Search Results

  1. R

    Flying cross-country with cat

    I'm considering working abroad and to be with someone in particular... And I'm weighing the options of taking the "kids" with me. Mainly because there are not many here who can actually spend the level of care they need. They are rather particular on who takes care of them. I have seen...
  2. R

    Food Allergies or Bulimia

    Hello all, I'm quite new to the forum but I could not help notice this post. My cat Zara has something similar to this problem. I'm sure she's not aspiring to be a supermodel... Even as a kitten she use to "hoover" her food and run. Then again she was a stray kitten and very tiny. This is...
  3. R

    Hi all

    Hello folks, my name is Rolo, I stumbled across this forum and I'm a new member with me little girls: Zara and Ookie. (Pictures to follow soon) Zara's the four year old mum, all black, with a mark of god on her chest, uber lightweight and stealthy and really finicky for a sagittarius cat...