Search Results

  1. ovetia

    Cats wearing themselves out

    I've had Ollie for about three months now, and I've noticed one funny/interesting thing since we've let him start sleeping in the bedroom. My husband and I normally play with Ollie for ~20-30 mins at 9PM every night, give him food, attempt to brush him, then get ourselves ready for bed...
  2. ovetia

    Am I feeding my cat enough?

    Hi everyone Been trying to transition my cat (Ollie) from free-feeding dry food to a mixture of wet/dry on a set meal schedule. My husband and I have ran into some hiccups about this along the way (diarrhea which may be a parasite, waiting on test results) but at the moment Ollie is on 4 small...
  3. ovetia

    Introducing Myself & Ollie

    I'm Ovetia, and I adopted this little fuzzball not quite two months ago. My living situation means I needed an indoor-only kitty for a place that pretty much assumes everyone will be able to let their cat outdoors, so I flung emails everywhere to see if anyone had a cat for adoption that could...