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  1. M

    Questions About Toxoplasmosis

    hello. my sister in law recently tested and found that she was positive(she's not pregnant), and my 4 years old niece was negative. and my sister usually plays a little and she never touches their feces or come near it, so is it possible that she got it from my cats? and to be fair there are a...
  2. M

    Mother Attacks Her Kittens

    My cat (2.5 years) had kittens (2 females) last april and she was caring and protective and everything was normal and they are not weaned so far, yesterday she started acting up and growls and hisses if they go near her and she started to attack them, i keep them separate but i don't want to...
  3. M

    Is this kitten's belly abnormal?

    This is ZoZo, an abandoned stray kitten we found when he was about a week and a half, he has been with us for almost six weeks now, lately i have noticed that his belly is rounded maybe a little big, I'm not really sure, so do you think that it's abnormal or am i just over noticing? These...
  4. M

    Cat Biting aggression

    So my cat who is 1.5 years became aggressive and started to bite and scratch my feet, its mostly playful bites but now sometimes when i pet her then start to walk to other rooms she runs behind me and try to to grab my foot biting and scratching it hard, i know she thinks its playing but i don't...
  5. M

    are cats in heat in danger? (help please)

    my cat is not spayed and she's constantly in heat i wanted to know is it dangerous to leave her without mating for a long time, and is there a way to stop any harm  ? (other than spaying it's not really an option for me )  i don't want to breed her but i don't want to hurt her either, so please...