Spotlight of the week : icklemiss21


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
white cat lover

Is there anything in the world that could make you live catless?
Nope - I lived catless for 22 years (my sister is allergic so were never allowed one) and I don't intend doing it again

Do you cover your eyes during scary movies?
Nope I love scary movies

What is your "ideal number" of cats(if you could have as many as you want)?
Ummm 4 is enough to deal with but I would love a little kitten of my own so 5

Where would you love to live? visit?
I would love to visit Australia to see my aunt's new house, I would love to go to New York and New Orleans and as sad as it seems, Disneyland

To live, I would probably move back home to London.

What is your dream house/apartment?
I have my dream house all planned out - its going to have a room especially for the kitties with alcoves recessed into the walls for their beds and litter boxes etc. A huge library with those ladders you can push along the walls. A massive kitchen and a great view.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice

1-What is your favourite colour? Purple

2-What is your favourite type of movie? Drama? Comedy? Sci-Fi/Fantasy? Horror flicks? or Girlie flicks?
Horror / Comedies - I am not into girlie flicks at all

3-Do you like the rock band Kiss? I am not a fan but my iPod contains some Kiss

4-Do you think Paul Stanley is good looking, especially for a man in his mid 50's? Yes, particularly in that pic you posted a while ago

5-Do you like Carnival rides? If so, what is your favourite ride?
Not particularly - as a kid I was so scared of them that my mum spent ages trying to get me to go on one and I waited in line and then when I got in the guy went to do up my seatbelt and I jumped off the other side
I have got better as I got older but still don't like rollercoasters.

6-Do you consider yourself a conservative or liberal person?
Economically conservative but socially more liberal

7-Is there any city in the US you'd like to live in?
Hmmm Not sure

8-Aside from your beautiful Moggies, is there any breed specific cat you'd like to have?
Something big and fluffy - a Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest Cat or a bengal like you!

9-What is your favourite season of the year? Fall

10-What is your favourite genre of music? Rock / Metal

11-If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be?
Ummm now do I go for eye candy or meaningful discussion, this was actually one of the questions on my entrance interview for university and I said George Orwell to discuss 1984 and what society would be like if that was reality so I will stick with that

12-Oh and one more thing.....This is something I've been wanting to ask a few people for quite some time...What is that "Official Snooping Santa" thing all about?
People taking part in the secret santa (SS) can PM a snooping santa to contact their recipient in the SS to get more info on the gifts they would like etc - there are 4 snoopers for this years SS


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
arcadian girl

Tell me one of your happiest memories

Finishing school

what's your favorite outfit?
old jeans and my favourite teal coloured top - easily pleased

Have you ever heard of The Libertines? Nope

Do you watch The Sopranos? Rarely, but my BF does so I tend to catch snippits of it

Favorite breakfast cereal? Corn Flakes but they have to be Kelloggs


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
There is a knock at your door. You open it and find the celebrity of your dreams. Who is it?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2006
The North Pole!
You're stranded at the North Pole - what one thing would you want to have with you?

Do you believe in gnomes?

Do you like gnomes?

What would you do if you came home from work early and found a bunch of strange gnomes having a wild party at your house?

Same question, but with kitties?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice

You're stranded at the North Pole - what one thing would you want to have with you?
Something warm

Do you believe in gnomes?
Real ones or the fake garden variety?

Do you like gnomes?

What would you do if you came home from work early and found a bunch of strange gnomes having a wild party at your house?

Same question, but with kitties?

I come home to that every day
(or at least the house looks like it after they are done)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 6, 2006
Tarheel State
I cheated.
I "borrowed" mine from The Book of Questions.

Would you accept 20 years of extraordinary happiness and fulfillment if it meant you would die at the end of the period?

When you are given a compliment do you usually acknowledge it or suggest that you really do not deserve it?

Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture in the US? Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex?

Knowing you had a 50% chance of winning and would be paid 10 times the amount of your bet if you won, what fractio of what you now own would you be willing to wager?

Would you rather spend a month on vacation with your parents or put in overtime at your job for four weeks without the extra pay?

If you were asble to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

Would you eat a bug? What if eating or killing the bug would save someone you love's life? What if it would save your life? What if it would end world hunger? Would you still eat bug if it were a cockroach and if it were poison???

If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience would you do so? If not, why not?

Would you be willing to pee in front of your friends?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice

I cheated.
I "borrowed" mine from The Book of Questions.

Would you accept 20 years of extraordinary happiness and fulfillment if it meant you would die at the end of the period?
Ummm at the moment I think I would - watching those you love suffer through not enjoying themselves just to live longer in an unhappy life seems just wrong to me

When you are given a compliment do you usually acknowledge it or suggest that you really do not deserve it?
I guess it depends what it is for

Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture in the US? Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex?
Well I don't live in the US, but working in politics, I would imagine it is much easier to be male

Knowing you had a 50% chance of winning and would be paid 10 times the amount of your bet if you won, what fractio of what you now own would you be willing to wager?
I am not big on betting and have seen too many people lose too much from gambling so probably not much

Would you rather spend a month on vacation with your parents or put in
overtime at your job for four weeks without the extra pay?

Right now I miss my mum and could really do with a break from working so I would spend a month with my family

If you were asble to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
Mind - it is easier to keep your body in shape yourself than your mind

Would you eat a bug? What if eating or killing the bug would save someone you love's life? What if it would save your life? What if it would end world hunger? Would you still eat bug if it were a cockroach and if it were poison???
Ewwww - if it wasn't poison and could do the above, I guess I could bring myself to do it (this coming from the girl who ate worms as a kid) but if it was poison I really don't know

If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience would you do so? If not, why not?
Probably, to spend just a year in perfect happiness would probably mean that you would always compare your life to it and it wouldn't live up to it and you would be less happy in the long run so you may as well enjoy it while it lasts

Would you be willing to pee in front of your friends?
Yeah - we often did at uni - we would sit and chat in the cubicle while the other ones peed


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The future 'Green' House! (NW England)
Congratulations on being spotlight!

1. What would be the first paragraph of your autobiography?

2. If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose?

3. When was the last time you got drunk on Lambrini?

4. There are you and two friends having a meal. They start and argument and won't cease. How do you calm the situation?

5. Who is your favourite artist?

6. Do you like to visit art galleries?

7. With money being no option, which piece of famous artwork would you buy for your home?

8. Do you like to paint/sculp/print etc?

That's all for now!
I'm sure I'll be back with more!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice

Congratulations on being spotlight!

1. What would be the first paragraph of your autobiography?
I wouldn't have an autobiography

2. If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose?
I wanted an elephant for my birthday when I was a kid so I will go with that one... but I am happy with my kitties and peanut

3. When was the last time you got drunk on Lambrini?

I haven't seen it over here so probably my farewell party a few nights before I left for Canada

4. There are you and two friends having a meal. They start and argument and won't cease. How do you calm the situation?
Chuck food at them?
Ummm most of my friends calm down pretty quickly so just talk the argument out with them and threaten to leave if they don't get over it

5. Who is your favourite artist?
My tatse varies greatly but I am a huge Turner fan (and loved working so close to the Tate that I could go in my lunch breaks) and love Klimt too - I really can't choose between the two

6. Do you like to visit art galleries?
Yes - and I am very upset that I was offered tickets that I was offered tickets to the opening of the Warhol exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario and couldn't go
but I still intend to go and see it before it closes in a few weeks.

7. With money being no option, which piece of famous artwork would you buy for your home?
Edvard Munch's The Scream - I love it, but it has a habit of being stolen (and may not be in great shape after its last time out of the galleries) so maybe Interior of the Fourth Dimension by Max Weber, for some reason I love it even though its not my usual taste.

8. Do you like to paint/sculp/print etc?
I am more of a craft person (scrapbooking, needlecraft etc)

That's all for now!
I'm sure I'll be back with more!


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I bet you liked the way he was shirtless in part of this week's episode!

Still thinking of questions


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
My sister called to say that she hated Camille for sleeping with him - but I always like to see him shirtless

A while back my mum got me a huge poster of him in a bath tub - I love my mum
my BF was less than impressed though


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I'm still not awake, so not many ?'s from me -

What is your favorite font?
Was is hard adjusting to living in Canada after living in the UK?
How did you met your boyfriend?
Tell me about the perfect margarita - frozen or on the rocks, salt or no salt, top shelf or not, etc.
Are you a margarita snob?
What is your favorite thing to eat with margaritas?