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  1. T

    intoducing my cat to a dog

    Okay so I'm fifteen and I get this cat in January and she was for weeks old, and she's a big cat now and when she was younger I think about may she jumped the fence and sadly there was a pitbull there and the pitbull cornered her in the corner of their house I had to go get her and she was...
  2. T

    When Will the Kittens be Born

    I just took that one how long does she have till shes gonna give birth
  3. T

    When Will the Kittens be Born

    My cat is finally in labour her mucus plug just came out and she is having uterine contractions but I don't know how long she has till she drops heres a photo of her
  4. When Will the Kittens be Born

    When Will the Kittens be Born

  5. 1446162731625.jpg


  6. T

    When Will the Kittens be Born

    Hey I'm new here and I have a pregnant cat I did have to who's heat was very close together, my cat zoomzoom had her kittens a few days ago Monday to be exact and now I'm just waiting for my cat tyga to have hers so I was reading a link on Google and it said I can take her temp in her armpit and...
  7. T

    When Will the Kittens be Born

    Hey I'm new here and I have a pregnant cat her name is tyga andi cn feel her baby's moving and I can also see them move. I took her temp under her armpit the first one was 37.4 C and I took this this morning and now it is 35.0 C does that mean she's close to labour or should I do it again and...