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  1. N

    Daisy won't accept new kitten - tried everything but the attacks continue

    I've read numerous threads here about this and tried lots of different things but I am still at square one. Daisy is six years old and in the past I have introduced 2 new adult male cats to the household without a problem.  In September I rescued a little female kitten called Minnie who was 12...
  2. N

    Calicivirus -is Interferon the correct treatment? and am I supposed to sacrifice my cat????

    Until two weeks ago I had never heard of calicivirus and now I am spiraling into confusion and dread. I had two healthy cats - Daisy and Teddy - and decided to adopt a third kitten from a shelter 3 weeks ago.  Both Daisy and Teddy are vaccinated against Calicivirus.   A couple of weeks later...