Jake- Gone but never forgotten


TCS Member
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Jun 6, 2003
The Beehave State!
My sweet, loving "Buddy Boy" Jake crossed the rainbow bridge Wednesday afternoon, after fighting valiantly, a long and difficult battle. He tried so hard to bounce back from his illness this time but his little body wouldn't allow it. Jake was 6 years old.

For those who do not know, Jake got very sick about 2 1/2 years ago and was diagnosed with feline lupus. Jake has a strong, fighting spirit and with a lot of work and tons of worrying, we both Got through it and Jake bounced back. Even when many told us it wouldn't happen. See this thread (long but worth reading through) for more information: http://www.thecatsite.com/forums/sho...ght=Jake-+sick

This was Jake's 3rd flare up since the initial one. He didn't get the sores like he did the first time but when he would go through stress he would stop eating and/or get an underlying infection, stop eating and lose weight and get fatty liver. This last time his poor little liver must have just been through too much trauma and wouldn't bounce back.

This last time I thought I caught it early. I noticed he was losing fur and had lost about a pound or so. I started the antibiotics, prednisone and syringe feedings right away. He'd get better, then worse, better and then worse. He'd eat well for a few days and then not eat at all. Even though I kept up the syringe feedings I couldn't get any weight back on him. The vet just kept encouraging me to do what I was doing because all we could do was supportive care. It was either going to help or fail.

Tuesday night I saw Jake limping so I took a look at him and discovered both legs and his ear on the left side were swollen and his left ear (the inside of it) was deep purple. He was painful when I touched them even gently. The next morning I got up for work at 3:30 A.M. and noticed he was much worse and barely able to walk. I put food and water near his litter box so he wouldn't have to move much and went to work. I made a Vet appointment and left early. When I got home, I picked up Jake to put him in his carrier and had blood on my fingers. He didn't have any cuts or anything but he was bleeding through the pores of his skin.

I Got Jake to the vet and they tried to do some tests, including billirubin (CBC) and clotting factors. They could only get a couple drops of blood from him and even that clotted as it was coming out. I knew that meant his liver wasn't controlling clotting as it should, which also meant he was in end stage liver failure. The vet said they could keep him and try Heparin IVs, stronger antibiotics and prednisone but she didn't think he'd make it through the treatment and they'd have to put the IV in his jugular because his vascular system was deteriorated. At that point I told them no, enough is enough. I spent 20 minutes holding Jake and talking to him and then the Vet came in and gave him the injection. Jake passed away less then 30 seconds later peacefully in my arms as I pet his head, rubbed the bridge of his nose (he loved that) and planted kisses on his sweet little round cheeks. Then I laid him down on the exam table, laid my head down on him and cried really hard for about 1/2 hour. My poor little Buddy Boy was gone and my heart was and is empty.

Last night I kept thinking I saw Jake. I saw him as I walked into the kitchen, laying in his food bowl eating like he always did. I saw him laying off to the side when I got on the computer for a few minutes, I saw him when I woke up in the night laying on his pillow next to me in the bed. And I saw him this morning laying on top of the covered litter box (another favorite place). I got home from work tonight and almost started calling for him. I always used to come in and say, "Buddy.... where are you?" And he'd come out as if to say, "Here I am!"

About Jake: Jake was a gentle, loving, kind spirit. You picked him up and he'd give you a hug by wrapping his paws around your neck. You look in his eyes and you would see his soul. I loved his sweet, round cheeks and kissed them all the time. Jake liked catnip bubbles, catnip pillows and string toys. He liked to lay and sometimes play in the bathtub. He also liked to lay on the bathroom vanity as I did my hair in the morning. Jake was also fond of playing rough house on the tall cat tree. He also liked to play peek-a-boo on the cat tree. He checked out every bowl of food before Peaches would eat. He'd just kind of sniff it and then step aside as if to tell Peaches it was safe. He did that with Hallie too, when she was alive. Jake liked to follow me and always liked to be where ever I was in the house. I also called Jake my lion king because when he was healthy, he had a beautiful, full coat especially around his face. Don't tell Peaches,
but Jake was the best cat I ever knew. He was a perfect boy cat. Jakey, I love you and miss you so much already. I hope you're eating to your hearts content and without pain over the rainbow bridge. Please watch over Peaches and me. After all, you are my little man of the house and we need you.

I wanted to write him a poem but I'm not good at that. This was the best I could do.


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2005
Oh no Tammie
I know how hard both you and he fought through this whole horrible ordeal. I'm so very sorry
RIP Jake


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005

I am so very sorry for your loss. Jake was such a fighter and you helped him fight until the very end.

You may not be a poet, but your love shines through every word.
I am also not a poet, but I'd like to share with you a poem that was given to me when my Molly passed.

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.
Are you coming then? asked God
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.
But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am.....forever and ever and ever.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I'm soooo sorry
I had been following Jake's progress in the Health and Nutrition forum and saw today that he went to the Rainbow Bridge.

RIP Jake!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 20, 2007
Oh no.
I am so sorry for your loss. Months ago I read that entire thread about your trials and tribulations with Jake. You did everything you possibly could to care for him. You were a great mom. I hope you find comfort. Rest in peace sweet Jake.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
"I wanted to write him a poem but I'm not good at that. This was the best I could do."

You used the tools you have, and you did him proud. As always.

Jakey, look after Mum.
RIP Sweet Jake


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2002
Lakewood (Denver suburb), Colorado
Tammie, I just saw the title of the thread and my eyes welled up with tears. I read your beautiful words about him and I'm bawling like a baby.
Jake is such a beautiful soul, and he touched me without ever having met him.

He's up at the Bridge with Hallie now, reunited with his little sister. I'm sure she's showing him around and assuring him that he can be with you always now, even when you have to leave the house to go to work.
He'll always be your Buddy, and when you feel that light air brush against your lips, he's giving you kitty kisses with those fluffy, round cheeks of his. Always your little Lion King.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 11, 2006
I'm SO sorry for your loss.

Jake is now chasing catnip bubbles with all those TCS kitties who came to meet him at Rainbow Bridge.


TCS Member
Mar 26, 2005
The love that you share with Jake knows no boundaries.
Your beloved boy is alive in your heart and will remain with you forever Tammie.
Bless you both.



TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
Tam- you fought the good fight with a strong-willed boy. Along the way you taught me a lot about working with sick kitties and how to deal with it day-by-day. I know, that you also taught others. I am sorry he lost the fight, but glad he had you in his corner in the end.


TCS Member
Dec 9, 2004
I don't have any words that can do this justice...all I have is, I'm so very sorry.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2006
hills of TN
I'm so sorry for your loss! Your story of Jake was one of the first I read after joining TCS....he was such a precious little soul. Thank God he had such a wonderful caretaker...rest in peace Jake. You will never be forgotten.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jun 6, 2003
The Beehave State!
Originally Posted by katiemae1277

Oh no Tammie
I know how hard both you and he fought through this whole horrible ordeal. I'm so very sorry
RIP Jake
Thank you. I'm already amazed at how many people remember Jake's whole fight from the beginning. It warms my heart!

Originally Posted by AbbysMom


I am so very sorry for your loss. Jake was such a fighter and you helped him fight until the very end.

You may not be a poet, but your love shines through every word.
I am also not a poet, but I'd like to share with you a poem that was given to me when my Molly passed.

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.
Are you coming then? asked God
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.
But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am.....forever and ever and ever.
This is absolutely beautiful.
Thank you for that gift.

Originally Posted by Natalie_ca

I'm soooo sorry
I had been following Jake's progress in the Health and Nutrition forum and saw today that he went to the Rainbow Bridge.

RIP Jake!
Thanks so much. I remember when you first asked about him. I was touched that you took the time to read through the whole thread! Impressive!

Originally Posted by catcaregiver

Oh no.
I am so sorry for your loss. Months ago I read that entire thread about your trials and tribulations with Jake. You did everything you possibly could to care for him. You were a great mom. I hope you find comfort. Rest in peace sweet Jake.
Again... I'm impressed! Thanks for taking the time to read about Jake. And I really need to hear that I was a good mom. I keep thinking, "What if I did this or that?"
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TCS Member
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Jun 6, 2003
The Beehave State!
Originally Posted by rapunzel47

You used the tools you have, and you did him proud. As always.

Jakey, look after Mum.
RIP Sweet Jake
I hope I did and I pray he knows how much I loved and cared. Thanks for always being so supportive.

Originally Posted by valanhb

Tammie, I just saw the title of the thread and my eyes welled up with tears. I read your beautiful words about him and I'm bawling like a baby.
Jake is such a beautiful soul, and he touched me without ever having met him.

He's up at the Bridge with Hallie now, reunited with his little sister. I'm sure she's showing him around and assuring him that he can be with you always now, even when you have to leave the house to go to work.
He'll always be your Buddy, and when you feel that light air brush against your lips, he's giving you kitty kisses with those fluffy, round cheeks of his. Always your little Lion King.
Heidi, Very beautiful. I cried like a mad woman when I read this. Thank you for the lovely words. Everything everyone has said makes me cry and yet makes me feel a bit better.

Originally Posted by GingersMom

Jake is now chasing catnip bubbles with all those TCS kitties who came to meet him at Rainbow Bridge.
This made me smile. I can envision this very clearly. Thanks for the picture!

Originally Posted by Graciecat

I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Rest In Peace, Jake.
Thank you for taking the time to remember Jakey and support me. It is appreciated more then you know.

Originally Posted by Bella713

Oh Tammie, I am SO sorry, I am just in shock
That sweet boy is such a fighter...Bless him, he is at peace now. If you need anything I am here
I know you understand completely how I feel (as do most on this site!) And it has meant so much to me whenever you asked me about Jake. Thanks for being so thoughtful.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jun 6, 2003
The Beehave State!
Originally Posted by xocats

The love that you share with Jake knows no boundaries.
Your beloved boy is alive in your heart and will remain with you forever Tammie.
Bless you both.

Yes, Jake will be in my heart forever! Thanks for reminding me. I can feel him there and all around me. And Thank you so much for sticking with us through this difficult time.

Originally Posted by hissy

Tam- you fought the good fight with a strong-willed boy. Along the way you taught me a lot about working with sick kitties and how to deal with it day-by-day. I know, that you also taught others. I am sorry he lost the fight, but glad he had you in his corner in the end.
Mary Anne, This means more to me then I can express. To come from someone who I feel is an excellent authority on animals and who is very knowledgeable and wise. I have to say.... I'm shocked! It's hard to believe I could have passed anything on that you didn't already know!
Thank you. I've learned a lot from you over the years, as well.

FYI to everyone: Jake kind of came to me by accident (not by mistake but a "meant to be" accident). I was asked to give Hallie a home because she was PKD + and Teresa thought I would give her a good home. All of a sudden Jake snuck in the deal and I wasn't quite sure how that happened! Felt like my head was spinning. Once I got him home I was never sorry.

Originally Posted by clixpix

I don't have any words that can do this justice...all I have is, I'm so very sorry.
Thank you. Words always seem inadequate when you're the one trying to come up with them. But from this end they are always just the words you need to hear!

Originally Posted by taterbug

I'm so sorry for your loss! Your story of Jake was one of the first I read after joining TCS....he was such a precious little soul. Thank God he had such a wonderful caretaker...rest in peace Jake. You will never be forgotten.
Thanks for your kind words and for your lovely thoughts about Jake. I'm in awe of all the people who read about Jake and who have been touched by his story. I'm truly humbled.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
Originally Posted by AbbysMom


And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.
Are you coming then? asked God
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.
But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am.....forever and ever and ever.
Karen shared this with me when Davidson passed as well... its my favorite..

I'm so sorry to hear of Jake's passing- I know he's watching over you right now, and always

RIP sweet angel
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jun 6, 2003
The Beehave State!
Originally Posted by babyharley

Karen shared this with me when Davidson passed as well... its my favorite..

I'm so sorry to hear of Jake's passing- I know he's watching over you right now, and always

RIP sweet angel
Thanks so much. I hope it gets easier? Right now I doubt it.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 6, 2007
New Jersey
I am in tears for you and Jake reading this post. I have read Jake's story twice as it is just so inspiring. You are a wonderful kitty mom and someone to look up to in terms of fighting for a furbaby. I'm sure Jake is forever grateful that he found you to take care of him.

Fly Swiftly Sweetheart...RIP Jake