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  1. S

    help needed!! naughty dirty cat!!

    Hi, I had a friend that went through something similar - $550.00 in vet bills and Prednisone, etc., etc. I CURED THAT CAT  - FIND CORN-FREE CANNED FOOD. I don't remember the brand I found, sorry. I can not promise it will help your cat, but it is worth a try. His poor cat was EMBARRASED! ...
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    cold kitten

    Hi, I am going to jump in here... I have had orphaned, feral kittens with "Failure to Thrive." And the "Deep Sleep" state you describe. The vet NEVER figured out WHY they would not wake up from a "Coma like" state. As per my Vet -  I would rub them vigorously with a towel to stimulate them...
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    Can cats ever scent-mark lying down?

    Hi, Thanks for the update. I was wondering about  how both of you were doing. (Once again, I was in the hospital, and I am behind on my e-mails. I do not have a "Smart Phone", to receive and send emails from the hospital.)  My next  e-mail,There are some Baby Kittens - that should be here by...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    Hi, Thank you for all your kind words.  I seem to have "been in the right place at the right time". It is not so much the info anyone might have,  as it is "Moral Support", at that hour of the morning.  No one likes to think they are "alone in the world" , with a possible problem... It is...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    Hi, I posted YOUR objection to the Isopropyl Alcohol. I was told to do this by MY trusted vet. Thank you for your welcome. Cindy
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    Hi, NO BABIES YET??!! BEFORE I CONTINUE, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTE:  FOR INFO:  StefanZ. (An Advisor), Commented that he DID NOT LIKE  "The Isopropyl  Alcohol on a damp cloth" , I suggested for quickly bringing down a high fever in Kittens & Cats. Since I don't know his background or...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    I am so happy I can help.  I am sure there are some that do not post and just "listen", and that is okay too. I guess when they have something to say, they will jump in. Right now, I have to go fix my arm.  Ashes just ripped my with 4 - three corner tears!  I doubt he will ever stop that!! And...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    HI, actually THE ears ARE A GOOD PLACE TO START. (LIKE  RABBITS, CAT'S EARS DISAPATE  BODY HEAT. BUT ANY WHERE SHE WILL LET YOU TOUCH HER, RIGHT NOW.  YOU SAID SHE IS TOUCHY ABOUT HER BELLY.- SO LEAVE IT ALONE! (Sorry cap lock was on.) Just try to be near with out invading her space.  If she...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    hI, p.s. I DON'T KNOW WHERE ALL THE EXPECTANT CATS ARE ... BUT A falling barometer , WITH A STORM COMING IS LIKELY TO TRIGGER LABOR! Wish you were ALLhere!  My storm from the Pacific will be here - SOON and the barometer is CRASHING!
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    Hi, Sounds like you are set up as a Birthing center.  Good Job! Now we hope you don't need any of it but the camera! I got home a bit a go after a very taxing day,  with no sleep last night.  (My friend starts Chemo tomorrow... Then 6 weeks of radiation, one day off, six more weeks of...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    P.S. I recommend the :CAT OWNER'S SURVIVAL MANUAL, BY CLAIRE HORTON-BUSSEY AND DAVID GODFREY The Pics are awesome and the cartoons are wild! If you can't buy it, borrow one or see if the library has one. I think you will enjoy it and the knowledge in it is simple, well written and hysterical...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    My mom told me in the old westerns when a woman was in labor - They said "Boil some water, someone get the whiskey", etc.  She said it was NOT for the BIRTH - It was for "HOT TODDY's" I will be watching for the cute baby pictures you will post and brag about! A couple more "deliveries" and...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    I will be gone to a Dr. appt. from about 9:45 until they are done with me. Best of luck to you and all the cute babies on the way! Cheers, Cindy P.S. I will be watching for awhile.  no sleep, just a shower and off I go.
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    Maybe you should get out the BRANDY - for you.  It might make the waiting easier.  If you already have it handled - take a breath and kick back. My mom raised Canaries, tea cup chihawas (Can't spell that at this hour!), and Siamese kittens!!  I grew up at an early age with the "Miracle  of...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    I guess I wasn't clear - TO CUT COTTON CORD, or THREAD not umbilical cord. It can also be boiled and left in the water to cool. Also, after the babies are born, and the nest is made. I use canvas nailed or Velcro to a box (wood or cardboard), make a "hammock" so all the babies are in one place...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    It sounds like it is too late for pictures. Ha! Ha! If you don't already have sissors, cotton twine, etc. sterilized in alcohol - now might be a good time to do that.  You may need a clean towel to stimulate the kitten, break the sack and cut the umbilical cord ---ONLY IF MOM CAT DOES NOT STAY...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    Hi, Thanks for jumping in! The last litter I was with was about 30 years ago. You probably have more recent memory than I do. I jumped in so they weren't alone.  I am better than nothing.  ha! ha! cindy
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    It sounds like labor IS starting.  Can you get her in a box, or get some towels under her? You don't want the mess, or babies rolling off the bed. I will be here, you can update me. I see there are several watching us, maybe they have more recent bithings than I do. 
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    Hey Kiddo, Where did you go? Did you get bored and fall asleep? The last queen came between my husbands chair and mine - and gave a GRUNT!  We were giving her some privacy.  She DID NOT WANT PRIVACY - she wanted us with her! I said, "I am going to shower, this could be a looong night."  He...
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    Is my cat going into labor???

    You may not be able to see the contractions until they really get going.  I will not ask you to stick a thermometer up her butt, but can you pet her and see if she feels cooler than "normal" to you?  the hand is very sensitive and you can make a guess. I don't know how much YOU know about...