Search Results

  1. potatocat

    Bringing my cat to school..?

    On exam review day, my fam is moving so my mom asked me to take Potato with me to school. He needs to be away from the house so he doesn't get hurt by the movers or furniture or, more probably, bother my parents lol. I'm an only child so no one else can take him away as my parents are helping...
  2. potatocat

    Kitten spilled bottle of lotion, eye is irritated

    I recently got a kitten and he's been up to some trouble lately. After I got out of the shower, my mom came to me with Potato (his real name is Zoro but he looks awfully like a potato) the kitten and told me that he spilled some kind of cream/lotion which got in his face (his left eye was...