Search Results

  1. robynandcakecat

    How do I get my cat to use and get used to her new cat condo?

    Hi recently bought a cat condo for my cat and I'm having trouble on getting her to use it. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Robynandcakecat
  2. robynandcakecat

    My cat has segments I believe, what is the best way to treat this?

    My cat was sitting on my bed and then I found this small 3mm long worm next to her. How do I treat this? Thanks, Kind regards robynandcakecat
  3. robynandcakecat

    What does it mean when my cat wiggles the very tip of her tail quickly?

    Lately my cat has been wiggling the very tip of her tail quickly every now and again when I'm near her and sometimes when I'm not. She hasn't been aggressive or anything unusual but I do not no why she is doing it. Any help or answers would be appreciated, Thanks, robynandcakecat