gone. When she gets tired of me teasing her with it, she drags it off and hides it under the bed or couch or dining room hutch or behind the TV.

Miss Patchwillow's favorite is my elastic hair bands. As soon as I lay one on the bathroom vanity or my dresser, she hops up, picks it up very delicately with her teeth and takes off. I'm sure she's convinced the things are alive the way she knocks them around the floor and pounces on them. Running a close second is plastic bags. I only let her play in those while I'm watching, then get rid of them as soon as possible.

Other than the laser light Goldy doesn't play with toys much. She prefers to cuddle and lick my hands and arms. Does that make me her favorite toy?

The kittens all like to attack any toes or ankles that come into their sight, or failing any available feet, they go for mom cat's tail.

Who actually has more fun when you play with your cats, you or them?
I do, of course. At least, the kitties frequently seem to get tired of the game before I do. Then they grab the toys and take off to bury them some place I can't reach.

Do you keep your cat toys in one certain place or are they strewn all over the house and furniture like me?
Toys are wherever the cats leave them. Things tend to disappear for two or three months at a time, then suddenly reappear in the middle of the living room floor. I never have figured out where some of the stuff was hidden.

You are, of course, aware of the dangers of a laser pen?
Yes. I'm always very careful not to point it directly at the cat--any part of the cat, not just the eyes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2007
New Hampshire
Originally Posted by Persi & Alley

How many laser toys do you have for your cats? Name some of your cats' favorite toys? Who actually has more fun when you play with your cats, you or them? Do you keep your cat toys in one certain place or are they strewn all over the house and furniture like me? You are, of course, aware of the dangers of a laser pen?
Thank you

We only have one laser toy for our cat, and we haven't been very good at playing with them with it. We used to have one when we first moved but it eventually broke and we had to buy a new one. I think we actually have more fun playing with it, because we make the cats do crazy things. We usually will point it on the wall to make them try to climb it, or swirl it around on the floor to make them chase it in circles. We keep most of our cat toys in a little basket that way they are mostly out of the way. The toys that are their favorites are usually strewn across the living room or bedroom because they love playing with them so much. The laser pointer we keep on a table, and the Da Bird we keep in the closet because they would tear it to shreds if they had access to it 24/7. I am aware of the dangers of laser pointers, and other toys, but will still use them. I just make sure to keep the laser out of their eyes so it does not hurt them.

cocoa cream

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 4, 2008
Originally Posted by Persi & Alley

How many laser toys do you have for your cats? Name some of your cats' favorite toys? Who actually has more fun when you play with your cats, you or them? Do you keep your cat toys in one certain place or are they strewn all over the house and furniture like me? You are, of course, aware of the dangers of a laser pen?
Yay! Only two more days until the playoffs! The suspense is growing!

I actually don't have any laser toys yet. I saw some little mouse shaped laser pointers at Wal-mart the other day, and I almost bought one. But then I decided against it because extras are not really in our budget right now!

Almost all the cat toys we have are things I have made for them to play with or things I have around the house, like small boxes and paper towel rolls. The kittens definitely enjoy the crocheted toys I've made the best so far. I sewed a little fabric snake and filled it with catnip yesterday, but they aren't too excited about that one yet. (I guess they still haven't gotten into catnip much yet...maybe someday!) But by far their favorite "toys" are these little circles I crocheted. They didn't start out being toys, but one day when I was working on a "yo-yo afghan", the kittens would not leave me alone. So I threw one yo-yo circle to each cat...and the crazy play began! Maggie is so obsessive about her yo-yos that she will growl at the other two cats whenever they so much as watch her playing with it. She carries it to me wherever I am in the house as if to say, "Look what I've got, Meowmy!" It's pretty cute.

The cat toys are pretty spread out around the house most of the time, but they do have a basket I gather them in occasionally, when the clutter just drives me insane.

I'm guessing the danger you're talking about is in reference to pointing the laser beam into your cats' (or anyone's) eyes? I know that is a big mistake, but I'm not aware of any other possible problems with laser pointers. Is there anything else that is a potential hazard?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
Somewhere in the US
How many laser toys do you have for your cats? I have a few here and there. I got one from the pet store for about $10 but it didn't last too long. A bit later, I saw some at 99 cent store and they were awesome! When the batteries are dead, just buy a new one!

Name some of your cats' favorite toys? Besides the laser, which drives them crazy, they like rattle mice and feather toys. Dusty also likes those "milk ring" type toys. She loves to play fetch with them. She has been known to put them in my bed when I am sleeping!

Who actually has more fun when you play with your cats, you or them? I think it is about equal. With the laser toy, they get to playing so hard that they actually start panting!

Do you keep your cat toys in one certain place or are they strewn all over the house and furniture like me? Well, I TRY to keep them in one place, but the girls have different ideas! They are strewn around the apartment. Occasionally, we have to sweep under the stove since they often go under there while playing. I hate when Dusty puts her "milk ring" in the middle of the floor where I can step on it in the middle of the night. Those things hurt!!

You are, of course, aware of the dangers of a laser pen? Yes, I know NOT to aim it at their eyes as it could cause damage and blindness. It is very hard though since they go after the red dot so furiously.


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Originally Posted by Persi & Alley

How many laser toys do you have for your cats? Name some of your cats' favorite toys? Who actually has more fun when you play with your cats, you or them? Do you keep your cat toys in one certain place or are they strewn all over the house and furniture like me? You are, of course, aware of the dangers of a laser pen?
i have 2 - one is actually made as a toy, but i don't like it - i have to keep the button depressed in order to operate the laser. instead, i use a NEBOÂ[emoji]169[/emoji] flashlight that also has a laser. works great! hmm, favorite toys - well, Chip is a catnipaholic, Pixel likes small soft toys that she can carry around [tissue, etc.]. Cable likes things that skitter - milk jug rings, ice. Java prefers things w/real fur - i have a few fur puffs she really enjoys. Firefox also likes the fur things, but she loves sparkle balls! she also plays quite a bit w/the turbo ball scratcher. most of the toys are stored in the tunnel of the tall cat tree, but there are some [the catnip buddies & mats i got at the meet-up, for example - plus a couple of fur puffs & a rabbit pelt] around the house. i am aware that the laser should never be shone into the eyes of the cats - but that's the only danger i'm aware of.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2007
Originally Posted by Persi & Alley

The Kats have rounded off the jackpot at 150,000 points. That's it!

With only two days left, there is still some positioning to be done. That very may well happen today. Here is what we have; GoldyCat has secured eighth place and will play marianjela in the playoffs. Either Catkiki or BelongsTo Evie will play Glitch. The one that does not play Glitch will play Laureen277. Yam102284 will play Cocoa Cream but we do not know who will have the highest seed (advantage) yet. Having the highest seed means that if there is a tie in one of the playoff games, the highest seed wins that game. OK, today should tell...

Cocoa Cream used the word interested and yam102284 used some. Catkiki used much and GoldyCat won her tenth straight game using want. Nobody used animal. Well, we now know that GoldyCat will be playing against Marianjela. 1st place playing 8th place, just like it is done in professional sports. This is one match I want to see! Wait, I will see it.

Today's KatKwiz was about cat toys.

Here we go:

How many laser toys do you have for your cats? Name some of your cats' favorite toys? Who actually has more fun when you play with your cats, you or them? Do you keep your cat toys in one certain place or are they strewn all over the house and furniture like me? You are, of course, aware of the dangers of a laser pen?
Go guys go!
How exciting!

Let's see if I can get one last win in! Not surprisingly, I didn't get on over the weekend, and even today I made it on, but work got in the way before I could do the Kwery!!

We only have (had??) one laser toy for Evie. She really liked it, but she goes through her phases, and she went on to a new phase before the battery died. So when it died, we never replaced it!
Not even sure if I know where it is now! We should get a new one, I'm sure it'd be back "in" by now!

Evie's favorite toy is by far, no doubt hair ties!! That is one phase that, though it's not always on top, hasn't died yet! Her other phases have included the ball-in-track toys that the fosters now have, feather / stick toys, an green stuffed thing (looks like a little monster!), a little leather thing, and of course bed mice!
Anything moving under blankets is fair game.

Ha hahah, I think I have more fun! It seems I initiate more often and try to keep it going longer than she cares for.
Though when it is her idea, I think it's pretty equal.

Psh, here's another one to laugh at! Toys are strewn about everywhere, no doubt! I can't wait till next time we move our couch, I'm sure there's a treasure trove under there! Hah. Though, we do have a place for new toys we haven't given her yet. But once they are out of that drawer, they go anywhere!

Yes, we all know better than to shine the lights in the eyes. Kitty eyes or human eyes! I also know that, as with any toy, if they get too excited, focused, or over worked, there are other dangers presented. Evie I sometimes thinks has asthma or something (we've asked the vet, but they say no big deal), but after playing too strenuously, she hacks and heaves and wheezes, so that always worries me. Or if the cat gets too crazy and runs into something or falls down stairs, more bad things can happen.


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
if anyone's interested, this is the flashlight i got: NEBO. i found it at Ace Hardware. mine is pink, tho