Search Results

  1. B

    Is my cat scratching me while I'm sleeping?

    My cat BabyKitty and I have been best friends for both of our lives and she dosent seem to have any reason to hurt me. During the day, she's all over me, always purring and using me as a pillow. Recently, I've been waking up with more and more scratches on either side of my nose and I can't find...
  2. B

    Concerned About Brown Gunk in Ears

    All cats that I've lived with that I have been able to observe up-close have had dried blood on the skin with little fur in front of the ears, but this, is strange. My cat BabyKitty has lots of brown gunk in the insides of her ears. She definitely is not happy about this and scratches it often...
  3. B

    Cat Positions

    Sometimes photos and videos catch cats in cute, funny, or just plain strange positions. I'm a huge fan of these captures, whether it's as simple as a cat yawning, or the cat thinks they are, well, anything but a cat. Feel free to post this kind of content in this thread! To start off, here I...
  4. B


    Hey guys! BabyKitty is my wonderful cat. My mom says she's a weird one but I like her. The person who gave her away after their cat gave birth to two kittens said that they should have kept her instead because the one they kept was a real biter (they mean this jokingly, but their cat does bite a...