Search Results

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    Here is My Russian Blue!

    Here is my Russian Blue -- Buffy!
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    Vote for Buffy!

    Hey! The July Petendipity contest began today and I would appreciate (as would Buffy) any votes you could send our way. Once on the site, click on "Vote in the Cat-endipity Contest". Here is the address: Click here for a picture of Buffy...
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    Vote for Buffy

    Hey! The July Petendipity contest began today and I would appreciate (as would Buffy) any votes you could send our way. Once on the site, click on "Vote in the Cat-endipity Contest". Here is the address: Click here for a picture of Buffy...
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    Anyone heard from Marianjela recently?

    I was wondering if anyone had heard from a member, Marianjela, recently? She posted pictures of Willow and her "acorns" -- Nacho, Frito, Dorito and Wilbur. I haven't seen anything for a month and I am concerned if she and the kitties are OK.
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    Look at these babies!

    I know this site is for kitties, but I wanted you all to see the duck I have been feeding since last summer and her five baby ducklings. Mommy duck has had a hard time -- she had six babies last June 6, 2004. A couple were eaten by a snapping turtle, and the rest were hit by passing cars down...
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    This is Buffy!

    Enjoy the photo album of Buffy!