Search Results

  1. mister tigger

    Just euthanized my 16-17 year little Pumpkin - Not sure if I did the right thing

    My previous kitty had FIP and I made the decision to end his suffering when he had to get his second abdominal tap. By that time, his quality of life was already so poor. He was lethargic, weak, barely eating...sweetest kitten I'll ever meet. But when I brought him in to the vet that day, I was...
  2. mister tigger

    Is cat vomitting normal?

    Hi all, My adopted stray has been throwing up pretty sporadically, and it's almost always accompanied by a hairball. He threw up all over my bed today when I was at work, and once beside me last weekend. The time before that was maybe a month ago, but he does the hacking cough at least once a...
  3. mister tigger

    caring for an older emaciated cat

    Hi there, First of all, just want to thank you for taking her into your care...she's very lucky to have you, and you saved her life. I adopted a stray adult cat from the shelter three months ago, and he was VERY emaciated at the time. It took a few weeks at least before I stopped seeing his...
  4. mister tigger

    Behavioral Issues- Separation Anxiety?

    I adopted a shelter cat a few months ago and he's adjusted well. He's very loving and sweet. However, whenever I leave the home for work in the mornings, he becomes very agitated and active. He will swipe at me and run around the studio like crazy, hide and ambush, and lie on top of my shoes or...
  5. mister tigger

    Need help with adopted shelter stray cat!

    Hi all-- thanks for the insights. Here is an update: This will be our forth night together, and it's been rough but better. His stalking tapered down; he's happily trotting and seems more receptive and confident than before. He will greet me after work, rub his head all over my legs, and head...
  6. mister tigger

    Need help with adopted shelter stray cat!

    Hi all-- after the loss of my kitty, I started visiting the local animal shelter more frequently to play with the animals. I ended up taking one of the stray cats home with me this past weekend; he is a 4 year old male orange tabby/Maine Coon mix (I think?), recently neutered, all the...
  7. 182329747.jpg


  8. mister tigger

    New Persian Kitty Struggling

    It turns out he has was a nightmare diagnosis, but I was able to spend one last week with him caring for him and keeping him loved and comfortable. It was very difficult and I didn't know much about this illness until this. I really didn't think it would be this bad.
  9. mister tigger

    New Persian Kitty Struggling

    Hi all, Firstly, thank you for your patience in reading this. I recently purchased a Persian kitten (he's about 5 months old) and had no trouble acclimating him to my studio in the first two weeks. He would play with toys, cuddled, and had a pretty generous appetite. It has been a month since...