Has anyone ever had this? Part 2


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 25, 2005
New Jersey
Last week I asked if anyone had neck problems, limited range of motion etc., well I went for an MRI yesterday and will get the results back at 10:00 this morning. Can I get some vibes please, I'm getting worried because I am experiencing increasing stiffness when I wake up in the morning. I'm bringing pen and paper with me when I go to see the orthopedist so I can write everything down (I get nervous and forget most of the conversation) Thanks everyone.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 17, 2008
New York City
I just read your other thread, so I'm jumping on this one.

It's good you got an MRI.

About 15 years ago, I was experiencing bad stiffness in my neck. After awhile, it turned into my right arm aching.....very bad aching. I went to the emergency room. A couple weeks after going to the emergency room, where the guy said it was muscular and gave me an anti-inflammatory, my right arm was going tingly, and I felt numbness in my hand. Someone suggested a chiropractor. I had never been to a chiropractor.

He sent me for an MRI, which showed a slipped disc in my neck. I think it was the C-3 disc. He showed me everything, asked if I had lifted anything heavy - (I had.....a really heavy backpack when I was backpacking). He said I had probably lifted it the wrong way, and the disc slipped and was pressing against a nerve - hence the aching, numbness and stiffness.

He immediately started 3 sessions a week, which included deep, electrical massage, and gave me exercises to do.

After 4 months of decreasing visits to him, taking the vitamins he recommended (B-6, especially), and doing the exercises, I was pain free, and my arm was fine, and my neck was fine. So......no surgery.

I'm not saying this is what you'll be diagnosed with, but this was my experience. (And I haven't had a stiff neck since!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
About 12 or so years ago I was rear ended which resulted in whiplash and 6 weeks of PT at 3 times/week. If a do a task or some movement that I haven't done in a while-say cross coutry skiing or heavy lifting of job materials it will stiffen up and I restart my PT exercises/anti-inflamatory drugs and sleep with a rolled up towel under my neck and the symptons will abate.

Hoping for good results and answers to the stiffness.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 26, 2008
duluth, ga
When i was about 9 or 10 my family got in a big car accident and i got a huge case of whiplash and had to wear one of those collar things where you cant turn your neck. I when to physical therapy 3 times a week, but i still felt stiff all the time and it wasnt getting better. My mom was seeing a chiropractor and she thought it might help me. I was so scared cause i thought my neck was going to hurt so much worse, but going to the chiropractor helped me. I immediately felt loosened up and like i was getting blood to my head and my toes again. Injuries can be tough..hang in there..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
I was in a car wreck at age 7... parents dragged me to a chiropractor without so much as an x-ray (chiro suggested it and gave them a "discount"). I still have neck issues, some may be from that and some are genetic - I shouldn't have had and should never have a chiro messing around with my neck. The chiro definitely left me with a lot of pain afterwards that didn't lessen for a few months.

In my case it's instability issues affecting the muscles and making them constantly tight - muscle relaxers help a little but won't get rid of the tightness. I can't turn my head as much as other people can and can't touch my ear to my shoulder (or anywhere near). After so many years of it I don't notice it most of the time. Discs are fine for now but eventually all the spurs will cause problems.

Let us know what your MRI report says. Hopefully there's nothing serious.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2005
Originally Posted by strange_wings

I was in a car wreck at age 7... parents dragged me to a chiropractor without so much as an x-ray (chiro suggested it and gave them a "discount"). I still have neck issues, some may be from that and some are genetic - I shouldn't have had and should never have a chiro messing around with my neck. The chiro definitely left me with a lot of pain afterwards that didn't lessen for a few months.

In my case it's instability issues affecting the muscles and making them constantly tight - muscle relaxers help a little but won't get rid of the tightness. I can't turn my head as much as other people can and can't touch my ear to my shoulder (or anywhere near). After so many years of it I don't notice it most of the time. Discs are fine for now but eventually all the spurs will cause problems.

Let us know what your MRI report says. Hopefully there's nothing serious.
That is exactly what my neck is like. I have limited range of motion and my neck muscles are constantly stiff which leads to migrane headaches. I also went to a chiropractor and out of all the visits my neck popped only 1 time. The chiropractor aggrevated my tight muscles more than anything. My MD told me that chiropractor was a bad idea. I can't afford a MRI or I would have got one along time ago. I am one of the working uninsured people. I am in constant pain for many years. It is getting worse as I get older and it is really bad when storms are coming in. My doctor gives me pain killers and muscle relaxers but they don't really help my tight muscles. When I was 4 years old I was thrown from a car in a bad accident and I believe that this is from that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by abbycats

When I was 4 years old I was thrown from a car in a bad accident and I believe that this is from that.
You're lucky you didn't end up with a broken neck.

Actually, your neck sounds more like my mother's - or what my neck will be in the future if I'm not careful (hence the genetic part). Her neck is more arthritis now that it's progressed, there's a couple of bulging discs, some facet problems, loss of natural curve, and a lot of pinch/compressed nerves. She doesn't really have that great of treatment for her's yet - waiting for her SSDI. Her doctor has recommended that she get a soft collar to help.

As far as the MRI, maybe you could save up and shop around? Different MRI centers will have different prices - one of the members here without insurance did that very thing and apparently got a good deal.
Physical therapy may help but would be pricey. You could try gentle stretching on your own. If you can find someone who could do gentle massage or even ultrasound on your neck, it may help. Other then that try heat and ice, make sure you have proper support for your neck when sleeping, and proper posture when awake. If you slouch it will make you bring your head and neck forward, which will cause more strain and tightness. If you use a computer a lot make sure the monitor is up high enough so that you're not encouraged to slouch or look down.

My neck doesn't pop either, the rare times that it does it's painful so I don't try to force it to. I don't take anything other than my relafen and an acetaminophen, usually - I'm one of the types that become tolerant to meds easily.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
I have problems with all my joints and my back and neck due to hypermobility syndrome (HMS) which is a genetic disorder, and I just want to sympathise, neck pain is so restrictive and debilitating. I hope the scan showed something that was fixable and that you have been able to put in place some treatment and pain management, if necessary. I do hope that you feel better soon!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by Epona

I have problems with all my joints and my back and neck due to hypermobility syndrome (HMS) which is a genetic disorder, and I just want to sympathise, neck pain is so restrictive and debilitating.
It seems that HMS/BJHS is diagnosed more frequently in the UK then it is here. I'm not even sure what doctor I would have to see. I've been to one rheumatologist and got an offhanded "Oh, you're hypermobile" but no diagnoses when I ask why my joints popped and hurt so much (I've since learned to realign/put them back, and that helps). Maybe I wouldn't meet the Beighton Score as my elbows and low back are not hypermobile (I can barely touch my knees
), I likely would on the revised criteria. If I could get it official that would back up the NCS/POTS issue as there's a link...