Search Results

  1. chelsea0824

    Kitten has strange cut/rug burn on back of neck?

    I recently noticed that my 8 month old female has what looks like either a cut or a rug burn on the back of her neck. I noticed it about 3 or 4 days ago and i have been cleaning it and keeping an eye on it, but I can't quite figure out how she got it, it is a full circle and the fur around it...
  2. chelsea0824

    Kitten Development issues?

    I have two sister kittens going on 8 months old. One of them is doing great, started going in heat, lost a few baby teeth, and is understanding of litter boxes and so on. Her sister however, is still confused about using the litter box, has not lost any baby teeth, and her whiskers keep falling...
  3. chelsea0824

    I have no clue

    I have two kittens, a brother and sister they turn 7 months tomorrow and I got curious and want to know what their breed is, anyone have a clue?