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  1. C

    Kiarra and Prufrock's Thread!

    These are mainly of the kitten that I am keeping, the all black one, her name is Kiarra, and my best friend's cat, Prufrock, I know weird name lol, she is the Siamese one. ENJOY and brace yourself MANY PICS Me and kiarra^^ Proud Momma LOVE THAT ONE...
  2. C

    Kit and her litter

    Sorry these pics didnt work so i have to edit them, but i will post them in a new post in a few minutes They are one day old, born yesterday sometime between 7 AM and 4 PM. We werent home for it, but cam home and there they were!
  3. C

    Kittens Are Here!

    Yay this is so exciting! My dad lives with them and I come vist every Wedsnday after school and every other weekend. This morning, he noticed that around 2:30 AM she was meowing pretty loud and by 4:00 she sounded like she was being tortured. Then he had to leave for work and he was wondering if...
  4. C

    My babies and I are new!

    Hey everyone! I am Natasha and I have a beautiful cat about to give birth to a few lovely kittens. I am not sure who the father is, because she has been out on late nights a lot......LOL. Her name is Kit-kat but Kit for short. She is about 7-9 weeks along with her pregnancy and things seem to be...
  5. C

    I have a question...

    My beautiful cat is pregnant and she has showed some interesting signs. She had a yellow greenish blob and she has a huge tummy, is figgety, constantly wanted to be petted and I was wondering when do you think she will give birth? Natasha